3 research outputs found

    Decontamination of genetically modified mice strains by embryo transfer for obtaining SPF colonies in a Brazilian animal facility

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    The introduction of new strains of mice in specific pathogen-free (SPF) animal facilities should be performed carefully to avoid breaking sanitary barriers. To meet this need, animals should be rederived to reduce infection risk and thus avoid research interference caused by loss of animal health status and welfare. The objective of this study was to implement mice embryo transfer in the laboratory mouse facility of the Department of Immunology at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences/University of São Paulo, Brazil. Embryo transfers were performed to rederive genetically modified mouse strains with undefined sanitary status, received from different research and educational institutions. Fertilized eggs at two-cell stage were obtained by natural means and transferred into the oviducts of SPF pseudo-pregnant female mice. All surgical procedures were performed under aseptic conditions. A total of 625 embryos were transferred into therecipients. 148 pups were born, of which 140 were reared. Viruses, bacteria and intestinal protozoa were eliminated using this technique. The improvement in the microbiological status of mice allowed their expansion in our SPF facility. With these results, we can stimulate the use of embryo transfer technique between rodent facilities in Brazil and thus encourage the distribution of better models to our scientific community.A introdução de novas linhagens de camundongos em biotérios livres de patógenos específicos (SPF) deve ser realizada com critérios para evitar a quebra das barreiras sanitárias. Dessa forma, os animais devem ser rederivados para reduzir os riscos de infecção e evitar as interferências provocadas pela perda do status sanitário e do bem-estar dos animais. O objetivo deste estudo foi implementar a transferência de embriões murinos no Biotério do Departamento de Imunologia do Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. As transferências embrionárias foram realizadas para rederivar linhagens de camundongos geneticamente modificadas com status sanitário não conhecido, recebidas de diferentes instituições de pesquisa e de ensino. Os embriões em duas células foram obtidos pelos métodos naturais e transferidos para os ovidutos de fêmeas de camundongos SPF pseudoprenhas. Todos os procedimentos cirúrgicos foramrealizados sob condições assépticas. Um total de 625 embriões foram transferidos para as receptoras. Foram obtidos 148 filhotes nascidos vivos, destes 140 foram desmamados. Por meio desta técnica, foram eliminados vírus, bactérias e protozoários intestinais. A melhora no status microbiológico dos camundongos permitiu a expansão destes em nossa colônia SPF. Com esses resultados, podemos promover o uso da técnica de transferência de embriões entre os biotérios brasileiros e assim incentivar a distribuição de modelos mais adequados para a nossa comunidade científica

    A Simple and Fast Battery Test for Phenotypic Characterization of Mice

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    Despite the great number of test batteries already known to assess the behavior of genetically modified and inbred strains of mice, only a few of them focus on basic neurological parameters. The purpose of the battery test proposed is to settle a specific methodology to characterize the phenotype of neurological disease models in mutant or genetically modified mice. This methodology is simple and efficient in order to analyze several parameters, including general activity, sensory nervous system, sensorimotor system, central nervous system and autonomous nervous system. This can aid the choice of specific additional tests as well as the determination of an interrelationship among phenotypic alterations observed. Although being efficient for a first analysis of a mouse model, interpretation of the results must be carefully made because phenotype manifestation may vary due to many parameters, including mouse strain, environmental and housing condition, animal-experimenter interaction, sample size and tests order. It is important to consider as a critical point if handling procedures are aversive. The results acquired with the analysis of 18 parameters together provide preliminary data to characterize mouse phenotype and helps selecting more specific tests