34 research outputs found

    GR-891: a novel 5-fluorouracil acyclonucleoside prodrug for differentiation therapy in rhabdomyosarcoma cells

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    Differentiation therapy provides an alternative treatment of cancer that overcomes the undesirable effects of classical chemotherapy, i.e. cytotoxicity and resistance to drugs. This new approach to cancer therapy focuses on the development of specific agents designed to selectively engage the process of terminal differentiation, leading to the elimination of tumorigenic cells and recovery of normal cell homeostasis. A series of new anti-cancer pyrimidine acyclonucleoside-like compounds were designed and synthesized by structural modifications of 5-fluorouracil, a drug which causes considerable cell toxicity and morbidity, and we evaluated their applicability for differentiation therapy in human rhabdomyosarcoma cells. We tested the pyrimidine derivative GR-891, (RS)-1-{[3-(2-hydroxyethoxy)-1-isopropoxy]propyl}-5-fluorouracil, an active drug which shows low toxicity in vivo and releases acrolein which is an aldehyde with anti-tumour activity. Both GR-891 and 5-fluorouracil caused time- and dose-dependent growth inhibition in vitro; however, GR-891 showed no cytotoxicity at low doses (22.5 μmol l−1 and 45 μmol l−1) and induced terminal myogenic differentiation in RD cells (a rhabdomyosarcoma cell line) treated for 6 days. Changes in morphological features and in protein organization indicated re-entry in the pathway of muscular maturation. Moreover, GR-891 increased adhesion capability mediated by the expression of fibronectin, and did not induce overexpression of P-glycoprotein, the mdr1 gene product, implicated in multidrug resistance. New acyclonucleoside-like compounds such as GR-891 have important potential advantages over 5-fluorouracil because of their lower toxicity and their ability to induce myogenic differentiation in rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Our results suggest that this drug may be useful for differentiation therapy in this type of tumour. 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Expression, functional analysis, and in situ hybridization of a cloned rat kidney collecting duct water channel.

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    The cloning and expression of an apical membrane water channel from rat kidney collecting duct (WCH-CD) homologous to a 28-kDa integral membrane protein (CHIP28) was reported recently (K. Fushimi, S. Uchida, Y. Hara, Y. Hirata, F. Marumo, and S. Sasaki. Nature Lond. 361: 549-552, 1993). We obtained an approximately 1.8-kilobase clone from a rat kidney lambda gt10 cDNA library by a polymerase chain reaction cloning method; whereas the coding sequence (814 base pairs, predicted protein size 29 kDa) was identical to that reported, we identified an in-frame ATG codon at base pair -123 predicting a protein size of 33 kDa. On Northern blots probed by cDNAs corresponding to the WCH-CD coding sequence (base pairs +1 to +814) or 5'-untranslated sequence (-403 to -16), a single band at 1.9 kilobases was observed in kidney medulla greater than in cortex but not in other tissues; mRNA expression was increased strongly by dehydration. Translation and oocyte expression studies were performed to identify the translation start site. The short (base pairs +1 to +814) and long (base pairs -123 to +814) cDNAs were subcloned in vector pSP64 containing the 5'-untranslated Xenopus globin sequence upstream to the ATGs; a 30-base pair c-myc sequence was engineered at the COOH- terminal for antibody recognition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Biogenesis and transmembrane topology of the CHIP28 water channel at the endoplasmic reticulum

