2,638 research outputs found

    Quantum Walks with Non-Orthogonal Position States

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    Quantum walks have by now been realized in a large variety of different physical settings. In some of these, particularly with trapped ions, the walk is implemented in phase space, where the corresponding position states are not orthogonal. We develop a general description of such a quantum walk and show how to map it into a standard one with orthogonal states, thereby making available all the tools developed for the latter. This enables a variety of experiments, which can be implemented with smaller step sizes and more steps. Tuning the non-orthogonality allows for an easy preparation of extended states such as momentum eigenstates, which travel at a well-defined speed with low dispersion. We introduce a method to adjust their velocity by momentum shifts, which allows to investigate intriguing effects such as the analog of Bloch oscillations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Lidar Measurements of the Thermic Structure in the Troposphere

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    Lidar measurements by UTHE (1972) and similar measurements with acoustic radar by HALL (1972) have shown, that short time variations in the troposphere can be determined. Aerosol backscatter measurements give the vertical structure. A series of such results shows the time variation of the tropospheric structure. The Figure is an example for a measuring period during half an hour in summer 1972 (1 pulse per minute). These variations were produced by humidity variations. For example, at humidity variations from 75% to 77% aerosol particles with 1 micron radius change their radii during 50 to 100 milliseconds. By lidar technique it is possible to determine this effect qualitatively. With a pulse repetition rate of 1 per second we plan to investigate the thermic structure at different weather conditions. By simultaneous measurements of the nitrogen Raman component it would be possible to compare the short time variations by temperature and humidity. The influence of wind can be determined by scanning a defined region (region or space). The meteorologist is interested in results of short time variations in the troposphere (microscale). By this remote sensing method he can get these values continuously

    Approximating Tverberg Points in Linear Time for Any Fixed Dimension

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    Let P be a d-dimensional n-point set. A Tverberg-partition of P is a partition of P into r sets P_1, ..., P_r such that the convex hulls conv(P_1), ..., conv(P_r) have non-empty intersection. A point in the intersection of the conv(P_i)'s is called a Tverberg point of depth r for P. A classic result by Tverberg implies that there always exists a Tverberg partition of size n/(d+1), but it is not known how to find such a partition in polynomial time. Therefore, approximate solutions are of interest. We describe a deterministic algorithm that finds a Tverberg partition of size n/4(d+1)^3 in time d^{O(log d)} n. This means that for every fixed dimension we can compute an approximate Tverberg point (and hence also an approximate centerpoint) in linear time. Our algorithm is obtained by combining a novel lifting approach with a recent result by Miller and Sheehy (2010).Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. A preliminary version appeared in SoCG 2012. This version removes an incorrect example at the end of Section 3.

    Prospects for Spin Physics at RHIC

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    Colliding beams of 70% polarized protons at up to s\sqrt{s}=500 GeV, with high luminosity, L=2×1032\times10^{{\rm 32}} cm2^{-2}sec1^{-1}, will represent a new and unique laboratory for studying the proton. RHIC-Spin will be the first polarized-proton collider and will be capable of copious production of jets, directly produced photons, and WW and ZZ bosons. Features will include direct and precise measurements of the polarization of the gluons and of uˉ\bar{u}, dˉ\bar{d}, uu, and dd quarks in a polarized proton. Parity violation searches for physics beyond the standard model will be competitive with unpolarized searches at the Fermilab Tevatron. Transverse spin will explore transversity for the first time, as well as quark-gluon correlations in the proton. Spin dependence of the total cross section and in the Coulomb nuclear interference region will be measured at collider energies for the first time. These qualitatively new measurements can be expected to deepen our understanding of the structure of matter and of the strong interaction.Comment: 51 pages, 22 figures. Scheduled to appear in the Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science Vol. 50, to be published in December 2000 by Annual Reviews, http://AnnualReviews.or

    Fundamental limitations for quantum and nano thermodynamics

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    The relationship between thermodynamics and statistical physics is valid in the thermodynamic limit - when the number of particles becomes very large. Here, we study thermodynamics in the opposite regime - at both the nano scale, and when quantum effects become important. Applying results from quantum information theory we construct a theory of thermodynamics in these limits. We derive general criteria for thermodynamical state transformations, and as special cases, find two free energies: one that quantifies the deterministically extractable work from a small system in contact with a heat bath, and the other that quantifies the reverse process. We find that there are fundamental limitations on work extraction from nonequilibrium states, owing to finite size effects and quantum coherences. This implies that thermodynamical transitions are generically irreversible at this scale. As one application of these methods, we analyse the efficiency of small heat engines and find that they are irreversible during the adiabatic stages of the cycle.Comment: Final, published versio

