16 research outputs found

    Reconstructed human keloid models show heterogeneity within keloid scars

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    Keloid scars are often described as having an actively growing peripheral margin with a regressing centre. The aim of this study was to examine the possible heterogeneity within keloids and the involvement of different regions within and around keloid scars in the pathogenesis, using an in vitro keloid scar model. In vitro skin models were constructed from keratinocytes and fibroblasts from normal skin and different regions within and around keloid scars: periphery, centre, and (adjacent) surrounding-normal-skin regions. Additionally, fibroblasts were isolated from the superficial-central and deep-central regions of the keloid and combined with central keratinocytes. All keloid regions showed increased contraction compared to normal skin models, particularly in central regions. Myofibroblasts were present in all keloid regions but were more abundant in models containing central-deep keloid fibroblasts. Secretion of anti-fibrotic HGF and extracellular matrix collagen IV gene expression was reduced in the central deep keloid compared to normal skin. No significant differences between peripheral and central regions within keloids were observed for inflammatory cytokine CCL20, CCL27, CXCL8, IL-6 and IL-18 secretion. Parameters for surrounding-normal-skin showed similarities to both non-lesional normal skin and keloids. In conclusion, a simple but elegant method of culturing keloid-derived keratinocytes and fibroblasts in an organotypic 3D scar model was developed, for the dual purpose of studying the underlying pathology and ultimately testing new therapeutics. In this study, these tissue engineered scar models show that the central keloid region shows a more aggressive keloid scar phenotype than the periphery and that the surrounding-normal-skin also shares certain abnormalities characteristic for keloids

    Monocytes co-cultured with reconstructed keloid and normal skin models skew towards M2 macrophage phenotype

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    Several abnormalities have been reported in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of keloid-forming patients and particularly in the monocyte cell fraction. The goal of this in vitro study was to determine whether monocytes from keloid-prone patients contribute to the keloid phenotype in early developing keloids, and whether monocyte differentiation is affected by the keloid microenvironment. Therefore, keloid-derived keratinocytes and fibroblasts were used to reconstruct a full thickness, human, in vitro keloid scar model. The reconstructed keloid was co-cultured with monocytes from keloid-forming patients and compared to reconstructed normal skin co-cultured with monocytes from non-keloid-formers. The reconstructed keloid showed increased contraction, dermal thickness (trend) and α-SMA+ staining, but co-culture with monocytes did not further enhance the keloid phenotype. After 2-week culture, all monocytes switched from a CD11chigh/CD14high/CD68low to a CD11chigh/CD14low/CD68high phenotype. However, only monocytes co-cultured with either reconstructed keloid scar or normal skin models skewed towards the more fibrotic M2-macrophage phenotype. There was negligible fibroblast and fibrocyte differentiation in mono- and co-cultured monocytes. These results indicate that monocytes differentiate into M2 macrophages when in the vicinity of early regenerating and repairing tissue, independent of whether the individual is prone to normal or keloid scar formation

    Micro-environmental cross-talk in an organotypic human melanoma-in-skin model directs M2-like monocyte differentiation via IL-10

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    Preclinical assessment of novel therapies to fight cancer requires models that reflect the human physiology and immune response. Here, we established an in vitro three-dimensional (3D) reconstructed organotypic human melanoma-in-skin (Mel-RhS) model to investigate cellular and molecular features of tumor formation over a period of 6 weeks. Tumor nests developed over time at the epidermal–dermal junction and spread towards the dermis, in places disrupting the basement membrane. This coincided with secretion of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) by melanoma cells. These features resemble the initial stages of invasive melanoma. Interestingly, while the SK-MEL-28 cell line did not secrete detectable levels of interleukin-10 (IL-10) in traditional two-dimensional monolayers, it did express IL-10 in the 3D Mel-RhS, as did the surrounding keratinocytes and fibroblasts. This cellular cross-talk-induced secretion of IL-10 in the Mel-RhS indicated the generation of an immune suppressive microenvironment. Culture supernatants from Mel-RhS interfered with monocyte-to-dendritic-cell differentiation, leading to the development of M2-like macrophages, which was in part prevented by antibody-mediated IL-10 blockade. Indeed, high-dimensional single-cell analysis revealed a shift within the monocyte population away from a CD163+PD-L1+ M2-like phenotype upon IL-10 blockade. Thus, the 3D configuration of the Mel-RhS model revealed a role for IL-10 in immune escape through misdirected myeloid differentiation, which would have been missed in classical monolayer cultures