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    CHIP28 is a 28-kD hydrophobic integral membrane protein that functions as a water channel in erythrocytes and renal tubule epithelial cell membranes. We examined the transmembrane topology of CHIP28 in the ER by engineering a reporter of translocation (derived from bovine prolactin) into nine sequential sites in the CHIP28 coding region. The resulting chimeras were expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and the topology of the reporter with respect to the ER membrane was determined by protease sensitivity. We found that although hydropathy analysis predicted up to seven potential transmembrane regions, CHIP28 spanned the membrane only four times. Two putative transmembrane helices, residues 52-68 and 143-157, reside on the lumenal and cytosolic surfaces of the ER membrane, respectively. Topology derived from these chimeric proteins was supported by cell-free translation of five truncated CHIP28 cDNAs, by N-linked glycosylation at an engineered consensus site in native CHIP28 (residue His69), and by epitope tagging of the CHIP28 amino terminus. Defined protein chimeras were used to identify internal sequences that direct events of CHIP28 topogenesis. A signal sequence located within the first 52 residues initiated nascent chain translocation into the ER lumen. A stop transfer sequence located in the hydrophobic region from residues 90-120 terminated ongoing translocation. A second internal signal sequence, residues 155-186, reinitiated translocation of a COOH-terminal domain (residues 186-210) into the ER lumen. Integration of the nascent chain into the ER membrane occurred after synthesis of 107 residues and required the presence of two membrane-spanning regions. From this data, we propose a structural model for CHIP28 at the ER membrane in which four membrane-spanning alpha-helices form a central aqueous channel through the lipid bilayer and create a pathway for water transport

    Water transport across mammalian cell membranes

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    This review summarizes recent progress in water-transporting mechanisms across cell membranes. Modern biophysical concepts of water transport and new measurement strategies are evaluated. A family of water-transporting proteins (water channels, aquaporins) has been identified, consisting of small hydrophobic proteins expressed widely in epithelial and nonepithelial tissues. The functional properties, genetics, and cellular distributions of these proteins are summarized. The majority of molecular-level information about water-transporting mechanisms comes from studies on CHIP28, a 28-kDa glycoprotein that forms tetramers in membranes; each monomer contains six putative helical domains surrounding a central aqueous pathway and functions independently as a water-selective channel. Only mutations in the vasopressin-sensitive water channel have been shown to cause human disease (non-X-linked congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus); the physiological significance of other water channels remains unproven. One mercurial-insensitive water channel has been identified, which has the unique feature of multiple overlapping transcriptional units. Systems for expression of water channel proteins are described, including Xenopus oocytes, mammalian and insect cells, and bacteria. Further work should be directed at elucidation of the role of water channels in normal physiology and disease, molecular analysis of regulatory mechanisms, and water channel structure determination at atomic resolution

    Epstein-Barr viral BNLF2a protein hijacks the tail-anchored protein insertion machinery to block antigen processing by the transport complex TAP

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    Virus-infected cells are eliminated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes, which recognize viral epitopes displayed on major histocompatibility complex class I molecules at the cell surface. Herpesviruses have evolved sophisticated strategies to escape this immune surveillance. During the lytic phase of EBV infection, the viral factor BNLF2a interferes with antigen processing by preventing peptide loading of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. Here we reveal details of the inhibition mechanism of this EBV protein. We demonstrate that BNLF2a acts as a tail-anchored protein, exploiting the mammalian Asna-1/WRB (Get3/Get1) machinery for posttranslational insertion into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, where it subsequently blocks antigen translocation by the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP). BNLF2a binds directly to the core TAP complex arresting the ATP-binding cassette transporter in a transport-incompetent conformation. The inhibition mechanism of EBV BNLF2a is distinct and mutually exclusive of other viral TAP inhibitors

    Epstein-Barr viral BNLF2a protein hijacks the tail-anchored protein insertion machinery to block antigen processing by the transport complex TAP

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    Virus-infected cells are eliminated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes, which recognize viral epitopes displayed on major histocompatibility complex class I molecules at the cell surface. Herpesviruses have evolved sophisticated strategies to escape this immune surveillance. During the lytic phase of EBV infection, the viral factor BNLF2a interferes with antigen processing by preventing peptide loading of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. Here we reveal details of the inhibition mechanism of this EBV protein. We demonstrate that BNLF2a acts as a tail-anchored protein, exploiting the mammalian Asna-1/WRB (Get3/Get1) machinery for posttranslational insertion into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, where it subsequently blocks antigen translocation by the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP). BNLF2a binds directly to the core TAP complex arresting the ATP-binding cassette transporter in a transport-incompetent conformation. The inhibition mechanism of EBV BNLF2a is distinct and mutually exclusive of other viral TAP inhibitors