39 research outputs found

    Images of older persons in Hong Kong popular films

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    Film watching is a popular leisure activity in modern society. Films, as a medium, provide powerful tools to deliver social messages and to create images of particular social groups. The cinematic images portrayed by films toward a particular social group may consequently shape our social perceptions and expectations of that social group. The ways that cinematic images portray older persons are, therefore, a potentially major source for detecting social values and views about them. As some cinematic images tend to reflect social attitudes and behaviours, the present research aimed at investigating how popular films portray the images of older persons. Focus was on the examination of: 1) the representation of older persons in Hong Kong movies, 2) whether older persons are positively or negatively portrayed in movies, and 3) any changes in the cinematic images of older persons over the last two decades. The present research examined Hong Kong movies released between 1981 and 2001. The population of the present study is the most popular Hong Kong movies, based on the turnover of the Hong Kong ticket offices. The sampled films were derived from the three highest-turnover movies for each year from 1981 to 2001. Content analysis was employed in this study to determine the representation and images of older persons in the 63 sampled movies. Generally speaking, older persons were found to be under-represented in the sampled movies relative to their presence in the population. Older persons were portrayed as having white hair, wrinkle skin, and walk independently in terms of physical appearance. Older persons were also portrayed as having generally good health status. However, older persons were portrayed to have a decline in both family status and socio-economic status in the 1990s as compared to that of the 1980s. In terms of occupation, most older persons were portrayed as retired persons in the movies. Apart from these features, the present research also found that there was a gender differences in the portrayal of older persons. Many older persons were depicted in the movies in the home setting, perhaps reinforcing traditional Asian family values and stereotypes. However, this perhaps underplays older persons’ active roles and contributions in the light of such current concepts as productive and active aging. There is a temporal division in that older persons in many movies of the 1980s were portrayed as more home-based while, in the 1990s, they were becoming more actively involved in external activities


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    Early exclusion of major adverse cardiac events in emergency department chest pain patients: A prospective observational study

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    Background The current evaluation of patients with chest pain presenting to an emergency department (ED) with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a lengthy process involving serial measurements of troponin. Objective We aimed to validate the diagnostic accuracy of a Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) score with single high-sensitive cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) for early rule out of 30-day major adverse cardiac events (MACE), and to compare the TIMI score with combinations of heart-type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) and a modified HEART (history, electrocardiogram, age, risk factors, troponin) score. Methods We recruited 602 consecutive adult patients with chest pain and suspected ACS in the ED. Each patient had TIMI and HEART scores, and a point-of-care H-FABP test. Results MACE occurred in 42 (7.0%) patients within 30 days. A low risk for 30-day MACE was identified by a modified TIMI score of 0 in 65 (11%) patients, and by a HEART score ≤ 2 in 96 (16%) patients. No MACE occurred in these groups, giving both scores a sensitivity of 100% (95% confidence interval [CI] 91.6–100%), and specificity of 11.6% (95% CI 9.2–14.5%) and 17.1% (95% CI 14.2–20.5%), respectively. Use of combined TIMI and HEART scores improved the specificity further to 22.0% (95% CI 18.7–25.6%) without lowering sensitivity. Early H-FABP measurement > 7 μg/L had a sensitivity of 41.5% (95% CI 27.8–56.6%) and a specificity of 91.1% (95% CI 88.4–93.2%) for predicting 30-day MACE. Conclusions A modified TIMI score of 0 or a HEART score of ≤ 2, incorporating a single hs-cTnT level, will identify patients with low risk of 30-day MACE for early discharge within 2 h of ED arrival


