285 research outputs found

    Pflanzen- und ackerbauliche Maßnahmen zur Ampferbekämpfung auf Acker- und Grünlandflächen unter den Produktionsbedingungen des Ökologischen Landbaus

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    In Ökologisch wirtschaftenden Betrieben stellen Ampferarten, vor allen Dingen Rumex crispus und R. obtusifolius, weit verbreitete und hartnäckige Unkräuter sowohl im Acker als auch im Grünland dar. In diesem Beitrag werden Ergebnisse zur vegetativen und generativen Vermehrung von Ampfer vorgestellt, die auf der Versuchsstation für Ökologischen Landbau Kleinhohenheim der Universität Hohenheim im Jahr 2000 erhoben wurden. In Keimtests wurde die Keimbereitschaft von Ampfersamen unterschiedlichen Alters (Zeiternten in wöchentlichen Abständen von Mitte Mai bis Ende Juni) untersucht, um so einen Anhaltspunkt über den Einfluß des Schnittzeitpunkts von Grünland auf die generative Verbreitung von Ampfer zu erhalten. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, daß die Keimbereitschaft der Samen zur Heureife nur gering war. Mit zunehmender Reife der Pflanzen stieg jedoch die Keimbereitschaft auf Werte über 80 % an (Prüfung bei Dauerlicht und Wechseltemperatur). In einem zweiten Versuch wurden auf einer Ackerfläche etablierte Ampferpflanzen durch teilweises Entfernen von Sproß- und Wurzelmasse beschädigt und nach sechs Wochen Sproß- und Wurzelmasse erhoben. Hierbei zeigte sich, daß eine nachhaltige Bekämpfung um so eher möglich war, je mehr Biomasse von den Pflanzen entfernt wurde. Die Beschädigung der Pflanzen mit dem Ampferstecher erwies sich hierbei als eine besonders effektive Methode. Die Ergebnisse der beiden Versuche zeigen somit, daß es wirkungsvolle nicht chemische Kontrollmaßnahmen gibt, um die Verbreitung von Ampfer einzuschränken. In dem Beitrag wird die Frage diskutiert, warum Ampferarten im Ökologischen Landbau dennoch ein weit verbreitetes Problem darstellen. Pekrun, Carola und Jund, Dorothea und Hofrichter, Veit und Wagner, Susanne und Thumm, Ulrich und Claupein, Wilhelm (2002) Pflanzen- und ackerbauliche Maßnahmen zur Ampferbekämpfung auf Acker- und Grünlandflächen unter den Produktionsbedingungen des Ökologischen Landbaus [Indirect means of weed control against Rumex spec. on arable fields and grassland in organic farming]. Zeitschrift Pflanzenkrankheiten Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft XVIII:533-540

    Perceived privacy violations through information sharing with external parties – Diving into user perceptions and reactions

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    We see more and more incidents where user information collected by digital services is shared with external parties. Users becoming aware of such information (mis-)uses may perceive a privacy violation. In this study, we want to understand when, why, and how the sharing of information with external parties is perceived as a privacy violation and what consequences such a perception entails. Employing the Critical Incident Technique (CIT) as a methodology, we inductively derive characteristics of real-world incidents of perceived privacy violations due to the sharing of information with external parties and users’ perceptions and reactions thereto. We present preliminary results of our first qualitative data analysis as well subsequent steps to advance this research in progress

    Unraveling User Perceptions of Interorganizational Information Sharing

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    Collecting large amounts of user information is becoming an increasingly important source of value for businesses. Such data sets may be expanded through engaging in value co-creation with other organizations. Sharing user information across organizations, however, might evoke users’ privacy concerns. Existing mechanisms and concepts developed in prior information privacy research on sharing information between one user and one organization may no longer apply as multiple organizations become involved. This creates the necessity to understand more granularly how users perceive privacy situations that involve sharing their information across organizations – and how their concerns may be alleviated through control mechanisms. Employing the lens of Communication Privacy Management (CPM) theory, we conceptualize this phenomenon as Interorganizational Information Sharing (IIS) and theorize on perceived uncertainty and control to unravel user perceptions in IIS. We present our ideas for a research model, as well as our planned methodology for empirical validation

    Users’ privacy perceptions in interorganizational information sharing

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    Existing privacy theories shed light on the mechanisms at work when users decide to share information with an organization – yet do not sufficiently encompass the common practice of sharing user information across organizations. This research study introduces the concept of Interorganizational Information Sharing (IIS) and theorizes on boundary uncertainty and boundary control to develop a model of privacy perceptions in IIS. To empirically validate this model, we collect data through an online survey in the context of smart fitness devices. Our research aims at advancing and articulating the concept of IIS, conceptualizing privacy perceptions based on that understanding, and subsequently relating those perceptions to behavioral intentions to protect privacy in IIS. We thereby contribute to IS privacy literature, considering the complexity of information sharing relationships in a granular manner


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    We see more and more incidents where users’ information collected by digital services is shared with external parties. Users becoming aware of such information (mis-)uses may perceive a privacy violation. In this study, we want to understand when, why, and how such external unauthorized secondary use (EUSU) is perceived as a privacy violation and what consequences such a perception entails. Employing the Critical Incident Technique (CIT), we inductively derive characteristics of real-world incidents of perceived privacy violations through EUSU and users’ perceptions and responses thereto. We present preliminary results of our qualitative data analysis as well as potential contributions of this research-in-progress study. As a next step, we plan to relate characteristics with responses through Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