    Entwicklung, Erprobung, Umsetzung und Evaluation von Strategien in den Bereichen Tiergesundheit, Haltung, Fütterung, Management in der ökologischen Ferkelerzeugung

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    Die ökologische Ferkelerzeugung weist hinsichtlich Tiergesundheit, Leistungsfähigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit große Defizite auf. Die Ursachen sind komplex und betreffen u.a. Fütterung, Haltung und Hygiene. Für diese Bereiche sollten durch Exakt- und Praxisversuche Lösungsansätze entwickelt werden. Teilprojekte umfassten folgende Themen: Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Raufutter in der Fütterung tragender Sauen, die Wirkung einer Inulinzugabe sowie vom Extrudieren von Ackerbohnen in Sauen- und Ferkelfutter, die Bewertung alternativer Desinfektionsverfahren, ein Vergleich von Einzelhaltung versus kombinierte Einzel- und Gruppenhaltung säugender Sauen sowie die Optimierung des Ferkelliegebereichs in der Ferkelaufzucht. Zentrale Ergebnisse: - Die verschiedenen Raufuttervarianten (Kleegrassilage, Heu, Maissilage, Topinamburknollen) hatten keine negativen Effekte auf Körperkonstitution und Reproduktionsleistungen der Sauen. - Die Saugferkel der mit Inulin versorgten Sauen entwickelten sich gegenüber der Kontrollgruppe während der Säugezeit leistungsmäßig besser, während der Ferkelaufzucht gab es keine Leistungssteigerungen. Der Einsatz von getoasteten Ackerbohnen führte zu signifikant besseren Ferkelzunahmen gegenüber dem Einsatz von extrudierten Ackerbohnen. - Keines der getesteten alternativen Desinfektionsverfahren (Heißwasserdampf, elektroaktiviertes Wasser, Abflammen) ist eine Alternative zur chemischen Desinfektion bezüglich Keimreduktion, Arbeitsaufwand und Kosten. - Gruppensäugen führt bei Sauen zu erhöhter Aktivität sowie zu spezifischen Verhaltensanpassungen. Leistungseinbußen konnten weder für Sauen noch für Ferkel dokumentiert werden. „Gruppensäugen“ führt zu einem höheren Arbeitszeitbedarf und steigenden Baukosten. - Der Liegebereich für Aufzuchtferkel ist in vielen Betrieben nicht optimal und durch z. T. einfache Maßnahmen (Abdichten des Liegenestes, Wärmedämmung des Bodens, Bodenheizung, Anbringen einer weiteren Wärmequelle) für die Tiere zu verbessern

    Fidelity and Concurrence of conjugated states

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    We prove some new properties of fidelity (transition probability) and concurrence, the latter defined by straightforward extension of Wootters notation. Choose a conjugation and consider the dependence of fidelity or of concurrence on conjugated pairs of density operators. These functions turn out to be concave or convex roofs. Optimal decompositions are constructed. Some applications to two- and tripartite systems illustrate the general theorem.Comment: 10 pages, RevTex, Correction: Enlarged, reorganized version. More explanation

    Entangled light in transition through the generation threshold

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    We investigate continuous variable entangling resources on the base of two-mode squeezing for all operational regimes of a nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator with allowance for quantum noise of arbitrary level. The results for the quadrature variances of a pair of generated modes are obtained by using the exact steady-state solution of Fokker-Planck equation for the complex P-quasiprobability distribution function. We find a simple expression for the squeezed variances in the near-threshold range and conclude that the maximal two-mode squeezing reaches 50% relative to the level of vacuum fluctuations and is achieved at the pump field intensity close to the generation threshold. The distinction between the degree of two-mode squeezing for monostable and bistable operational regimes is cleared up.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; Content changed: more details added to the discussion. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Information-theoretic aspects of quantum inseparability of mixed states

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    Information-theoretic aspects of quantum inseparability of mixed states are investigated in terms of the α\alpha-entropy inequalities and teleportation fidelity. Inseparability of mixed states is defined and a complete characterization of the inseparable 2×22\times2 systems with maximally disordered subsystems is presented within the Hilbert-Schmidt space formalism. A connection between teleportation and negative conditional α\alpha-entropy is also emphasized.Comment: Revtex, 19 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. A, vol. 54; one postscript figure available at request from [email protected]