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    近年,社會出現有關年輕人「躺平」的討論,指年輕新一代不願找工作、不願勤奮加班、不規構未來。教育局局長楊潤雄亦曾在網誌撰文表示憂慮,批評「躺平這種消極的人生心態,長遠會窒礙社會的進步」。 不過,根據香港政府統計處2021年收入及工時按年統計調查報告, 2021年5月至6月,15至24歲及25至34歲受訪者每周的工作時數中位數分別為44.3及42小時,比亞洲其他國家要高;而2022年4至6月,20至24歲及25至29歲的勞動人口參與率分別為53.5%及87%,後者更是所有年齡組別中第二高(僅次於30至34歲年齡組別),反映年輕人並沒有不願意長時間工作和就業,與成年人無異。 另外,根據中大亞太研究所於本年四月進行的一項調查,超過半數受訪者認為香港社會並沒有足夠機會與年輕一代向上流動,更有六成半受訪者認為,現時香港向上流動的機會比過去10年要少。 在是次研究中,發現有不少手持大學文憑的畢業生甫踏入社會,便從事三行、保安、飲食業等藍領工種,以體力勞動換取更高薪酬。文職的工作機會雖不算難找,但對於畢業生來說,待遇多不及前者;初入職場的年輕人便要忍受長工時以換取較可觀的薪金,更因長期體力勞動及工作環境惡劣,導致工傷或患上職業病,造成不可逆轉的傷害;選擇白領工作的年輕人則花空餘時間研究創業路向,望有天可擺脫低工資、長OT的工作常態。 年輕人是社會重要的群體,促進社會不同面向的發展和進步。勞工議題,正正就是影響年輕人最深遠的問題。不過,社會一般會把青年遇到的問題視為過渡性現象,隨著他們成長而消失。坊間少有深入討論,以致一般年輕人以為工作的沉重是理所當然,對自身的勞工權益鮮有認識。 上述所提及的年輕人工時長的狀況,窒礙他們在成長階段的探索,因長工時影響反心健康、無法進修、交結朋友、和家人相處及了解自我。工時長等問題在港是老生常談,卻是待解決的重要議題。香港人多年來一直受長工時的困擾,回顧香港的工時政策,卻未見突破。由勞顧會於2018年宣布推出「11個行業工時指引」,距今已4年,仍未見進展。更何況,指引的條文亦不適用於大部份長工時的打工仔女,例如只保障月薪不超過1.1萬元作為界定工資較低的基層僱員的工資線等規定。可見,像過往一樣,政府及商界等對標準工時並不持開放態度。 誠然,參考不同地區及國家的工時政策,香港則顯得相當落後。中國、日本、台灣、韓國及新加坡均有明確法例規管工時,如超時工作的補水機制、每天工作8小時作為標準工時等。如香港政策要推行工時相關的政策,大有參考例子。本報告亦整合及分析了上述地區的工時政策,有助了解其他地區的勞工法例。 是次研究探討了現行的工時政策下香港年輕僱員的工作現況。透過深入訪談及問卷調查,發現長工時與生理、心理、社交及家庭關係的影響,以及就研究結果提倡相應的政策改革,讓社會大眾及年輕人自身了解他們的勞動現況,剖析處境並提出有效的改善方針。https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ccrd_report/1002/thumbnail.jp

    最低工資有幾低? 貧窮新一代的就業困境報告

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    為了解香港青年對就業、貧窮、體面生活、相關政策的看法,以及他們收入和支出的情況,嶺南大學政策研究院、文化研究及發展中心聯合進行一項題為《最低工資有幾低?貧窮新一代的就業困境報告》的調查。結果發現,四成接受深度訪談的青年自認貧窮,而絕大部分已有全職工作的受訪青年認為,最低工資調整幅度太低,自己未能受惠。 嶺大研究團隊從2022年5月至12月,先後透過兩輪深度訪談,訪問了67位18至29歲、收入低於2萬元、有工作經驗的青年。另外,團隊亦透過兩輪問卷調查,分別收集到164份及253份有效回覆。 調查結果發現,絕大部分年輕人覺得自己的工資太低,待遇與工作不相稱。受訪青年的收入來源包括全職工作、兼職工作。深度訪談年輕人的收入中位數為15,200元,而問卷調查的收入中位數結果則是6,000至9,999元。一方面,大部分有全職工作的青年認為自己工時長、部分行業長期低薪,比不上任職其他行業的同輩,而覺得不滿。壓力同時來自高昂的生活成本和遙不可及的人生目標,包括置業。 大約四成接受第二輪深度訪談的青年自認是貧窮,他們對於貧窮有多元化的理解。有青年認為三餐不繼才算得上貧窮,有些人覺得人工未達到港人月入中位數就算是貧窮,亦有人認很多目標未能達成,導致「精神貧窮」。其餘自覺不貧窮的青年部分歸因於家庭支援,可以滿足基本需求以外的消費,例如購物和旅遊。 絕大部分已有全職工作的受訪青年覺得最低工資調整幅度太低,自己未能受惠。無論認為自己屬於中產或基層的受訪者,均有共識,認為即使法定最低工資水平提升至40元依然是太低,與市場脫節,調整幅度不合理。不少人往往將最低工資時薪和「一餐飯」的開支掛鉤,認為最低工資水平要吃得起「一餐飯」才合理。受訪者認為最低工資如有合理升幅及政策檢討,對基層家庭及兼職工作者有很大幫助。 問卷調查結果推算,受訪青年要滿足現時的生活開支水平,時薪應該要達到71.6元。問卷調查的結果顯示青年的個人月均生活支出為16,789元,扣除教育開支,平均每月支出約14,894元,按一個月工作26日,每日8小時計算出時薪水平為71.6元,與目前最低工資水平相距很遠。 研究團隊建議,政府應從多方面著手解決此迫切的社會問題。首先,當局應檢討最低工資政策的定位,使它與其他扶貧政策互相配合,以保障不同需要的群體;第二,當局應透明化最低工資的調整過程,改為「一年一檢」;第三,團隊建議重啟標準工時立法程序,訂明標準工時應為每周40小時,加班工資應為正常工資的1.5倍,每月亦應設有加班和總工時上限,並以此為基礎制定「過勞死」的法律定義,把過勞死定為僱主須按《僱員補償條例》(第282章)作出補償的事故。最後,團隊建議政府主動開展設立失業保障制度的工作,包括探討供款式失業保險、檢討現行失業綜援、遣散費/長期服務金,並重視年輕人對相關政策的意見。https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ccrd_report/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Quality evaluation of geriatric health information on Yahoo! Answers : a cross-cultural comparative study