    Perceived privacy violations through unauthorized secondary use - diving into user's perceptions and responses

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    We see more and more incidents where users’ information collected by digital services is shared with external parties. Users becoming aware of such information (mis-)uses may perceive a privacy violation. In this study, we want to understand when, why, and how such external unauthorized secondary use (EUSU) is perceived as a privacy violation and what consequences such a perception entails. Employing the Critical Incident Technique (CIT), we inductively derive characteristics of real-world incidents of perceived privacy violations through EUSU and users’ perceptions and responses thereto. We present preliminary results of our qualitative data analysis as well as potential contributions of this research-in-progress study. As a next step, we plan to relate characteristics with responses through Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

    The ethnic diversity and collective action survey (EDCAS): technical report

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    "The EDCA-Survey is a large scale CATI telephone survey conducted in three countries: Germany, France and the Netherlands. The survey was designed to test theoretical arguments on the effects of ethnic diversity on social capital and civic engagement. This aim demands for a sophisticated design. The survey is not representative for the entire populations of Germany, France or the Netherlands. Instead, the basic population is the population over the age of 18 in 74 selected regions in Germany, France and the Netherlands that have sufficient language skills to conduct an interview in the language of their country of residence, or in the case of the oversample of people with Turkish migration background to conduct the interview in Turkish. The aim of the survey is to enable the comparison of these 74 regions, which vary on contextual characteristics of interest. In addition, the EDCA-Survey includes one oversample of migrants in general (24%) and an additional second oversample of Turkish migrants in particular (14%). The oversampling is the same within each of the 74 regions, each of which has about 100 observations and seven specially chosen cities even 500. This survey design is an important characteristic of the EDCA-Survey and distinguishes it from other available data. This is important since one aim of the EDCA-Survey is to enable the aggregation of contextual characteristics from the survey itself. Overall, 10.200 completed interviews were conducted - 7500 in Germany, 1400 in France and 1300 in the Netherlands." (author's abstract)"Der EDCA-Survey ist eine CATI gestützte Telefonumfrage, die in Deutschland, Frankreich und den Niederlanden durchgeführt wurde. Die Umfrage wurde mit dem Ziel erhoben, Effekte ethnischer Diversität auf Sozialkapital und Zivilengagement zu untersuchen. Dieses Vorhaben setzt ein komplexes Surveydesign voraus. So ist die Umfrage nicht repräsentativ für die Bevölkerungen von Deutschland, Frankreich und den Niederlanden. Stattdessen bildet die Grundgesamtheit die Bevölkerung von 74 ausgewählten Regionen der drei Länder, die über die Sprachfertigkeit verfügen, ein Interview in der Landessprache oder gegebenenfalls auf Türkisch zu führen. Ziel ist der Vergleich dieser 74 Regionen, die sich hinsichtlich verschiedener Charakteristika unterscheiden. Darüber hinaus weist der EDCA-Survey eine überproportionale Stichprobe von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund (24%) und eine zweite überproportionale Stichprobe von Personen mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund (14%) auf. Diese überproportionale Stichprobe wurde in jeder der 74 Regionen gezogen, in denen jeweils ca. 100 Interviews durchgeführt wurden. In sieben speziell ausgesuchten Regionen wurden 500 Interviews geführt. Dieses Surveydesign ist ein zentrales Charakteristikum des EDCA-Surveys und ermöglicht die Aggregation von Kontextmerkmalen aus dem Survey. Insgesamt wurden 10.200 vollständige Interviews erhoben – 7500 in Deutschland, 1400 in Frankreich und 1300 in den Niederlanden." (Autorenreferat

    The PI3K∂-Selective Inhibitor Idelalisib Induces T- and NK-Cell Dysfunction Independently of B-Cell Malignancy-Associated Immunosuppression

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    B-cell receptors, multiple receptor tyrosine kinases, and downstream effectors are constitutively active in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) B cells. Activation of these pathways results in resistance to apoptosis and enhanced survival of the leukemic cells. Idelalisib is a highly selective inhibitor of the PI3K p110∂ isoform and is approved for the treatment of CLL in patients with relapsed/refractory disease or in those harboring 17p deletions or tp53 mutations. Despite the initial excitement centered around high response rates in clinical trials of idelalisib, its therapeutic success has been hindered by the incidence of severe opportunistic infections. To examine the potential contribution of idelalisib to the increased risk of infection, we investigated the effects of idelalisib on the immune cell compartments of healthy donors (HDs) and CLL patients. PI3K∂ blockade by idelalisib reduced the expression levels of inhibitory checkpoint molecules in T cells isolated from both HDs and CLL patients. In addition, the presence of idelalisib in cultures significantly decreased T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity and granzyme B secretion, as well as cytokine secretion levels in both cohorts. Furthermore, idelalisib reduced the proliferation and cytotoxicity of HD NK cells. Collectively, our data demonstrate that both human T and NK cells are highly sensitive to PI3K∂ inhibition. Idelalisib interfered with the functions of T and NK cell cells from both HDs and CLL patients. Therefore, idelalisib might contribute to an increased risk of infections regardless of the underlying B-cell malignancy