16 research outputs found

    Seni Lukis Karya Yunizar Mursyidi : Analisis Bentuk dan Isi

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    Seni rupa merupakan ekspektasi dari sebuah realita, khususnya seni lukis. Dengan kreasi dan inovasi dari seorang seniman maka terciptalah realitas baru yang memiliki relasi antara bentuk visual dan isi. Sehingga menuntut seorang seniman untuk menunjukkan karakter sebagai identitas diri. Penulis mengambil subjek M. Yunizar Mursyidi, seorang seniman akademis lulusan IKIP Surabaya (UNESA) yang memiliki karakter visual berbeda dari para seniman khususnya di Surabaya, dengan mengeksplorasi bentuk visualnya. Berdasarkan ketertarikan penulis kepada sosok Yunizar, permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah : (1) Sosok Yunizar dalam seni rupa Surabaya. (2) Bentuk dan isi lukisan Yunizar Mursyidi periode 2009-2012. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut penulis menggunakan penelitian Diskriptif Kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data, pengamatan atau observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, kemudian menganalisis data.Untuk mencapai validitas data digunakanlah triangulasi data. Hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan : (1) Yunizar Mursyidi berkecimpung di dunia seni lukis, khususnya di Surabaya semenjak aktif menjadi mahasiswa di IKIP Surabaya (UNESA). Sampai dunia seni lukis Surabaya mengakui keberadaannya sebagai seorang seniman yang aktif dalam proses kreatif dan sering berpameran. Dengan mengandalkan gaji pokok sebagai pengajar di sekolah TK dan SMA untuk menghidupi keseniannya. (2) Permainan bentuk visual yang menggunakan kanvas tidak lazim serta non konvensional sebagai respon terhadap ruang pamer menjadikan fokus dari karya Yunizar saat itu. Isi karya-karyanya untuk mengkritisi masalah-masalah sosial, budaya, dan politik sebagai wacana kekinian yang saat ini mendera bangsa Indonesia. Karya-karyanya Yunizar terpengaruh oleh lukisan Francis Bacon, gaya yang cenderung bebas dan mempunyai cukup energi dalam mengolah bentuk. Kata Kunci : Seni Lukis, Yunizar Mursyidi, Bentuk dan Isi Art is an expectation of a reality, particularly painting. With the creation and innovation of an artist then created a new reality in which the relation between visual form and content. So it requires an artist to show the characters as identification. Based on the above aspects of the subject M. Yunizar authors take Mursyidi, an artist graduate academic IKIP Surabaya (UNESA) who lived in Surabaya and has a different visual character of the artists, especially in Surabaya, by exploring the visual form. Based on the author's interest to figure Yunizar, the problems in this research are: (1) The figure Yunizar in art Surabaya. (2) The form and content of the painting Yunizar Mursyidi 2009-2012. To achieve these objectives the author uses descriptive qualitative research using data collection methods, observation or observation, interviews and documentation, then analyze the data. To achieve the validity of the data is used triangulation of data. From the data analysis we concluded that: (1) Yunizar Mursyidi engaged in the world of painting, especially in Surabaya since been active as a student at the Teachers' Training College Surabaya (UNESA). Until the world of painting Surabaya acknowledge its existence as an artist active in the creative process and frequent exhibitions. By relying on the basic salary as a teacher at a nursery school and high school to support her art. (2) Play visual form that uses canvas unusual and unconventional response to the showroom to make the focus of the work Yunizar that time. The contents are intended to criticize social issues, culture, and politics as a contemporary discourse that is currently plagued the nation of Indonesia. Figure affected by the shape of the paintings of Francis Bacon. Styles tend to be free and have enough energy in processing the form. Keyword : Fine Art, Yunizar Mursyidi, Form and Conte

    Use of Data Mining for Prediction of Customer Loyalty

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    This article discusses the analysis of customer loyalty using three data mining methods: C4.5,Naive Bayes, and Nearest Neighbor Algorithms and real-world empirical data. The data contain ten attributes related to the customer loyalty and are obtained from a national multimedia company in Indonesia. The dataset contains 2269 records. The study also evaluates the effects of the size of the training data to the accuracy of the classification. The results suggest that C4.5 algorithm produces highest classification accuracy at the order of 81% followed by the methods of Naive Bayes 76% and Nearest Neighbor 55%. In addition, the numerical evaluation also suggests that the proportion of 80% is optimal for the training set

    Analisis Pengaruh Total Suspended Solid Dalam Penentuan Kedalaman Laut Dangkal Dengan Metode Algoritma Van Hengel Dan Spitzer

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    Remote sensing technology can provide depth information effectively and efficiently, especially for areas that have seabed morphology are often fickle. But to extract depth data there are some factors that will cause an error in the determination of the depth value.In this study used a method of determining the depth of the shallow sea with Landsat images using the Van Hengel and Spitzer which is ever used by Wahyuningrum et.al, 2008, to determine the ability of the digital image of Landsat 7 ETM + to map shallow water depth at Pari Island. And Lestari, 2009 using the method of determining the concentration of TSS to see the trend change and transparency TSS in Jakarta Bay waters. While in this study both methods are used to assess the effect of TSS to determine the depth of the shallow marine waters of Marina using VHS method in Semarang with Landsat satellite imagery 8 OLI in 2013.The Results of Landsat image processing using VHS method obtained depth values between 3-13 m with R2 (coefficient of determination) 0,7127 and RMS error 1,2929. whereas for determining the TSS concentration obtained TSS concentrations between 1-181 mg/l with value of R2 (coefficient of determination) 0,8669 and RMS error 14,1668. At a depth of < 3 m between the depths of field with a large image obtained difference 11,013 m. it is influenced by high TSS concentrations as it is close to the coast. And at a depth of more than 13 m, the difference in the depth increased again 24,090 m with the deepening of the sea floor