    A Multi-Organ-on-Chip Approach to Investigate How Oral Exposure to Metals Can Cause Systemic Toxicity Leading to Langerhans Cell Activation in Skin

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    Investigating systemic toxicity in vitro is still a huge challenge. Here, a multi-organ-on-chip approach is presented as a typical case of topical exposure of oral mucosa to metals, which are known to activate the immune system and in turn may result in skin inflammation. Reconstructed human gingiva (RHG) and reconstructed human skin containing MUTZ-3-derived Langerhans cells (MUTZ-LC) in the epidermis (RHS-LC) were incorporated into a HUMIMIC Chip3plus, connected by dynamic flow and cultured for a total period of 72 h. Three independent experiments were performed each with an intra-experiment replicate in order to assess the donor and technical variations. After an initial culture period of 24 h to achieve stable dynamic culture conditions, nickel sulfate was applied topically to RHG for 24 h, and LC activation (maturation and migration) was determined in RHS-LC after an additional 24 h incubation time. A stable dynamic culture of RHG and RHS-LC was achieved as indicated by the assessment of glucose uptake, lactate production, and lactate dehydrogenase release into the microfluidics compartment. Nickel exposure resulted in no major histological changes within RHG or RHS-LC, or cytokine release into the microfluidics compartment, but did result in an increased activation of LC as observed by the increased mRNA levels of CD1a, CD207, HLA-DR, and CD86 in the dermal compartment (hydrogel of RHS-LC (PCR)). This is the first study to describe systemic toxicity and immune cell activation in a multi-organ setting and can provide a framework for studying other organoids in the future

    Comparison of advanced therapy medicinal product gingiva and skin substitutes and their in vitro wound healing potentials

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    Skin and oral mucosa substitutes are a therapeutic option for closing hard-to-heal skin and oral wounds. Our aim was to develop bi-layered skin and gingiva substitutes, from 3 mm diameter biopsies, cultured under identical conditions, which are compliant with current European regulations for advanced therapy medicinal products. We present in vitro mode of action methods to (i) determine viability: epithelial expansion, proliferation (Ki-67), metabolic activity (MTT assay); (ii) characterize skin and gingiva substitutes: histology and immunohistochemistry; and (iii) determine potency: soluble wound healing mediator release (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Both skin and gingiva substitutes consist of metabolically active autologous reconstructed differentiated epithelium expanding from the original biopsy sheet on a fibroblast populated connective tissue matrix (donor dermis). Gingival epithelium expanded 1.7-fold more than skin epithelium during the 3 week culture period. The percentage of proliferating Ki-67-positive cells located in the basal layer of the gingiva substitute was >1.5-fold higher than in the skin substitute. Keratins 16 and 17, which are upregulated during normal wound healing, were expressed in both the skin and gingiva substitutes. Notably, the gingiva substitute secreted higher amounts of key cytokines involved in mitogenesis, motogenesis and chemotaxis (interleukin-6 > 23-fold, CXCL8 > 2.5-fold) as well as higher amounts of the anti-fibrotic growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor (>7-fold), compared with the skin substitute. In conclusion, while addressing the viability, characterization and potency of the tissue substitutes, important intrinsic differences between skin and gingiva were discovered that may explain in part the superior quality of wound healing observed in the oral mucosa compared with skin

    Multi-species oral biofilm promotes reconstructed human gingiva epithelial barrier function

