255 research outputs found

    Thermoluminescence characteristics and chemical compositions of mesostases in ordinary chondrites

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    Induced thermoluminescence (TL) images of ordinary chondrites, ALH-77214 (L3.4-3.5), Y-74191 (L3.6), ALH-77216 (L3.8) and ALH-78043 (L6), were measured by the TL spatial distribution readout system combined with a microscope and TL characteristics [peak temperature and peak width] of mesostases were analyzed. Their chemical compositions were also analyzed by an electron probe X-ray microanalyzer. We found that; (1) The mesostasis was responsible for much of the TL in the ordinary chondrites, (2) A mesostasis of normative anorthite compositions showed low peak temperature (∿90℃) and narrow width (∿65℃), while a mesostasis of normative albite compositions showed high peak temperature (∿125℃) and wide width (∿100℃), (3) A main phosphor in a low petrologic grade chondrite 3.5 was a high albite mesostasis, (4) Some chondrules in the same fragments of the type 3 chondrites showed no or weak TL emission and these mesostases had high normative albite. These facts suggest that in type 3 ordinary chondrites; (1) The post-accretional metamorphism cannot account for the coexistence of high albite mesostases with TL emission and no emission and a high anorthite mesostasis with TL emission, (2) Low petrologic grade chondrites 3.5 have a large population of slowly cooled chondrules

    Misconceptions and Rumors about Ebola Virus Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review

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    We sought to summarize knowledge, misconceptions, beliefs, and practices about Ebola that might impede the control of Ebola outbreaks in Africa. We searched Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, and Google Scholar (through May 2019) for publications reporting on knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) related to Ebola in Africa. In total, 14 of 433 articles were included. Knowledge was evaluated in all 14 articles, and they all highlighted that there are misconceptions and risk behaviors during an Ebola outbreak. Some communities believed that Ebola spreads through the air, mosquito bites, malice from foreign doctors, witchcraft, and houseflies. Because patients believe that Ebola was caused by witchcraft, they sought help from traditional healers. Some people believed that Ebola could be prevented by bathing with salt or hot water. Burial practices where people touch Ebola-infected corpses were common, especially among Muslims. Discriminatory attitudes towards Ebola survivors or their families were also prevalent. Some Ebola survivors were not accepted back in their communities; the possibility of being ostracized from their neighborhoods was high and Ebola survivors had to lead a difficult social life. Most communities affected by Ebola need more comprehensive knowledge on Ebola. Efforts are needed to address misconceptions and risk behaviors surrounding Ebola for future outbreak preparedness in Africa

    Japanese Orthopaedic Association Cervical Myelopathy Evaluation Questionnaire (JOACMEQ): Part 2. Endorsement of the alternative item

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    AbstractBackgroundA new self-administered questionnaire as an outcome measure for patients with cervical myelopathy was drawn up in Part 1 (Japanese Orthopaedic Association Cervical Myelopathy Evaluation Questionnaire, JOACMEQ). Because a question with regard to driving a car (C-41) was not suitable for this patient group, the authors composed an alternative question related to neck motion (C-41-2). The purposes of the present study were to perform a secondary survey on patients with cervical myelopathy and to statistically analyze the responses to validate the JOACMEQ, and also to determine if it was possible to convert item C-41 to the alternative question.MethodsA member of the Subcommittee on Low Back Pain and Cervical Myelopathy Evaluation from each hospital administered the questionnaire to more than 50 patients with cervical myelopathy in each hospital. The questionnaire consisted of 25 questions, 24 of which were extracted in the primary survey. The authors statistically examined whether it was possible to convert question C-41 to C-41-2.ResultsThree hundred and sixty-eight patients with cervical myelopathy were enrolled in the present study. No questions elicited no answer or “I am not sure” in more than 5% of patients except question C-41. There were no questions that the patients answered with difficulty. There was no tendency that was concentrated on one option as an answer to questions. There was a high correlation between questions C-41 and C-41-2. Spearman’s correlation coefficient and κ value showed that there was high coincidence between the two questions C-41 and C-41-2. It is possible to convert the question C-41 to the alternative question C41-2.ConclusionThe questionnaire has sufficient reliability for clinical use. It is possible that the JOACMEQ will prevail and become a global standard to evaluate outcomes in patients with cervical myelopathy

    Japanese Orthopaedic Association Back Pain Evaluation Questionnaire. Part 3. Validity study and establishment of the measurement scale: Subcommittee on Low Back Pain and Cervical Myelopathy Evaluation of the Clinical Outcome Committee of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association, Japan

