178 research outputs found


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    The study was carried out to know the roughage concentrate ratio and the fiber ratio of the feeds intaked by steers voluntarily in the free access to soilage and concentrate respectively. As roughage, soilage of Italian ryegrass was used in the experimental period covering 12 days, and rice straw was used in the control period covering 12 days. The concentrate used was a commercial mixture of grains for fattening cattle. Seven steers of the Holstein breed were employed in this study, averaging 13 months old in age and 435 kg in body weight. They were allowed to eat freely roughage and concentrate ad libitum respectively The fiber ratio of the feed intaked was 7.1 in experimental period (Italian ryegrass period) and 7. 6 in the control period. The fiber ratio in the experimental period was lower than that in the control period. This difference seems to be due to physical condition of the rougrhage. The fiber ratios in the feeds intaked by the steers voluntarily were around 7.5. It was proved again that the fiber ratio in the range of 7 to 8 will meet steer's physiological requirement

    Study on Concentrate-Rouphage Ratio of Feed Taken by Fattening Steer on Free Access

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    この研究は牛が自由に飼料を選択採食した場合の繊維率を知るために行った. 摂取飼料中乾物に対する粗繊維の量の百分率をもって繊維率と定義した. 肥育牛の9頭の1年令ホルスタイン種去勢牛に対し市販飼料であるキングビーフ後期および稲わらを給与して45日間飼養した. 試験期間中および試験に先立つ1週間の予備期間中は濃厚飼料と長さ15cmに裁断した稲わらを共に自由摂取方式で別々に不断給与した. 試験期問中の平均日増体量は1.29±0.19Kgであった. 飼料の1日平均摂取量は濃厚飼料が9.18±1.33Kg,稲わらが1.22±0.37Kgであった. 摂取した飼料の繊維率は8.12±0.96% であった. 風乾物重量に対する繊維率は7.09±0.71% であった. これは和田らが濃厚飼料と5cmの長さに裁断した稲わらを混合して去勢ホルスタイン種肥育牛を不断給与で飼育した場合の最適繊維率にほぼ等しい価である. これらの価はBRANDING(1963)が報告した最適繊維率よりもやや低い. 最適繊維率における両者の差は使用した濃厚飼料および粗飼料の種類および粗飼料の物理的性質と粗繊維含量の差によるものと思われる. キングビーフ後期と稲わらの摂取量の比は7・5:1であったが,この程度の比率が牛の生理的要求に適うものと考えられる

    Spatio-Temporal Updating in the Left Posterior Parietal Cortex

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    Adopting an unusual posture can sometimes give rise to paradoxical experiences. For example, the subjective ordering of successive unseen tactile stimuli delivered to the two arms can be affected when people cross them. A growing body of evidence now highlights the role played by the parietal cortex in spatio-temporal information processing when sensory stimuli are delivered to the body or when actions are executed; however, little is known about the neural basis of such paradoxical feelings resulting from such unusual limb positions. Here, we demonstrate increased fMRI activation in the left posterior parietal cortex when human participants adopted a crossed hands posture with their eyes closed. Furthermore, by assessing tactile temporal order judgments (TOJs) in the same individuals, we observed a positive association between activity in this area and the degree of reversal in TOJs resulting from crossing arms. The strongest positive association was observed in the left intraparietal sulcus. This result implies that the left posterior parietal cortex may be critically involved in monitoring limb position and in spatio-temporal binding when serial events are delivered to the limbs

    Effects of Fatty Acids, Glucose and Minerals on Release of Thyroidal Iodine

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    この研究はI-131およびウイスター系ラッテを用い,甲状腺の機能に対する脂肪酸,乳酸,ブドウ糖,ミネラルなどの効果を検討するために行った. 脂肪酸としては醋酸,プロピオン酸,酪酸,バレリン酸,ステアリン酸,オレイン酸,リノール酸,リノレイン酸を用い,ミネラルとしてはCa,Mg,P,Kを用いた. 研究の1つの時点における放射能の測定には1群5頭のラッテを用いた. 一時点において断頭によると殺後,甲状腺を喉頭軟骨および一部の気管と共に切り採り,その放射能をWell typeのscintillation counter (ALOKA)で測定した. 生理的食塩水にcarrier-free Na I-131を溶解し用量0.5~2μciを含む溶液0.1mlをラッテに皮下注射した. I-131注射後48時間にmethylthiourasil 50または100mgを水性浮遊液2mlで腹腔内に注射した. その2時間後に醋酸その他の被検物質を腹膣内に注入した. 甲状腺の放射能は注射量に対する%で示した. 醋酸は甲状腺性I-131の放出を増加した. また,Mgによる甲状腺性Iの放出増加,ブドウ糖およびリノレン酸による甲状腺性I放出阻止の傾向があった. 醋酸,グルコース,Mgなどにおいて観察された効果の動物生産すなわち発育,泌乳,牛肉生産における重要性につき論議した

    Correlation Between Characteristics of Steer and Carcass and Concentrations of Plasma Hormone, Lipids and Minerals in Fattened Steer