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    Given the increases on global ageing population, popularity of social Q&A sites and the level of geriatric health concerns from family caregivers, it raises the uncertainty about the quality of health information on social Q&A sites for family caregivers of elderly. The purposes of this study are to evaluate the quality of geriatric health information on social Questions and Answers (Q&A) sites: Yahoo! Answers from registered nurses’ perspective, to identify the structural patterns of questions and answers vary in quality and to discover the cultural aspects in relation to the findings. A total of 60 question-answers set is retrieved from regional Yahoo! Answers sites, including Australia, Canada, UK & Ireland, US, Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan. 126 English answers and 112 Chinese answers are examined. Through a mixed method approach, results show that the overall information quality provided in Chinese group is relatively poorer than those of English. About 40% of questioners form both groups are not capable of judging the best answer among choices. In terms of structural patterns, questioners from both language groups are less capable of asking questions with clear focuses. 4 structural patterns, including Chinese and English answers with good and poor quality, are identified. Furthermore, cultural differences are found to have a significant impact on the level of information quality in social Q&A site. Finally, recommendations to corresponding social sectors are made for improving the current information quality of social Q&A sites in future.published_or_final_versionLibrary and Information ManagementMasterMaster of Science in Library and Information Managemen

    A Scleroderma Patient with Sudden Loss of Vision in Both Eyes

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    Abstract: Scleroderma is a multi-systemic disease. Patients with evidence of major internal organ involvement have increased risks of significant morbidity and mortality. Sudden bilateral painless loss of vision is an uncommon presentation of systemic sclerosis. We reported a case of autoimmune retinopathy in the form of Purtscher's like retinopathy in a scleroderma patient with major internal organ involvement. Keywords: Autoimmune retinopathy, Purtscher's retinopathy, Scleroderma Case History A 49-year-old housewife, with history of treated cutaneous tuberculosis, left hemi-thyroidectomy for thyroid colloid nodules and uterine fibroid, presented to us in June 2007 with symmetrical polyarthralgia, Raynaud's phenomenon, progressive skin thickening over her hands, forearms, legs, trunk, neck and face for six months. She also reported generalized fatigue, shortness of breath on exertion, and occasional acid regurgitation. She did not experience any malar rash, photosensitivity, alopecia, recurrent oral ulcers, sicca symptoms or proximal muscle weakness. Her elder sister has a history of Rheumatoid Arthritis and is on treatment. Physical examination revealed tightening of skin over her hands, forearms, trunk, legs, neck, and face. Raynaud's phenomenon was noted over her fingers with skin cracking of the fingertips. However, no digital gangrene or nail fold infarcts were detected. Prominent synovitis was detected over the small joints of her hands. Fine crepitations were heard over her lung bases. Laboratory investigations revealed a positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) at 1:320. Rheumatoid Factor (RF) was negative. Anti-double strended deoxyribonucleic acid (anti-dsDNA) antibody was not elevated. Anti-extractable nuclear antigen (anti-ENA) antibody was negative. Complements C3 and C4 levels were normal. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was elevated at 94 mm/hr. C-reactive protein (CRP) was normal. Lupus anticoagulant was negative. Anti-cardiolipin immunoglobulin G was negative. Baseline Chest X-Ray was unremarkable. X-Ray of her hands and wrists did not demonstrate any bony erosion. Barium swallow showed mild dilatation at mid-esophagus while the mucosal pattern remained unremarkable. Full lung function test revealed a severe diffusion defect as evidenced by a depressed carbon dioxide diffusion capacity (DLCO) as 44% predicted value, and a restrictive total lung volume at 75% predicted. High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) of thorax revealed subpleural linear to reticular shadows compatible with pulmonary fibrosis in the right middle lobe, right lower lobe and left lower lobe. There were no ground glass opacities. Electrocardiography (ECG) and echocardiogram did not show any evidence of pulmonary hypertension. A diagnosis of scleroderma with interstitial lung disease was made. She was given oral diltiazem for relief of Raynaud's phenomenon and oral colchicine for sclerodactyly. Low dose prednisolone 5 mg once daily and cyclosporine A wer