16 research outputs found

    Adaptation of eye and hand movements to target displacements of different size

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    Previous work has documented that the direction of eye and hand movements can be adaptively modified using the double-step paradigm. Here we report that both motor systems adapt not only to small direction steps (5° gaze angle) but also to large ones (28° gaze angle). However, the magnitude of adaptation did not increase with step size, and the relative magnitude of adaptation therefore decreased from 67% with small steps to 15% with large steps. This decreasing efficiency of adaptation may reflect the participation of directionally selective neural circuits in double-step adaptation

    Anterior cingulate activity during routine and non-routine sequential behaviors in macaques.

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    Anterior cingulate cortex is important in monitoring action for new challenges. We recorded neuron activity in the anterior cingulate sulcus of macaques while they performed a sequential problem-solving task. By trial and error, animals determined the correct sequence for touching three fixed spatial targets. After the sequence was repeated three times, we then changed the correct solution order, requiring a new search. Irrespective of component movements or their kinematics, task-related neurons encoded the serial order of the sequence. Neurons activated with sequence components (68%) differed in activity between search and repetition. Search-related activity occurred when behavioral flexibility was required and ended as soon as the animal accumulated enough information to infer the solution, but had not yet tested it. Repetition-related activity occurred in a regime of memory-based motor performance in which attention to action is less necessary

    Differences in the emergent coding properties of cortical and striatal ensembles

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    The function of a given brain region is often defined by the coding properties of its individual neurons, yet how this information is combined at the ensemble level is an equally important consideration. We recorded multiple neurons from the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the dorsal striatum (DS) simultaneously as rats performed different sequences of the same three actions. Sequence and lever decoding was markedly similar on a per-neuron basis in the two regions. At the ensemble level, sequence-specific representations in the DS appeared synchronously, but transiently, along with the representation of lever location, whereas these two streams of information appeared independently and asynchronously in the ACC. As a result, the ACC achieved superior ensemble decoding accuracy overall. Thus, the manner in which information was combined across neurons in an ensemble determined the functional separation of the ACC and DS on this task

    A model that integrates eye velocity commands to keep track of smooth eye displacements.

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    Past results have reported conflicting findings on the oculomotor system's ability to keep track of smooth eye movements in darkness. Whereas some results indicate that saccades cannot compensate for smooth eye displacements, others report that memory-guided saccades during smooth pursuit are spatially correct. Recently, it was shown that the amount of time before the saccade made a difference: short-latency saccades were retinotopically coded, whereas long-latency saccades were spatially coded. Here, we propose a model of the saccadic system that can explain the available experimental data. The novel part of this model consists of a delayed integration of efferent smooth eye velocity commands. Two alternative physiologically realistic neural mechanisms for this integration stage are proposed. Model simulations accurately reproduced prior findings. Thus, this model reconciles the earlier contradictory reports from the literature about compensation for smooth eye movements before saccades because it involves a slow integration process