1,122 research outputs found

    Shock, but no Shift: Hospitals\u27 Responses to Changes in Patient Insurance Mix

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    Medicaid reimburses healthcare providers for services at a lower rate than any other type of insurance coverage. To account for the burden of treating Medicaid patients, providers claim that they must cost-shift by raising the rates of individuals covered by private insurance. Previous investigations of cost-shifting has produced mixed results. In this paper, I exploit a disabled Medicaid expansion where crowd-out was complete to investigate cost-shifting. I find that hospitals reduce the charge rates of the privately insured. Given that Medicaid is expanding in several states under the Affordable Care Act, these results may alleviate cost-shifting concerns of the reform

    Medicaid Expansions for the Working Age Disabled: Revisiting the Crowd-out of Private Health Insurance

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    Disabled individuals under 65 years old account for 15% of Medicaid recipients but half of all Medicaid spending. Despite their large cost, few studies have investigated the effects of Medicaid expansions for disabled individuals on insurance coverage and crowd-out of private insurance. Using an eligibility expansion that allowed states to provide Medicaid to disabled individuals with incomes less than 100% of the federal poverty level, I address these issues. Crowd-out estimates range from 49% using an ordinary least squares procedure to 100% using two-stage least-squares analysis. This potentially large degree of crowd-out could have fiscal implications for the Affordable Care Act which has greatly expanded Medicaid eligibility in 2014

    (WP 2017-02) The Great Recession and Public Education

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    We examine the impact of the Great Recession on K-12 education finance and employment and generate five key results. First, nearly 300,000 school employees lost their jobs. Second, schools that were heavily dependent financially on state governments were particularly vulnerable to the recession. Third local revenues from the property tax actually increased during the recession, primarily because millage rates rose in response to declining property values. Fourth, inequality in school spending rose sharply during the Great Recession. Fifth, the federal government’s efforts to shield education from some of the worst effects of the recession achieved their major goal

    The Great Recession and Public Education

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    We examine the impact of the Great Recession on public education finance and employment. Five major themes emerge from our work. First, nearly 300,000 school employees lost their jobs. Second, schools that were heavily dependent financially on state governments were particularly vulnerable to the recession. Third, local revenues from the property tax actually increased during the recession, primarily because millage rates rose in response to declining property values. Fourth, inequality in school spending rose sharply during the Great Recession. We argue, however, that we need to be very cautious about this result. School spending inequality has risen steadily since 2000; the trend in inequality we see in the 2008-13 period is very similar to the trend we see in the 2000-08 period. Fifth, the federal government\u27s efforts to shield education from some of the worst effects of the recession achieved their major goal

    Silencing DUX4 Expression in FSHD Cells by CRISPR

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    Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD) is an autosomal dominant neuromuscular disease affecting 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 15,000 individuals and is characterized by progressive weakness in the facial, scapular, humeral, truncal, and lower extremity muscles (Tawil and Van Der Maarel Muscle Nerve 2006). FSHD is associated with the contraction of the D4Z4 microsatellite repeat below a threshold number of repeats (Wijmenga et al., Nat. Genet, 1992), allowing the transcription of the DUX4 gene contained within the last repeat (Snider et al., PLoS Gen, 2010). The disease only develops when DUX4 is expressed from a chromosome with the permissive 4qA allele, which contains a polyadenylation signal (PAS) that stabilizes the DUX4 transcript (Lemmers et al., Science, 2010). We are using CRISPR technology to investigate the possibility that disruption of the PAS in cells derived from FSHD patients could prevent expression of the DUX4 protein and restore the cell to a less affected phenotype. We will then take advantage of the high reprogramming efficiency of FSHD cells and generate iPSC from FSHD muscle cells with the repressed DUX4 allele, and determine if they have a similar phenotype to iPS cells derived from non-affected individuals. Finally, we will use the highly-engraftable iPS cells in xenograft experiments to determine if the DUX4-silenced iPSCs repopulate injured muscle more efficiently than unaltered FSHD-derived iPSC, and evaluate their potential for use as therapeutics

    Individual epigenetic status of the pathogenic D4Z4 macrosatellite correlates with disease in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy

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    BACKGROUND: Both forms of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) are associated with aberrant epigenetic regulation of the chromosome 4q35 D4Z4 macrosatellite. Chromatin changes due to large deletions of heterochromatin (FSHD1) or mutations in chromatin regulatory proteins (FSHD2) lead to relaxation of epigenetic repression and increased expression of the deleterious double homeobox 4 (DUX4) gene encoded within the distal D4Z4 repeat. However, many individuals with the genetic requirements for FSHD remain asymptomatic throughout their lives. Here we investigated family cohorts of FSHD1 individuals who were either affected (manifesting) or without any discernible weakness (nonmanifesting/asymptomatic) and their unaffected family members to determine if individual epigenetic status and stability of repression at the contracted 4q35 D4Z4 array in myocytes correlates with FSHD disease. RESULTS: Family cohorts were analyzed for DNA methylation on the distal pathogenic 4q35 D4Z4 repeat on permissive A-type subtelomeres. We found DNA hypomethylation in FSHD1-affected subjects, hypermethylation in healthy controls, and distinctly intermediate levels of methylation in nonmanifesting subjects. We next tested if these differences in DNA methylation had functional relevance by assaying DUX4-fl expression and the stability of epigenetic repression of DUX4-fl in myogenic cells. Treatment with drugs that alter epigenetic status revealed that healthy cells were refractory to treatment, maintaining stable repression of DUX4, while FSHD1-affected cells were highly responsive to treatment and thus epigenetically poised to express DUX4. Myocytes from nonmanifesting subjects had significantly higher levels of DNA methylation and were more resistant to DUX4 activation in response to epigenetic drug treatment than cells from FSHD1-affected first-degree relatives containing the same contraction, indicating that the epigenetic status of the contracted D4Z4 array is reflective of disease. CONCLUSIONS: The epigenetic status of the distal 4qA D4Z4 repeat correlates with FSHD disease; FSHD-affected subjects have hypomethylation, healthy unaffected subjects have hypermethylation, and nonmanifesting subjects have characteristically intermediate methylation. Thus, analysis of DNA methylation at the distal D4Z4 repeat could be used as a diagnostic indicator of developing clinical FSHD. In addition, the stability of epigenetic repression upstream of DUX4 expression is a key regulator of disease and a viable therapeutic target

    Influence of Total Western Diet on Docosahexaenoic Acid Suppression of Silica-Triggered Lupus Flaring in NZBWF1 Mice

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    Lupus is a debilitating multi-organ autoimmune disease clinically typified by periods of flare and remission. Exposing lupus-prone female NZBWF1 mice to crystalline silica (cSiO2), a known human autoimmune trigger, mimics flaring by inducing interferon-related gene (IRG) expression, inflammation, ectopic lymphoid structure (ELS) development, and autoantibody production in the lung that collectively accelerate glomerulonephritis. cSiO2-triggered flaring in this model can be prevented by supplementing mouse diet with the ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). A limitation of previous studies was the use of purified diet that, although optimized for rodent health, does not reflect the high American intake of saturated fatty acid (SFA), ω-6 PUFAs, and total fat. To address this, we employed here a modified Total Western Diet (mTWD) emulating the 50th percentile U.S. macronutrient distribution to discern how DHA supplementation and/or SFA and ω-6 reduction influences cSiO2-triggered lupus flaring in female NZBWF1 mice. Six-week-old mice were fed isocaloric experimental diets for 2 wks, intranasally instilled with cSiO2 or saline vehicle weekly for 4 wks, and tissues assessed for lupus endpoints 11 wks following cSiO2 instillation. In mice fed basal mTWD, cSiO2 induced robust IRG expression, proinflammatory cytokine and chemokine elevation, leukocyte infiltration, ELS neogenesis, and autoantibody production in the lung, as well as early kidney nephritis onset compared to vehicle-treated mice fed mTWD. Consumption of mTWD containing DHA at the caloric equivalent to a human dose of 5 g/day dramatically suppressed induction of all lupus-associated endpoints. While decreasing SFA and ω-6 in mTWD modestly inhibited some disease markers, DHA addition to this diet was required for maximal protection against lupus development. Taken together, DHA supplementation at a translationally relevant dose was highly effective in preventing cSiO2-triggered lupus flaring in NZBWF1 mice, even against the background of a typical Western diet

    DGIdb 5.0: Rebuilding the Drug-Gene Interaction Database for precision medicine and drug discovery platforms

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    The Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb, https://dgidb.org) is a publicly accessible resource that aggregates genes or gene products, drugs and drug-gene interaction records to drive hypothesis generation and discovery for clinicians and researchers. DGIdb 5.0 is the latest release and includes substantial architectural and functional updates to support integration into clinical and drug discovery pipelines. The DGIdb service architecture has been split into separate client and server applications, enabling consistent data access for users of both the application programming interface (API) and web interface. The new interface was developed in ReactJS, and includes dynamic visualizations and consistency in the display of user interface elements. A GraphQL API has been added to support customizable queries for all drugs, genes, annotations and associated data. Updated documentation provides users with example queries and detailed usage instructions for these new features. In addition, six sources have been added and many existing sources have been updated. Newly added sources include ChemIDplus, HemOnc, NCIt (National Cancer Institute Thesaurus), Drugs@FDA, HGNC (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee) and RxNorm. These new sources have been incorporated into DGIdb to provide additional records and enhance annotations of regulatory approval status for therapeutics. Methods for grouping drugs and genes have been expanded upon and developed as independent modular normalizers during import. The updates to these sources and grouping methods have resulted in an improvement in FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability) data representation in DGIdb

