343 research outputs found

    Cassiterite oxygen isotopes in magmatic-hydrothermal systems: in situ microanalysis, fractionation factor, and applications

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    Tin and tungsten are important metals for the industrializing society. Deciphering the origin and evolution of hydrothermal fluids responsible for their formation is critical to underpin genetic models of ore formation. Traditional approaches obtain isotopic information mainly from bulk analysis of both ore and gangue minerals, or less frequently from in situ analysis of gangue minerals, which either bear inherited complexities and uncertainties or are indirect constraints. Hence, directly obtaining isotopic information from ore minerals such as cassiterite by in situ techniques is warranted. However, this has been hampered by challenges from both analytical and applicational aspects. In this study, we first demonstrate a lack of crystallographic orientation effects during cassiterite ion microprobe oxygen isotope analysis. Along with our newly developed matrix-matched reference material, the Yongde-Cst, which has a recommended δ18O value of 1.36 ± 0.16‰ (VSMOW) as defined by gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometry, in situ oxygen isotope analysis of cassiterite now is possible. We further refine the oxygen isotope fractionation (1000 ln α) for quartz-cassiterite by first-principles calculations, which is given by the equation of 1.259 × 106/T2 + 8.15 × 103/T − 4.72 (T is temperature in Kelvin). The 1000 ln α for quartz-cassiterite has a sensitive response to temperature, and makes cassiterite-quartz an excellent mineral pair in oxygen isotope thermometry, as described by the equation of T (℃) = 2427 × (δ18Oqtz − δ18Ocst)−0.4326 − 492.4. Using the well-established 1000 ln α of quartz-water, 1000 ln α of cassiterite-water is derived as 2.941 × 106/T2 − 11.45 × 103/T + 4.72 (T in Kelvin), which shows a weak response to temperature. This makes cassiterite an ideal mineral from which to derive δ18O of fluids as robust temperature estimates are no longer a prerequisite. We have applied oxygen isotope analysis to cassiterite samples from six Sn(-W) deposits in China. The results show considerable variability in δ18O values both within a single deposit and among studied deposits. Combining the δ18O of cassiterite samples and the equilibrium oxygen isotope fractionation, we find that the δ18O values of ore-forming fluids show a strong magmatic affinity with variable but mostly no to low degree involvements (~0-10%) of meteoric water, hence our results invite a reassessment on the extent and role of meteoric water in Sn-W mineralization. This study demonstrates that in situ oxygen isotope analysis of cassiterite is a promising tool to refine sources of ore-forming fluids, and to decode hydrothermal dynamics controlling tin and tungsten mineralization

    Predicting Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification of Drugs by Integrating Chemical-Chemical Interactions and Similarities

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    The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system, recommended by the World Health Organization, categories drugs into different classes according to their therapeutic and chemical characteristics. For a set of query compounds, how can we identify which ATC-class (or classes) they belong to? It is an important and challenging problem because the information thus obtained would be quite useful for drug development and utilization. By hybridizing the informations of chemical-chemical interactions and chemical-chemical similarities, a novel method was developed for such purpose. It was observed by the jackknife test on a benchmark dataset of 3,883 drug compounds that the overall success rate achieved by the prediction method was about 73% in identifying the drugs among the following 14 main ATC-classes: (1) alimentary tract and metabolism; (2) blood and blood forming organs; (3) cardiovascular system; (4) dermatologicals; (5) genitourinary system and sex hormones; (6) systemic hormonal preparations, excluding sex hormones and insulins; (7) anti-infectives for systemic use; (8) antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents; (9) musculoskeletal system; (10) nervous system; (11) antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents; (12) respiratory system; (13) sensory organs; (14) various. Such a success rate is substantially higher than 7% by the random guess. It has not escaped our notice that the current method can be straightforwardly extended to identify the drugs for their 2nd-level, 3rd-level, 4th-level, and 5th-level ATC-classifications once the statistically significant benchmark data are available for these lower levels

    A RG-II type polysaccharide purified from Aconitum coreanum and their anti-inflammatory activity

