22 research outputs found

    Inducing cancer indolence by targeting mitochondrial Complex I is potentiated by blocking macrophage-mediated adaptive responses

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    Converting carcinomas in benign oncocytomas has been suggested as a potential anti-cancerstrategy. One of the oncocytoma hallmarks is the lack of respiratory complex I (CI). Herewe use genetic ablation of this enzyme to induce indolence in two cancer types, andshow this is reversed by allowing the stabilization of Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 alpha(HIF-1α). We further show that on the long run CI-deficient tumors re-adapt to their inabilityto respond to hypoxia, concordantly with the persistence of human oncocytomas. Wedemonstrate that CI-deficient tumors survive and carry out angiogenesis, despite theirinability to stabilize HIF-1α. Such adaptive response is mediated by tumor associated mac-rophages, whose blockage improves the effect of CI ablation. Additionally, the simultaneouspharmacological inhibition of CI function through metformin and macrophage infiltrationthrough PLX-3397 impairs tumor growth in vivo in a synergistic manner, setting the basisfor an efficient combinatorial adjuvant therapy in clinical trials