    Analysis of Myogenic and Candidate Disease Biomarkers in FSHD Muscle Cells

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    The UMMS Wellstone Program is a foundation and NIH-funded cooperative research center focusing on identifying biomarkers for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) to gain insight into the molecular pathology of the disease and to develop potential therapies. FSHD is characterized by progressive wasting of skeletal muscles, with weakness often initiating in facial muscles and muscles supporting the scapula and upper arms. While the genetics associated with FSHD are complex, the major form of the disease, FSHD1, is linked to contraction of the D4Z4 repeat region located at chromosome 4q. Recently, a transcript encoded at the distal end of the repeat region, Dux4-fl, normally expressed in embryonic stem cells and germ cells, was also detected in differentiated muscle cells and biopsies from FSHD subjects, giving rise to the hypothesis that DUX4-FL function contributes to muscle weakness. We established a repository of high quality, well-characterized primary and immortalized muscle cell strains from FSHD and control subjects in affected families to provide biomaterials for cell and molecular studies to the FSHD research community. qPCR and immunostaining analyses demonstrate similar growth and differentiation characteristics in cells from FSHD and control subjects within families. We detected Dux4-fl transcript and protein in FSHD cells as recently described; interestingly, we also detected Dux4-fl in muscle cells from a subset of control individuals, suggesting that any Dux4-fl-mediated myopathy would require additional modifying elements. Microarray analysis of FSHD and control muscle cells demonstrated that several genes were upregulated in FSHD cells, including genes that were concurrently identified as downstream targets of Dux4-fl and as candidate FSHD disease genes. Future studies will further characterize the RNA and protein expression of candidate disease genes in cells from FSHD and control subjects, including nonmanifesting subjects with the D4Z4 lesion but no muscle weakness, and utilizing whole transcriptome sequencing (RNAseq) to identify additional candidates

    Alcohol use disorder is associated with DNA methylation-based shortening of telomere length and regulated by TESPA1:implications for aging

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    Chronic heavy alcohol consumption is associated with increased mortality and morbidity and often leads to premature aging; however, the mechanisms of alcohol-associated cellular aging are not well understood. In this study, we used DNA methylation derived telomere length (DNAmTL) as a novel approach to investigate the role of alcohol use on the aging process. DNAmTL was estimated by 140 cytosine phosphate guanines (CpG) sites in 372 individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD) and 243 healthy controls (HC) and assessed using various endophenotypes and clinical biomarkers. Validation in an independent sample of DNAmTL on alcohol consumption was performed (N = 4219). Exploratory genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on DNAmTL were also performed to identify genetic variants contributing to DNAmTL shortening. Top GWAS findings were analyzed using in-silico expression quantitative trait loci analyses and related to structural MRI hippocampus volumes of individuals with AUD. DNAmTL was 0.11-kilobases shorter per year in AUD compared to HC after adjustment for age, sex, race, and blood cell composition (p = 4.0 × 10(−12)). This association was partially attenuated but remained significant after additionally adjusting for BMI, and smoking status (0.06 kilobases shorter per year, p = 0.002). DNAmTL shortening was strongly associated with chronic heavy alcohol use (ps < 0.001), elevated gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (ps < 0.004). Comparison of DNAmTL with PCR-based methods of assessing TL revealed positive correlations (R = 0.3, p = 2.2 × 10(−5)), highlighting the accuracy of DNAmTL as a biomarker. The GWAS meta-analysis identified a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), rs4374022 and 18 imputed ones in Thymocyte Expressed, Positive Selection Associated 1(TESPA1), at the genome-wide level (p = 3.75 × 10(−8)). The allele C of rs4374022 was associated with DNAmTL shortening, lower hippocampus volume (p < 0.01), and decreased mRNA expression in hippocampus tissue (p = 0.04). Our study demonstrates DNAmTL-related aging acceleration in AUD and suggests a functional role for TESPA1 in regulating DNAmTL length, possibly via the immune system with subsequent biological effects on brain regions negatively affected by alcohol and implicated in aging
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