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    AbstractBackgroundThe Japanese Orthopaedic Association decided to revise the JOA score for low back pain and to develop a new outcome measure. In February 2002, the first survey was performed with a preliminary questionnaire consisting of 60 evaluation items. Based on findings of that survey, 25 items were selected for a draft of the JOA Back Pain Evaluation Questionnaire (JOABPEQ). The second survey was performed to confirm the reliability of the draft questionnaire. This article further evaluates the validity of this questionnaire and establishes a measurement scale.MethodsThe subjects of this study consisted of 355 patients with low back disorders of any type (201 men, 154 women; mean age 50.7 years). Each patient was asked to fill in a self-administered questionnaire. Superficial validity was checked in terms of the completion rate for filling out the entire questionnaire. Factor analysis was then performed to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire and establish a measurement scale.ResultsAs a result of the factor analysis, 25 items were categorized into five factors. The factors were named based on the commonality of the items: social function, mental health, lumbar function, walking ability, and low back pain. To establish a measurement scale for each factor, we determined the coefficient for each item so the difference between the maximum factor scores and minimum factor scores was approximately 100. We adjusted the formula so the maximum for each factor score was 100 and the minimum was 0.ConclusionsWe confirmed the validity of the JOA Back Pain Evaluation Questionnaire and est ablished a measurement scale

    Anomalous Pressure in Fluctuating Shear Flow

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    We investigate how the pressure in fluctuating shear flow depends on the shear rate SS and on the system size LL by studying fluctuating hydrodynamics under shear conditions. We derive anomalous forms of the pressure for two limiting values of the dimensionless parameter λ=SL2/ν\lambda=SL^2/\nu, where ν\nu is the kinematic viscosity. In the case λ1\lambda \ll 1, the pressure is not an intensive quantity because of the influence of the long-range spatial correlations of momentum fluctuations. In the other limit λ1\lambda \gg 1, the long-range correlations are suppressed at large distances, and the pressure is intensive. In this case, however, there is the interesting effect that the non-equilibrium correction to the pressure is proportional to S3/2S^{3/2}, which was previously obtained with the projection operator method [K. Kawasaki and J. D. Gunton, Phys. Rev. {\bf A 8}, 2048, (1973)].Comment: Breakdown of the intensivity of pressure is emphasized. Fig.1 and references added; accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Phys. Rev.

    Distinct Effects of Ketone Bodies on Down-Regulation of Cell Surface Insulin Receptor and Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 Phosphorylation in Adrenal Chromaffin Cells

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    ABSTRACT Treatment (м24 h) of cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells with ketoacidosis-related concentrations (м3 mM) of acetoacetate (but not ␤-hydroxybutyrate, acetone, and acidic medium) caused a time-and concentration-dependent reduction of cell surface 125 I-insulin binding by ϳ38%, with no change in the K d value. The reduction of 125 I-insulin binding returned to control nontreated level at 24 h after the washout of acetoacetate-treated cells. Acetoacetate did not increase the internalization rate of cell surface insulin receptor (IR), as measured in the presence of brefeldin A, an inhibitor of cell surface vesicular exit from the trans-Golgi network. Acetoacetate (10 mM for 24 h) lowered cellular levels of the immunoreactive IR precursor molecule (ϳ190 kDa) and IR by 22 and 28%, respectively. Acetoacetate decreased IR mRNA levels by ϳ23% as early as 6 h, producing their maximum plateau reduction at 12 and 24 h. The half-life of IR mRNA was shortened by acetoacetate from 13.6 to 9.5 h. Immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblot analysis revealed that insulin-induced (100 nM for 10 min) tyrosine-phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) was attenuated by 56% in acetoacetate-treated cells, with no change in IRS-1 level. These results suggest that chronic treatment with acetoacetate selectively down-regulated the density of cell surface functional IR via lowering IR mRNA levels and IR synthesis, thereby retarding insulin-induced activation of IRS-1

    Total Synthesis of Decahydroquinoline Poison Frog Alkaloids ent-cis-195A and cis-211A

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    The total synthesis of two decahydroquinoline poison frog alkaloids ent-cis-195A and cis-211A were achieved in 16 steps (38% overall yield) and 19 steps (31% overall yield), respectively, starting from known compound 1. Both alkaloids were synthesized from the common key intermediate 11 in a divergent fashion, and the absolute stereochemistry of natural cis-211A was determined to be 2R, 4aR, 5R, 6S, and 8aS. Interestingly, the absolute configuration of the parent decahydroquinoline nuclei of cis-211A was the mirror image of that of cis-195A, although both alkaloids were isolated from the same poison frog species, Oophaga (Dendrobates) pumilio, from Panama