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    Since the oral mucosa is continuously exposed to abundant microbes, one of its most important defense features is a highly proliferative, thick, stratified epithelium. The cellular mechanisms responsible for this are still unknown. The aim of this study was to determine whether multi-species oral biofilm contribute to the extensive stratification and primed antimicrobial defense in epithelium. Two in vitro models were used: 3D reconstructed human gingiva (RHG) and oral bacteria representative of multi-species commensal biofilm. The organotypic RHG consists of a reconstructed stratified gingiva epithelium on a gingiva fibroblast populated hydrogel (lamina propria). Biofilm was cultured from healthy human saliva, and consists of typical commensal genera Granulicatella and major oral microbiota genera Veillonella and Streptococcus. Biofilm was applied topically to RHG and host-microbiome interactions were studied over 7 days. Compared to unexposed RHG, biofilm exposed RHG showed increased epithelial thickness, more organized stratification and increased keratinocyte proliferation. Furthermore biofilm exposure increased production of RHG anti-microbial proteins Elafin, HBD2 and HBD3 but not HBD1, adrenomedullin or cathelicidin LL-37. Inflammatory and antimicrobial cytokine secretion (IL-6, CXCL8, CXCL1, CCL20) showed an immediate and sustained increase. In conclusion, exposure of RHG to commensal oral biofilm actively contributes to RHG epithelial barrier function

    A Reconstructed Human Melanoma-in-Skin Model to Study Immune Modulatory and Angiogenic Mechanisms Facilitating Initial Melanoma Growth and Invasion

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    Invasion, immune modulation, and angiogenesis are crucial in melanoma progression. Studies based on animals or two-dimensional cultures poorly recapitulate the tumor-microenvironmental cross-talk found in humans. This highlights a need for more physiological human models to better study melanoma features. Here, six melanoma cell lines (A375, COLO829, G361, MeWo, RPMI-7951, and SK-MEL-28) were used to generate an in vitro three-dimensional human melanoma-in-skin (Mel-RhS) model and were compared in terms of dermal invasion and immune modulatory and pro-angiogenic capabilities. A375 displayed the most invasive phenotype by clearly expanding into the dermal compartment, whereas COLO829, G361, MeWo, and SK-MEL-28 recapitulated to different extent the initial stages of melanoma invasion. No nest formation was observed for RPMI-7951. Notably, the integration of A375 and SK-MEL-28 cells into the model resulted in an increased secretion of immune modulatory factors (e.g., M-CSF, IL-10, and TGFβ) and pro-angiogenic factors (e.g., Flt-1 and VEGF). Mel-RhS-derived supernatants induced endothelial cell sprouting in vitro. In addition, observed A375-RhS tissue contraction was correlated to increased TGFβ release and α-SMA expression, all indicative of differentiation of fibroblasts into cancer-associated fibroblast-like cells and reminiscent of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, consistent with A375′s most prominent invasive behavior. In conclusion, we successfully generated several Mel-RhS models mimicking different stages of melanoma progression, which can be further tailored for future studies to investigate individual aspects of the disease and serve as three-dimensional models to assess efficacy of therapeutic strategies

    Characterization of in vitro reconstructed human normotrophic, hypertrophic, and keloid scar models

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    To understand scar pathology, develop new drugs, and provide a platform for personalized medicine, physiologically relevant human scar models are required, which are characteristic of different scar pathologies. Hypertrophic scars and keloids are two types of abnormal scar resulting from unknown abnormalities in the wound healing process. While they display different clinical behavior, differentiation between the two can be difficultwhich in turn means that it is difficult to develop optimal therapeutic strategies. The aim of this study was to develop in vitro reconstructed human hypertrophic and keloid scar models and compare these to normotrophic scar and normal skin models to identify distinguishing biomarkers. Keratinocytes and fibroblasts from normal skin and scar types (normotrophic, hypertrophic, keloid) were used to reconstruct skin models. All skin models showed a reconstructed differentiated epidermis on a fibroblast populated collagen-elastin matrix. Both abnormal scar types showed increased contraction, dermal thickness, and myofibroblast staining compared to normal skin and normotrophic scar. Notably, the expression of extracellular matrix associated genes showed distinguishing profiles between all scar types and normal skin (hyaluronan synthase-1, matrix-metalloprotease-3), between keloid and normal skin (collagen type IV), between normal scar and keloid (laminin 1), and between keloid and hypertrophic scar (matrix-metalloprotease-1, integrin 5). Also, inflammatory cytokine and growth factor secretion (CCL5, CXCL1, CXCL8, CCL27, IL-6, HGF) showed differential secretion between scar types. Our results strongly suggest that abnormal scars arise from different pathologies rather than simply being on different ends of the scarring spectrum. Furthermore, such normal skin and scar models together with biomarkers, which distinguish the different scar types, would provide an animal free, physiologically relevant scar diagnostic and drug testing platform for the future