6 research outputs found

    Interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and intraspecific competition affect size and size inequality of Plantago lanceolata L.

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    Intraspecific competition causes decreases in plant size and increases in size inequality. Arbuscular mycorrhizas usually increase the size and inequality of non-competing plants, but mycorrhizal effects often disappear when plants begin competing. We hypothesized that mycorrhizal effects on size inequality would be determined by the experimental conditions, and conducted simultaneous field and glasshouse experiments to investigate how AM fungi and intraspecific competition determine size inequality in Plantago lanceolata. 2 As predicted, plant size was reduced when plants were competing, in both field and controlled conditions. However, size inequality was unexpectedly reduced by competition. Plants may have competed in a symmetric fashion, probably for nutrients, rather than the more common situation, in which plant competition is strongly asymmetric. 3 Mycorrhizas had no effect on plant size or size inequality in competing plants in either field or controlled conditions, possibly because competition for nutrients was intense and negated any benefit the fungi could provide. 4 The effects of mycorrhizas on non-competing plants were also unexpected. In field-grown plants, AM fungi increased plant size, but decreased size inequality: mycorrhizal plants were more even in size, with few very small individuals. In glasshouse conditions, mycorrhizal colonization was extremely high, and was generally antagonistic, causing a reduction in plant size. Here, however, mycorrhizas caused an increase in size inequality, supporting our original hypothesis. This was because most plants were heavily colonized and small, but a few had low levels of colonization and grew relatively large. 5 This study has important implications for understanding the forces that structure plant communities. AM fungi can have a variety of effects on size inequality and thus potentially important influences on long-term plant population dynamics, by affecting the genetic contribution of individuals to the next generation. However, these effects differ, depending on whether plants are competing or not, the degree of mycorrhizal colonization and the responsiveness of the plant to different colonization densities

    Fungos micorrízicos arbusculares na recuperação de florestas ciliares e fixação de carbono no solo

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    A associação micorrízica arbuscular estabelecida entre os fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs - Filo Glomeromycota) e as raízes das plantas tem papel fundamental na sobrevivência e nutrição das plantas. Nesta revisão, é salientado que a tríade floresta ciliar-fixação de carbono-fungos micorrízicos arbusculares deve ser considerada uma estratégia ambientalmente correta para recuperar áreas outrora ocupadas por florestas ciliares. São apresentadas brevemente as classes de solos que ocorrem em ambientes ripários e a entrada de carbono (C) nos ecossistemas terrestres. Posteriormente, é enfatizado que os fungos micorrízicos arbusculares possuem papel importante no processo de fixação de carbono no solo, visto seus efeitos na absorção de nutrientes pelas plantas e aumento na produção de biomassa vegetal em espécies arbóreas, principalmente espécies pioneiras e secundárias iniciais, utilizadas na recuperação de florestas ciliares. Outrossim, as hifas externas desses fungos impactam a estrutura do solo tanto fisicamente, pela ação física das hifas, como bioquimicamente, pela produção de uma glicoproteína. As estruturas diferenciadas pelos fungos, como esporos e hifas, também servem como via de entrada de C no solo, por meio de componentes celulares ricos em C. A recuperação de florestas ciliares pelo plantio de espécies arbóreas resulta na emergência de um novo serviço ambiental: a fixação de C, a qual pode ser incrementada quando no processo de recuperação seja considerada a inoculação com fungos micorrízicos arbusculares