907 research outputs found

    Is the mean-field approximation so bad? A simple generalization yelding realistic critical indices for 3D Ising-class systems

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    Modification of the renormalization-group approach, invoking Stratonovich transformation at each step, is proposed to describe phase transitions in 3D Ising-class systems. The proposed method is closely related to the mean-field approximation. The low-order scheme works well for a wide thermal range, is consistent with a scaling hypothesis and predicts very reasonable values of critical indices.Comment: 4 page

    Critical exponents in zero dimensions

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    In the vicinity of the onset of an instability, we investigate the effect of colored multiplicative noise on the scaling of the moments of the unstable mode amplitude. We introduce a family of zero dimensional models for which we can calculate the exact value of the critical exponents ÎČm\beta_m for all the moments. The results are obtained through asymptotic expansions that use the distance to onset as a small parameter. The examined family displays a variety of behaviors of the critical exponents that includes anomalous exponents: exponents that differ from the deterministic (mean-field) prediction, and multiscaling: non-linear dependence of the exponents on the order of the moment

    Current-density functional for disordered systems

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    The effective action for the current and density is shown to satisfy an evolution equation, the functional generalization of Callan-Symanzik equation. The solution describes the dependence of the one-particle irreducible vertex functions on the strength of the quenched disorder and the annealed Coulomb interaction. The result is non-perturbative, no small parameter is assumed. The a.c. conductivity is obtained by the numerical solution of the evolution equation on finite lattices in the absence of the Coulomb interaction. The static limit is performed and the conductivity is found to be vanishing beyond a certain threshold of the impurity strength.Comment: final version, 28 pages, 17 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Spin-Dependent Structure Functions of Nuclei in the Meson-Nucleon Theory

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    A theoretical approach to the investigation of spin-dependent structure functions in deep inelastic scattering of polarized leptons off polarized nuclei, based on the effective meson-nucleon theory and operator product expansion method, is proposed and applied to deuteron and 3He^3He. The explicit forms of the moments of the deuteron and 3He^3He spin-dependent structure functions are found and numerical estimates of the influence of nuclear structure effects are presented.Comment: 42 pages revtex, 7 postscript figures available from above e-mail upon request. Perugia preprint DFUPG 92/9

    Dynamics of 2D pancake vortices in layered superconductors

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    The dynamics of 2D pancake vortices in Josephson-coupled superconducting/normal - metal multilayers is considered within the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory. For temperatures close to TcT_{c} a viscous drag force acting on a moving 2D vortex is shown to depend strongly on the conductivity of normal metal layers. For a tilted vortex line consisting of 2D vortices the equation of viscous motion in the presence of a transport current parallel to the layers is obtained. The specific structure of the vortex line core leads to a new dynamic behavior and to substantial deviations from the Bardeen-Stephen theory. The viscosity coefficient is found to depend essentially on the angle Îł\gamma between the magnetic field B{\bf B} and the c{\bf c} axis normal to the layers. For field orientations close to the layers the nonlinear effects in the vortex motion appear even for slowly moving vortex lines (when the in-plane transport current is much smaller than the Ginzburg-Landau critical current). In this nonlinear regime the viscosity coefficient depends logarithmically on the vortex velocity VV.Comment: 15 pages, revtex, no figure

    Wegner-Houghton equation and derivative expansion

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    We study the derivative expansion for the effective action in the framework of the Exact Renormalization Group for a single component scalar theory. By truncating the expansion to the first two terms, the potential UkU_k and the kinetic coefficient ZkZ_k, our analysis suggests that a set of coupled differential equations for these two functions can be established under certain smoothness conditions for the background field and that sharp and smooth cut-off give the same result. In addition we find that, differently from the case of the potential, a further expansion is needed to obtain the differential equation for ZkZ_k, according to the relative weight between the kinetic and the potential terms. As a result, two different approximations to the ZkZ_k equation are obtained. Finally a numerical analysis of the coupled equations for UkU_k and ZkZ_k is performed at the non-gaussian fixed point in D<4D<4 dimensions to determine the anomalous dimension of the field.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    A Renormalization Group Approach to Relativistic Cosmology

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    We discuss the averaging hypothesis tacitly assumed in standard cosmology. Our approach is implemented in a "3+1" formalism and invokes the coarse graining arguments, provided and supported by the real-space Renormalization Group (RG) methods. Block variables are introduced and the recursion relations written down explicitly enabling us to characterize the corresponding RG flow. To leading order, the RG flow is provided by the Ricci-Hamilton equations studied in connection with the geometry of three-manifolds. The properties of the Ricci-Hamilton flow make it possible to study a critical behaviour of cosmological models. This criticality is discussed and it is argued that it may be related to the formation of sheet-like structures in the universe. We provide an explicit expression for the renormalized Hubble constant and for the scale dependence of the matter distribution. It is shown that the Hubble constant is affected by non-trivial scale dependent shear terms, while the spatial anisotropy of the metric influences significantly the scale-dependence of the matter distribution.Comment: 57 pages, LaTeX, 15 pictures available on request from the Author

    Updated tests of scaling and universality for the spin-spin correlations in the 2D and 3D spin-S Ising models using high-temperature expansions

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    We have extended, from order 12 through order 25, the high-temperature series expansions (in zero magnetic field) for the spin-spin correlations of the spin-S Ising models on the square, simple-cubic and body-centered-cubic lattices. On the basis of this large set of data, we confirm accurately the validity of the scaling and universality hypotheses by resuming several tests which involve the correlation function, its moments and the exponential or the second-moment correlation-lengths.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Further analysis of the quantum critical point of Ce1−x_{1-x}Lax_{x}Ru2_{2}Si2_{2}

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    New data on the spin dynamics and the magnetic order of Ce1−x_{1-x}Lax_{x}Ru2_{2}Si2_{2} are presented. The importance of the Kondo effect at the quantum critical point of this system is emphasized from the behaviour of the relaxation rate at high temperature and from the variation of the ordered moment with respect to the one of the N\'eel temperature for various xx.Comment: Contribution for the Festschrift on the occasion of Hilbert von Loehneysen 60 th birthday. To be published as a special issue in the Journal of Low Temperature Physic