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    Korean mondshood root polysaccharides (KMPS) isolated from the root of Aconitum coreanum (Lévl.) Rapaics have shown anti-inflammatory activity, which is strongly influenced by their chemical structures and chain conformations. However, the mechanisms of the anti-inflammatory effect by these polysaccharides have yet to be elucidated. A RG-II polysaccharide (KMPS-2E, Mw 84.8 kDa) was isolated from KMPS and its chemical structure was characterized by FT-IR and NMR spectroscopy, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography. The backbone of KMPS-2E consisted of units of [→6) -β-D-Galp (1→3)-β-L-Rhap-(1→4)-β-D-GalpA-(1→3)-β-D-Galp-(1→] with the side chain →5)-β-D-Arap (1→3, 5)-β-D-Arap (1→ attached to the backbone through O-4 of (1→3,4)-L-Rhap. T-β-D-Galp is attached to the backbone through O-6 of (1→3,6)-β-D-Galp residues and T-β-D-Ara is connected to the end group of each chain. The anti-inflammatory effects of KMPS-2E and the underlying mechanisms using lipopolysaccharide (LPS) - stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages and carrageenan-induced hind paw edema were investigated. KMPS-2E (50, 100 and 200 µg/mL) inhibits iNOS, TLR4, phospho-NF-κB–p65 expression, phosphor-IKK, phosphor-IκB-α expression as well as the degradation of IκB-α and the gene expression of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, iNOS and IL-6) mediated by the NF-κB signal pathways in macrophages. KMPS-2E also inhibited LPS-induced activation of NF-κB as assayed by electrophorectic mobility shift assay (EMSA) in a dose-dependent manner and it reduced NF-κB DNA binding affinity by 62.1% at 200µg/mL. In rats, KMPS-2E (200 mg/kg) can significantly inhibit carrageenan-induced paw edema as ibuprofen (200 mg/kg) within 3 h after a single oral dose. The results indicate that KMPS-2E is a promising herb-derived drug against acute inflammation

    Cutting improves the productivity of lucerne-rich stands used in the revegetation of degraded arable land in a semi-arid environment

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    Understanding the relationships between vegetative and environmental variables is important for revegetation and ecosystem management on the Loess Plateau, China. Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) has been widely used in the region to improve revegetation, soil and water conservation, and to enhance livestock production. However, there is little information on how environmental factors influence long-term succession in lucerne-rich vegetation. Our objective was to identify the main environmental variables controlling the succession process in lucerne-rich vegetation such that native species are not suppressed after sowing on the Loess Plateau. Vegetation and soil surveys were performed in 31 lucerne fields (three lucerne fields without any management from 2003-2013 and 28 fields containing 11-year-old lucerne with one cutting each year). Time after planting was the most important factor affecting plant species succession. Cutting significantly affected revegetation characteristics, such as aboveground biomass, plant density and diversity. Soil moisture content, soil organic carbon, soil available phosphorus and slope aspect were key environmental factors affecting plant species composition and aboveground biomass, density and diversity. Long-term cutting can cause self-thinning in lucerne, maintain the stability of lucerne production and slow its degradation. For effective management of lucerne fields, phosphate fertilizer should be applied and cutting performed

    The Congenital Cataract-Linked G61C Mutation Destabilizes γD-Crystallin and Promotes Non-Native Aggregation

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    γD-crystallin is one of the major structural proteins in human eye lens. The solubility and stability of γD-crystallin play a crucial role in maintaining the optical properties of the lens during the life span of an individual. Previous study has shown that the inherited mutation G61C results in autosomal dominant congenital cataract. In this research, we studied the effects of the G61C mutation on γD-crystallin structure, stability and aggregation via biophysical methods. CD, intrinsic and extrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy indicated that the G61C mutation did not affect the native structure of γD-crystallin. The stability of γD-crystallin against heat- or GdnHCl-induced denaturation was significantly decreased by the mutation, while no influence was observed on the acid-induced unfolding. The mutation mainly affected the transition from the native state to the intermediate but not that from the intermediate to the unfolded or aggregated states. At high temperatures, both proteins were able to form aggregates, and the aggregation of the mutant was much more serious than the wild type protein at the same temperature. At body temperature and acidic conditions, the mutant was more prone to form amyloid-like fibrils. The aggregation-prone property of the mutant was not altered by the addition of reductive reagent. These results suggested that the decrease in protein stability followed by aggregation-prone property might be the major cause in the hereditary cataract induced by the G61C mutation

    DCs Pulsed with Novel HLA-A2-Restricted CTL Epitopes against Hepatitis C Virus Induced a Broadly Reactive Anti-HCV-Specific T Lymphocyte Response

