2,525 research outputs found

    Méthode du linogramme octogonal pour la reconstruction d'une image 3D à partir de ses intégrales de plan

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    Ce travail concerne le problème de la reconstruction d'une image 3D à partir de ses intégrales de plan. Premièrement, nous présentons, d'une manière générale, le principe de la méthode linogramme. Ensuite, nous proposons une nouvelle application de cette méthode que nous appelions méthode linogramme octogonale. Celle-ci est bien adaptée pour reconstruire des objets à support cylindrique, tout en fournissant rapidement des images de bonne résolution

    Comment rater la validation de votre algorithme d'ordonnancement

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    National audienceImaginons que vous veniez de développer un nouvel algorithme d’ordonnancement : félicitations ! Pourdisposer d’informations qualitatives sur votre algorithme et le comparer à d’autres vous avez décidécomme beaucoup avant vous de réaliser des simulations. Très classiquement vos simulations portentsur des jeux de données aléatoires (ici, des graphes orientés acycliques)

    Estado, políticas sociais brasileiras e migração haitiana

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    In order to contribute to the debate on the permanence of Haitian immigrants in Brazil, this paper aims to identify and analyze Haitian immigrants' understandings about Brazilian social policies limited set out to attend to their demands. This is qualitative research, carried out with six Haitian immigrants residing in the municipality of Cambé (PR) between 2016 and 2018. The methodological procedures were organized in three stages: literature review, documental survey, and field research. Data collected through semi-structured interviews show the rediscovery of another model of interventional State by Haitian immigrants in Brazil when compared to the Haitian State, showing limitations in care. Those limitations are six-fold in the following: conditional employment availability; greater availability in the education of immigrant children, and reduced access by adults; free public health services and situations of racism and prejudice in care; difficulties in recognizing professional training diplomas from Haiti.Buscando contribuir al debate sobre la presencia de inmigrantes haitianos en Brasil, este trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar la comprensión de los inmigrantes haitianos sobre las políticas sociales brasileñas delimitadas para atender sus demandas. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, realizada con seis inmigrantes haitianos residentes en el municipio de Cambé (Paraná) entre 2016 y 2018. Los procedimientos metodológicos se organizaron en tres partes: revisión bibliográfica, levantamiento documental e investigación de campo. Los datos recolectados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas muestran el redescubrimiento de otro modelo de Estado intervencionista por parte de los inmigrantes haitianos en Brasil en comparación con el Estado haitiano. Este trabajo evidenció limitaciones en la atención, tales como: disponibilidad de empleo condicional; mayor disponibilidad en la educación de los niños inmigrantes y menor acceso a los adultos; los servicios de salud pública gratuitos y situaciones de racismo y prejuicio en la atención; dificultades para reconocer los títulos de formación profesional de Haití.  Buscando contribuir para o debate sobre a presença dos imigrantes haitianos no Brasil, este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar e analisar as compreensões deles acerca das políticas sociais brasileiras delimitadas ao atendimento de suas demandas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, realizada com seis imigrantes haitianos residentes no município de Cambé (PR) entre 2016 e 2018. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram organizados em três momentos: revisão bibliográfica, levantamento documental e pesquisa de campo. Dados captados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas evidenciam a redescoberta de outro modelo de Estado interventivo pelos imigrantes haitianos no Brasil ao compararem ao Estado haitiano, evidenciando limitações nos atendimentos, tais como: disponibilidade de emprego condicionada; maior disponibilidade na educação das crianças imigrantes e acesso reduzido pelos adultos; a gratuidade dos serviços de saúde pública e situações de racismo e preconceito nos atendimentos; dificuldades para reconhecimento dos diplomas da formação profissional no Haiti

    Comment rater la validation de votre algorithme d'ordonnancement

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    National audienceImaginons que vous veniez de développer un nouvel algorithme d’ordonnancement : félicitations ! Pourdisposer d’informations qualitatives sur votre algorithme et le comparer à d’autres vous avez décidécomme beaucoup avant vous de réaliser des simulations. Très classiquement vos simulations portentsur des jeux de données aléatoires (ici, des graphes orientés acycliques)

    Biologically relevant oxidants and terminology, classification and nomenclature of oxidatively generated damage to nucleobases and 2-deoxyribose in nucleic acids

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    A broad scientific community is involved in investigations aimed at delineating the mechanisms of formation and cellular processing of oxidatively generated damage to nucleic acids. Perhaps as a consequence of this breadth of research expertise, there are nomenclature problems for several of the oxidized bases including 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoGua), a ubiquitous marker of almost every type of oxidative stress in cells. Efforts to standardize the nomenclature and abbreviations of the main DNA degradation products that arise from oxidative pathways are reported. Information is also provided on the main oxidative radicals, non-radical oxygen species, one-electron agents and enzymes involved in DNA degradation pathways as well in their targets and reactivity. A brief classification of oxidatively generated damage to DNA that may involve single modifications, tandem base modifications, intrastrand and interstrand cross-links together with DNA-protein cross-links and base adducts arising from the addition of lipid peroxides breakdown products is also included

    Polydiacetylenic nanofibers as new siRNA vehicles for in vitro and in vivo delivery

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    Polydiacetylenic nanofibers (PDA-Nfs) obtained by photopolymerization of surfactant 1 were optimized for intracellular delivery of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). PDA-Nfs/siRNA complexes efficiently silenced the oncogene Lim-1 in the renal cancer cells 786-O in vitro. Intraperitoneal injection of PDA-Nfs/siLim1 downregulated Lim-1 in subcutaneous tumor xenografts obtained with 786-O cells in nude mice. Thus, PDA-Nfs represent an innovative system for in vivo delivery of siRNAs
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