107 research outputs found

    Benchmark Problems in Eddy-Current NDE

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    Inversion of eddy-current data and the reconstruction of flaws is the preeminent problem in electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation (NDE). This places a premium on developing good forward models for computing field-flaw interactions, because all inversion algorithms must, of necessity, rely on such calculations. There has evolved in recent years several sophisticated computational models for the forward problem [1–4], but these models differ significantly in their theoretical and numerical approaches. For example, [1-3] use a volume-integral approach that incorporates fast Fourier transforms with conjugate gradients to solve the resulting linear system of equations, whereas [4] uses finite-elements

    Lightweight Interactions for Reciprocal Cooperation in a Social Network Game

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    The construction of reciprocal relationships requires cooperative interactions during the initial meetings. However, cooperative behavior with strangers is risky because the strangers may be exploiters. In this study, we show that people increase the likelihood of cooperativeness of strangers by using lightweight non-risky interactions in risky situations based on the analysis of a social network game (SNG). They can construct reciprocal relationships in this manner. The interactions involve low-cost signaling because they are not generated at any cost to the senders and recipients. Theoretical studies show that low-cost signals are not guaranteed to be reliable because the low-cost signals from senders can lie at any time. However, people used low-cost signals to construct reciprocal relationships in an SNG, which suggests the existence of mechanisms for generating reliable, low-cost signals in human evolution.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Chronic recurrent Gorham-Stout syndrome with cutaneous involvement

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    Type IV osteolysis or Gorham-Stout syndrome is a rare condition characterized by recurrent vascular tumors that disrupt normal anatomical architecture. Gorham-Stout syndrome is most commonly associated with the skeletal system with resulting replacement of bone with scar tissue following tumor regression. The loss of entire bones has given Gorham-Stout syndrome the moniker vanishing bone disease. Natural progression of Gorham-Stout syndrome is characterized by spontaneous disease resolution. However, rare variants of recurrent, progressive, and/or systemic disease have been reported. We present a patient with a history of recurrent Gorham- Stout disease refractory to all treatment options considered. In addition to skeletal disease, our patient had soft tissue and cutaneous involvement, thus reflecting the more aggressive disease variant. Previous surgical attempts to control disease had been ineffective and the patient was referred to us for radiation therapy. Treatment with external beam radiation therapy resulted in good local control and symptom palliation, but full disease resolution was never accomplished. In addition to presentation of this patient, a review of the literature on etiological hypotheses and past/future treatment options was conducted and is included

    Agency, Values, and Well-Being: A Human Development Model

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    This paper argues that feelings of agency are linked to human well-being through a sequence of adaptive mechanisms that promote human development, once existential conditions become permissive. In the first part, we elaborate on the evolutionary logic of this model and outline why an evolutionary perspective is helpful to understand changes in values that give feelings of agency greater weight in shaping human well-being. In the second part, we test the key links in this model with data from the World Values Surveys using ecological regressions and multi-level models, covering some 80 societies worldwide. Empirically, we demonstrate evidence for the following sequence: (1) in response to widening opportunities of life, people place stronger emphasis on emancipative values, (2) in response to a stronger emphasis on emancipative values, feelings of agency gain greater weight in shaping people’s life satisfaction, (3) in response to a greater impact of agency feelings on life satisfaction, the level of life satisfaction itself rises. Further analyses show that this model is culturally universal because taking into account the strength of a society’s western tradition does not render insignificant these adaptive linkages. Precisely because of its universality, this is indeed a ‘human’ development model in a most general sense

    Selfish drive can trump function when animal mitochondrial genomes compete.

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    Mitochondrial genomes compete for transmission from mother to progeny. We explored this competition by introducing a second genome into Drosophila melanogaster to follow transmission. Competitions between closely related genomes favored those functional in electron transport, resulting in a host-beneficial purifying selection. In contrast, matchups between distantly related genomes often favored those with negligible, negative or lethal consequences, indicating selfish selection. Exhibiting powerful selfish selection, a genome carrying a detrimental mutation displaced a complementing genome, leading to population death after several generations. In a different pairing, opposing selfish and purifying selection counterbalanced to give stable transmission of two genomes. Sequencing of recombinant mitochondrial genomes showed that the noncoding region, containing origins of replication, governs selfish transmission. Uniparental inheritance prevents encounters between distantly related genomes. Nonetheless, in each maternal lineage, constant competition among sibling genomes selects for super-replicators. We suggest that this relentless competition drives positive selection, promoting change in the sequences influencing transmission