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    この研究は去勢牛の牛体,枝肉形質と血漿のホルモン,脂質,ミネラルなどの濃度との間の相関を研究するために行った. 肥育を終った黒毛和種去勢牛30頭をこの研究に用いた. と殺時に採った血液にヘパリンを加え遠沈して血漿を採取した. 血漿の7種のホルモン(T3,T4,TSH,Insu,Cort,GH,LH),6種の脂質(TG,LPO,HDL,LDL,TCh,ECh),NEFA,TP,Ca,Mg,IPの濃度を測定した. 牛体の大きさ,枝肉成績値と上述の各成分の濃度間の相関を検討した. TSH濃度とT3濃度の間には有意な正の相関があったが,TSHとT4の間には有意な相関はなかった. 従って,T3が本来の甲状腺ホルモンのように思われる. 血漿T4濃度は骨の長軸発育と関係ある項目すなわち体高,胸囲,胸深,尻長,と前体重,日齢体重(有意近似値),枝肉重量,枝肉歩留と有意な正の相関があった. 血漿T3は肉量増加に関係ある項目すなわちと前体重(有意近似値),日齢体重,肥育度指数,枝肉重量と有意な負相関が高脂肪交雑牛群においてのみみられた. 甲状腺のこの2つのホルモンは化学構造においてのみならず,生理的機能においても異っているように思われる. T3は主として軟組織に,T4は主として硬組織に作用することが示唆される. T3とロース芯の脂肪交雑の間には有意な相関はみられなかった. 脂肪交雑とT4またはGHの濃度の間には有意な負相関があった. 脂肪交雑とTChまたはHDLの相関は有意な正相関があり,脂肪交雑と血漿Mg濃度の相関は有意な負の相関があった. 後者の理につき論義した. 脂肪交雑と日齢体重の間には負の相関があった. 体高の高い牛では脂肪交雑が入り難いことを示すところの傾向がみられる

    Three-dimensional bulk metamaterials operating in the terahertz range

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 96(8):081105 (2010) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3327830 .Three-dimensional bulk metamaterials that operate in the terahertz (THz) frequency range were fabricated by stacking 100 two-dimensional sheets containing metallic split-ring resonators (SRR) on thin polyethylene terephthalate film substrates. The THz magnetic resonance for the incident magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the SRR structure was measured. We also investigated the dependence of the magnetic resonant strength on the metal thickness.ArticleAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 96(8):081105 (2010)journal articl


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    Effects of different vitamins on concentration of blood serum components and amino acid were studied, using male rats of the Wister strain. Five kinds of vitamins, namely vitamin A, v. B1 (thiamin), v. C (ascorbic acid), v. D (calciferol), v. E (tocopherol) were used in this study. They were injected sub cutaneously in a single dose of 500 IU, 2.5 mg, 2.5 mg, 1000 IU and 2.5 mg, respectively. The animals were sacrificed by decapitating at four hours following the injection. Blood sample taken at the time of sacrifice was centrifuged for separation of serum after 10 hours-standing at room temperature. The serum was determined for concentration of its components, using Vet-Aid described previously and analyzed for amino acids, using a full automatic amino acid analyzer previously described. Concentration of cholesterol in the serum was elevated by the administration of vitamins A, B and C, and it was lowered significantly by the administration of vitamins D and E. These vitamins seemed to have a close relation to fat deposition in the meat. The effect of vitamins on fat deposition in beef would require further study

    Versatile and Enantioselective Preparation of Planar-Chiral Metallocene-Fused 4-Dialkylaminopyridines and Their Application in Asymmetric Organocatalysis

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    A series of ferrocene-fused planar-chiral N-tosyl-4-pyridones (S)-2b-d were prepared in enantiomerically pure forms. Starting with the chiral ferrocenyl acetals, 1-[(2S,4S)-4-methoxymethyl-1,3-dioxan-2-yl]-1',2',3',4',5'-R5-ferrocenes ((–)-3b, R = Me; (–)-3c, R = Ph; (–)-3d, R = Bn), N-tosylamino and formyl groups were introduced at the 1- and 2-positions of the ferrocene cores in (S)-11b-d with control of the planar chirality. After the reaction with ethynylmagnesium bromide, generated propargyl alcohol derivatives (S)-17 were treated with MnO2 and catalytic TBAI to give the planar-chiral pyridones by the iodide-catalyzed cyclization. This method is highly practical with a shorter and higher-yield sequence without using noble metal catalysts. Planar-chiral ferroco-pyridones (S)-2b-d were reacted with various Me3Si-NR'2 to give a library of ferrocene-fused 4-dialkylaminopyridines ((S)-1, DAAPs) in high yields as single-enantiomers by the detosylative amination. The cymantrene-fused DAAPs were also prepared in the same way. The library of the chiral DAAPs were examined in the two asymmetric reactions as organocatalysts, and some newly prepared Fc-DAAPs showed better enantioselectivity than the known species

    Effect of a Combination of Diethylstillbestrol and Testosterone on Fattening Steer of the Holstein Breed

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    ホルスタイン種の雄去勢牛および未経産牛の肥育に対するDiethylstilbestrol(DES)とtestosteroneの併用の効果をRapigainを用いて研究した. Rapigainは1ドーズ中にDSE24mg,testosterone120mg含むところの肉牛の肥育剤である. Rapigain1ドーズの注射により去勢牛の体重増加は対照区のものよりもよかった. 去勢牛では飼料効率は改善されたが肉質などは殆んど変らなかった. また,尾根部の挙上や乳頭の肥大などの副作用はみられなかった