30,731 research outputs found

    Physical States and String Symmetries

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    It is shown that if the momenta belong to an integral lattice, then every physical state of string theory leads to a symmetry of the scattering amplitudes. We discuss the role of this symmetry when the momenta are those provided by the usual D.D.F construction and show that the string compactified on the torus associated with the self-dual Lorentzian lattice, Π25,1\Pi^{25,1} possess the Fake Monster Lie algebra as a symmetry.Comment: 14 pages, ( Some references are added.

    M-Theory and Hypercharge

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    We discuss the possibility that the electro-weak and strong interactions arise as the low energy effective description of branes in M-theory. As a step towards constructing such a model we show how one can naturally obtain SU(N_1)\times SU(N_2)\times U(1) gauge theories from branes, including matter in the bi-fundamental representation of SU(N_1)\times SU(N_2) which are fractionally charged under U(1).Comment: 29 pages Phyzzx. Two figure

    G+++ and Brane Solutions

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    We demonstrate that the very extended G+++ group element of the form gA=exp(1(β,β)lnNβH)exp((1N)Eβ)g_A=\exp(-{\frac{1}{(\beta,\beta)}\ln N}\beta \cdot H)\exp((1-N)E_\beta) describes the usual BPS, electric, single brane solutions found in G+++ theories.Comment: One new equation, added references, corrected typos and minor changes, 42 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX2

    N=2 Superfields and the M-Fivebrane

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    In this paper we provide a manifestly N=2 supersymmetric formulation of the M-fivebrane in the presence of threebrane solitons. The superspace form of four-dimensional effective equations for the threebranes are readily obtained and yield the complete Seiberg-Witten equations of motion for N=2 super-Yang-Mills. A particularly simple derivation is given by introducing an N=2 superfield generalisation of the Seiberg-Witten differential.Comment: 14 pages phyzzx. Added paragraph on the existence of a six-dimensional action. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Chiral Green's Functions in Superconformal Field Theory

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    By solving the Ward identities in a superconformal field theory we find the unique three-point Green's functions composed of chiral superfields for N = 1,2,3,4 supersymmetry. We show that the N=1 four-point function with R-charge equal to one is uniquely determined by the Ward identities up to the specification of four constants. We discuss why chiral Green's functions above three-points, with total R-charge greater than N, are not uniquely determined.Comment: 32 pages, no figures, LaTeX2e forma

    A New Massive Type IIA Supergravity From Compactification

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    We consider the most general form for eleven dimensional supersymmetry compatible with on-shell superfields. This allows for the introduction of a conformal Spin(1,10) connection. In eleven dimensional Minkowski space this modification is trivial and can be removed by a field redefinition, however, upon compactification on S^1 it is possible to introduce a non-trivial `Wilson line'. The resulting ten dimensional supergravity has massive 1-form and 3-form potentials and a cosmological constant. This theory does not possess a supersymmetric eightbrane soliton but it does admit a supersymmetric non-static cosmological solution.Comment: 13 pages, phyzzx. The introduction is clarifed and a reference adde

    The Threebrane Soliton of the M-Fivebrane

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    We discuss the supersymmetry algebra of the M theory fivebrane and obtain a new threebrane soliton preserving half of the six-dimensional supersymmetry. This solution is dimensionally reduced to various D-p-branes.Comment: 10 pages, phyzz

    Duality Symmetries and G^{+++} Theories

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    We show that the non-linear realisations of all the very extended algebras G^{+++}, except the B and C series which we do not consider, contain fields corresponding to all possible duality symmetries of the on-shell degrees of freedom of these theories. This result also holds for G_2^{+++} and we argue that the non-linear realisation of this algebra accounts precisely for the form fields present in the corresponding supersymmetric theory. We also find a simple necessary condition for the roots to belong to a G^{+++} algebra.Comment: 35 pages. v2: 2 appendices added, other minor corrections. v3: tables corrected, other minor changes, one appendix added, refs. added. Version published in Class. Quant. Gra