96 research outputs found

    Another generation in competition policy control of regional development policy

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    The last pieces of the new regulatory framework for regional aid are finally coming together: following the adoption of the new regional aid guidelines last year, Member States have been engaged in devising assisted area maps, the last of which were approved on 16 September 2014; and, with the adoption of the general block exemption regulation this year, new instruments are being designed and i mplemented. More generally, over the last year or so, the European Commission has largely completed the reform programme set out in the 2012 State aid modernisation initiative . The reach of the reforms has been considerable: almost every substantive State aid text has been subject to review and revision, and there have been important procedural changes, notably in relation to transparency and new requirements for evaluation. Overall, there has been a significant recalibration of policy. In some areas, the s cope of compatible aid has been enlarged. By contrast, in the area of regional aid, there has been a significant tightening of some aspects of policy – notably regarding support for large firms in ‘c’ areas and the treatment of large cases of aid in all assisted areas

    Crisis, what crisis? Business as usual for EU competition policy and regional aid control

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    This paper aims to provide a review and assessment of EU competition policy control of regional State aid. The paper has been prepared by the European Policies Research Centre (EPRC) under the aegis of EoRPA (European Regional Policy Research Consortium), which is a grouping of national government authorities from countries across Europe. The Consortium provides sponsorship for the EPRC to undertake regular monitoring and comparative analysis of the regional policies of European countries and the inter-relationships with EU Cohesion and Competition policies

    New Budget, New Regulations, New Strategies : the 2006 Reform of EU Cohesion Policy

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    Examines the reform of EU cohesion policy in 2006

    Financial instruments in ESIF : past, present and future conditional

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    This article takes a backward and forward look at the role of financial instruments in the European Structural and Investment Funds. It reviews the implementation of FIs in the recently-closed 2007-13 funding period, takes stock of progress with FIs under the current programmesand considers the role of ESIF FIs post-2020

    Setting the Scene for Competition Policy Control of Regional Aid 2014+

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    Recent developments in State aid control have been dominated by the financial and economic crisis and, latterly, by exit strategies from the special measures introduced to deal with the fall-out from the crisis. In the course of the last few months, however, consideration has also been given to the revision of the regional aid guidelines for the post2013 period. The aim of this paper is to consider the issues raised by the European Commission and the Member States, particularly against the backdrop of regional economic change since the adoption of the current guidelines and in the context of the proposed Cohesion policy reforms for 2014-20

    State Aid Control of Regional Development Policy at 60 : Harder and Sharper, but not yet Crystal Clear?

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    ompetition policy and regional aid relations date back to 1957 and were embedded in the Treaty of Rome from the outset. However, regional aid control has been shaped by changing theorires of competitive harm, enlargement and the emergence of a bespoke European regional policy under the Structural Funds. Every dimension of regional aid has been addressed under competition policy control - maps, aid instensities, areas designation systems, large firms and large aid awards - and every EEA country has been affected. Drawing on EPRC research conducted under the European Regional Policy Research Consortium (EoRPA), this new paper reflects on the evolution of competition policy control of regional aid over several decades and successive enlargements. It argues that the most challenging areas of State aid and regional development relations now concern Cohesion policy, rahter than domestic regional aid. This results from the broadening concept of State aid, the increasingly diversive nature of Cohesion policy instruments and the perceived implications of audit for Managing Authorities

    Recent Developments in Competition Policy and Regional Aid: : Adjusting to a 'New Normal'

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    State aid control is completing its move to a new phase of development. In 2014 the Commission largely finished its reform programme, the State aid modernisation (SAM) initiative. This placed new emphasis on transparency, effectiveness, and evaluation, recast the basis for the assessment and compliance of State aid across a range of policy areas and further increased the 'self-policing' element of State aid discipline. The main element of the reform package not (yet) achieved is the adoption of a Communication on the 'notion' of State aid. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview and update of regional aid control issues as Member State introduce measures and adapt to the new regime

    Setting the stage for the reform of cohesion policy after 2013

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    Explains the context for the reform of cohesion policy after 2013

    Where is the UK on State Aid and Subsidy Control Post Brexit?

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    Rather surprisingly, State aid control became one of several seemingly intractable issues in the EU-UK trade negotiations. Surprising, partly because successive UK governments have not shown much appetite for using State aid in economic development policy, but also because it had initially seemed that State aid control post-Brexit would be uncontroversial. So how did State aid control become so troublesome, and where is the UK now on subsidy discipline

    To Roll Forward or Roll Back? Regional Aid Control 2014+

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    Over the past year or so, the fall-out from the financial and economic crisis has continued to dominate the State aid control agenda. The volumes of aid approved in response to the crisis not only dwarf the amounts of aid awarded for other purposes, but also reverse the recent trend of stable or declining State aid expenditure. Nevertheless, as the European economy emerges from the recession, the focus has turned increasingly to exit strategies – particularly the coordination and termination of the various measures in place. At the same time, the new Commissioner for Competition, Joaquin Almunia, has outlined several areas where State aid is either due for reform and/or where it could contribute to wider EU priorities, but so far, regional aid has received little or no explicit attention. This may partly be explained by the continued dominance of the crisis measures on the DG Competition agenda, but it is also likely to be connected with the lack of progress on Cohesion policy reforms for the post-2013 period, itself hampered by discussions on budgetary and wider issues. Notwithstanding this, it appears that DG Comp is now giving consideration to how the State aid rules will apply to regional aid post-2013, though no formal consultations have yet been issued and there are no clear indications as to current thinking