    Analisis Kesesuaian Kawasan Peruntukan Pemakaman Umum Baru Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (Sig) (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Tembalang, Kota Semarang)

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    The increasing population and the limitation of public cemeteries in Tembalang caused problems such as lack of cemeteries area. To overcome this problem, it is needed a plan for new cemetery location so that it can be fulfilled for those who need it. As a plan for the location of new public cemeteries, it is required a system of structural informations which consists of aspects such as policy, economic, physical, environmental, social and cultural. This system is known as geographic information system. A plan step for a new cemetery locations is doing by arranging the main criteria, i.e. land use type, physical, economic, and ecological. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on spatial analysis was used to calculate weight criterion which the next is used to obtain a map of the suitability of each criterion. By using the ArcGIS 10, it was done the process of overlaying map by each suitability map which was appropriate to criteria so that can be obtained the convenient map for the cemetery locations in Tembalang, Semarang. The results can be acquired influenced by those parameters with landuse, physical, economic, and ecological of 56.99%, 24,63%, 12, 13%, and 6.26%, respectively. By the overlaying process, it also can be obtained the results with the very suitable category area, the corresponding category area, lacked category area, and inappropriate category area of 99,06 Ha, 815.95 Ha, 487,80 Ha, and 1746,18 Ha, respectively

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (Sig) Persebaran USAha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : Kota Salatiga)

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    Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Salatiga has evolved significantly. The government Salatiga has a policy formed by the Forum for Economic Development and Employment Promotion (FEDEP) by classifying MSMEs into 8 clusters, namely cluster crafts, clusters processed food fish, clusters processed foods, clusters batik and borders, clusters milk, cluster cows, cluster rabbits, and farm waste processing cluster. To support the policy needed an application that could facilitate the general public in obtaining information about the spread of MSMEs. Applications Distribution of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Salatiga is expected to cover all the information needs of MSMEs in Salatiga. In this application development began with the study of literature in which the research study with the same study, then collect the data attribute of MSMEs, data processing, and the manufacture of MySQL database to display a map of the distribution of MSMEs. Results of the research is a distribution applications Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Salatiga featuring web-based GIS distribution of MSMEs with information about MSME. This application testing using two tests, namely test program with the result that the application is successfully accessed with a web browser Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Opera and UC Browser. Next is a USAbility test using a questionnaire with the result that this application gets the value 163.2 to the effectiveness and the value 163.5 to efficiency so that the application is considered satisfactory because it is effective and efficien

    Analisis Efektivitas Ruangan Kuliah di Kampus Teknik Geodesi Universitas Diponegoro Berdasarkan Parameter Kapasitas, Suara dan Pencahayaan Ruangan

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    Dalam lingkungan kampus Departemen Teknik Geodesi Universitas Diponegoro, sivitas akademika sering menggunakan ruangan untuk berbagai keperluan, khususnya untuk kegiatan kuliah. Faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pemilihan ruangan untuk perkuliahan adalah kapasitas, kebisingan, kejelasan percakapan dan pencahayaan ruangan. Dengan jumlah mahasiswa yang banyak dibandingkan dengan jumlah ruangan yang tersedia untuk kegiatan kuliah perlu dilakukan suatu studi untuk menganalisa efektivitas dari penggunaan ruang kuliah tersebut.Perkembangan teknologi pemetaan kini semakin mendukung untuk melakukan pemodelan objek secara tiga dimensi. Metode pemodelan objek secara tiga dimensi yang dapat dikembangkan adalah metode Close Range Photogrammetry atau fotogrametri rentang dekat. Model tiga dimensi ruangan yang telah terbentuk akan disederhanakan menjadi batas ruangan yang akan digunakan dalam penilaian ruangan. Pada penelitian ini, penilaian efektivitas ruangan didasarkan pada hasil pengukuran antropometri untuk analisis kapasitas, pengukuran akustik untuk analisis kebisingan dan kejelasan percakapan serta pengukuran pencahayaan ruangan untuk analisis pencahayaan ruangan.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penilaian tingkat efektivitas ruangan pada lima ruangan kuliah di kampus Teknik Geodesi Universitas Diponegoro. Tingkat efektivitas yang diperoleh adalah sedang dan kurang efektif. Ruangan dengan tingkat efektivitas sedang terbesar adalah ruang C.102 dengan presentase 85,3% sedangkan ruang dengan tingkat efektivitas kurang efektif terbesar adalah ruang B.301 dengan presentase 100%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, penulis menyarankan untuk untuk melakukan penambahan daya lampu pada seluruh ruangan dan penambahan pengeras suara di ruangan B.301