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the capacity of dendritic cells (DCs) loaded with single or multiple-peptide mixtures of novel hepatitis C virus (HCV) epitopes to stimulate HCV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) effector functions. METHODS: A bioinformatics approach was used to predict HLA-A2-restricted HCV-specific CTL epitopes, and the predicted peptides identified from this screen were synthesized. Subsequent IFN-γ ELISPOT analysis detected the stimulating function of these peptides in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from both chronic and self-limited HCV infected subjects (subjects exhibiting spontaneous HCV clearance). Mature DCs, derived in vitro from CD14(+) monocytes harvested from the study subjects by incubation with appropriate cytokine cocktails, were loaded with novel peptide or epitope peptide mixtures and co-cultured with autologous T lymphocytes. Granzyme B (GrB) and IFN-γ ELISPOT analysis was used to test for epitope-specific CTL responses. T-cell-derived cytokines contained in the co-cultured supernatant were detected by flow cytometry. RESULTS: We identified 7 novel HLA-A2-restricted HCV-specific CTL epitopes that increased the frequency of IFN-γ-producing T cells compared to other epitopes, as assayed by measuring spot forming cells (SFCs). Two epitopes had the strongest stimulating capability in the self-limited subjects, one found in the E2 and one in the NS2 region of HCV; five epitopes had a strong stimulating capacity in both chronic and self-limited HCV infection, but were stronger in the self-limited subjects. They were distributed in E2, NS2, NS3, NS4, and NS5 regions of HCV, respectively. We also found that mDCs loaded with novel peptide mixtures could significantly increase GrB and IFN-γ SFCs as compared to single peptides, especially in chronic HCV infection subjects. Additionally, we found that DCs pulsed with multiple epitope peptide mixtures induced a Th1-biased immune response. CONCLUSIONS: Seven novel and strongly stimulating HLA-A2-restricted HCV-specific CTL epitopes were identified. Furthermore, DCs loaded with multiple-epitope peptide mixtures induced epitope-specific CTLs responses

    Cooperativity among Short Amyloid Stretches in Long Amyloidogenic Sequences

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    Amyloid fibrillar aggregates of polypeptides are associated with many neurodegenerative diseases. Short peptide segments in protein sequences may trigger aggregation. Identifying these stretches and examining their behavior in longer protein segments is critical for understanding these diseases and obtaining potential therapies. In this study, we combined machine learning and structure-based energy evaluation to examine and predict amyloidogenic segments. Our feature selection method discovered that windows consisting of long amino acid segments of ∼30 residues, instead of the commonly used short hexapeptides, provided the highest accuracy. Weighted contributions of an amino acid at each position in a 27 residue window revealed three cooperative regions of short stretch, resemble the β-strand-turn-β-strand motif in A-βpeptide amyloid and β-solenoid structure of HET-s(218–289) prion (C). Using an in-house energy evaluation algorithm, the interaction energy between two short stretches in long segment is computed and incorporated as an additional feature. The algorithm successfully predicted and classified amyloid segments with an overall accuracy of 75%. Our study revealed that genome-wide amyloid segments are not only dependent on short high propensity stretches, but also on nearby residues

    The Four types of Tregs in malignant lymphomas

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    Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are a specialized subpopulation of CD4+ T cells, which act to suppress the activation of other immune cells. Tregs represent important modulators for the interaction between lymphomas and host microenvironment. Lymphomas are a group of serious and frequently fatal malignant diseases of lymphocytes. Recent studies revealed that some lymphoma T cells might adopt a Treg profile. Assessment of Treg phenotypes and genotypes in patients may offer prediction of outcome in many types of lymphomas including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, follicular lymphoma, cutaneous T cell lymphoma, and Hodgkin's lymphoma. Based on characterized roles of Tregs in lymphomas, we can categorize the various roles into four groups: (a) suppressor Tregs; (b) malignant Tregs; (c) direct tumor-killing Tregs; and (d) incompetent Tregs. The classification into four groups is significant in predicting prognosis and designing Tregs-based immunotherapies for treating lymphomas. In patients with lymphomas where Tregs serve either as suppressor Tregs or malignant Tregs, anti-tumor cytotoxicity is suppressed thus decreased numbers of Tregs are associated with a good prognosis. In contrast, in patients with lymphomas where Tregs serve as tumor-killing Tregs and incompetent Tregs, anti-tumor cytotoxicity is enhanced or anti-autoimmune Tregs activities are weakened thus increased numbers of Tregs are associated with a good prognosis and reduced numbers of Tregs are associated with a poor prognosis. However, the mechanisms underlying the various roles of Tregs in patients with lymphomas remain unknown. Therefore, further research is needed in this regard as well as the utility of Tregs as prognostic factors and therapy strategies in different lymphomas