40 research outputs found

    Differential expression of conserved germ line markers and delayed segregation of male and female primordial germ cells in a hermaphrodite, the leech helobdella.

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    In sexually reproducing animals, primordial germ cells (PGCs) are often set aside early in embryogenesis, a strategy that minimizes the risk of genomic damage associated with replication and mitosis during the cell cycle. Here, we have used germ line markers (piwi, vasa, and nanos) and microinjected cell lineage tracers to show that PGC specification in the leech genus Helobdella follows a different scenario: in this hermaphrodite, the male and female PGCs segregate from somatic lineages only after more than 20 rounds of zygotic mitosis; the male and female PGCs share the same (mesodermal) cell lineage for 19 rounds of zygotic mitosis. Moreover, while all three markers are expressed in both male and female reproductive tissues of the adult, they are expressed differentially between the male and female PGCs of the developing embryo: piwi and vasa are expressed preferentially in female PGCs at a time when nanos is expressed preferentially in male PGCs. A priori, the delayed segregation of male and female PGCs from somatic tissues and from one another increases the probability of mutations affecting both male and female PGCs of a given individual. We speculate that this suite of features, combined with a capacity for self-fertilization, may contribute to the dramatically rearranged genome of Helobdella robusta relative to other animals

    Stochastic WNT signaling between nonequivalent cells regulates adhesion but not fate in the two-cell leech embryo

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    AbstractBackground: In the leech Helobdella robusta, an annelid worm, the early pattern of cell divisions is stereotyped. The unequal first cleavage yields cells AB and CD, which differ in size, cytoplasmic inheritance, normal fate, and developmental potential.Results: Here we report a dynamic and transcription-independent pattern of WNT signaling in the two-cell stage of H. robusta. Surprisingly, HRO-WNT-A is first expressed in a stochastic manner, such that either AB or CD secretes the protein in each embryo. This stochastic phase is followed by a deterministic phase during which first AB, then CD expresses HRO-WNT-A. When contact between the cells is reduced or eliminated, both AB and CD express HRO-WNT-A simultaneously. Finally, bathing embryos in anti-HRO-WNT-A antibody during first cleavage reduces the adhesion between cells AB and CD.Conclusions: Our findings show that the stochastic phase of HRO-WNT-A signaling in the two-cell stage of Helobdella is negatively regulated by cell-cell contact and that this early signaling affects cell adhesion without affecting cell fate. We speculate that the primordial function of wnt class genes may have been to regulate cell-cell adhesion and that the nuclear signaling components of the wnt pathway arose later in association with the evolution of diverse cell types

    Developmental biology of the leech Helobdella.

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    David A. Weisblat

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    Developmental biology of the leech Helobdella

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    Glossiphoniid leeches of the genus Helobdella provide experimentally tractable models for studies in evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-Devo). Here, after a brief rationale, we will summarize our current understanding of Helobdella development and highlight the near term prospects for future investigations, with respect to the issues of: D quadrant specification; the transition from spiral to bilaterally symmetric cleavage; segmentation, and the connections between segmental and non-segmental tissues; modifications of BMP signaling in dorsoventral patterning and the O-P equivalence group; germ line specification and genome rearrangements. The goal of this contribution is to serve as a summary of, and guide to, published work

    An overview of glossiphoniid leech development.

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    Abstract: Dramatic advances in understanding the development of selected "model" organisms, coupled with the realization that genes which regulate development are often conserved between diverse taxa, have renewed interest in comparative development and evolution. Recent molecular phylogenies seem to be converging on a new consensus "tree," according to which higher bilaterians fall into three major groups, Deuterostoma, Ecdysozoa, and Lophotrochozoa. Commonly studied model systems for development fall almost exclusively within the first two of these groups. Glossiphoniid leeches (phylum Annelida) offer certain advantages for descriptive and experimental embryology per se, and can also serve to represent the lophotrochozoan clade. We present an overview of the development of glossiphoniid leeches, highlighting some current research questions and the potential for comparative cellular and molecular studies. Résumé : Les progrès spectaculaires de la recherche sur le développement d'organismes « modèles » sélectionnés et la constatation que les gènes régulateurs du développement sont souvent conservés d'un taxon à un autre ont ranimé l'intérêt pour leur développement et leur évolution. Les phylogénies moléculaires récentes semblent converger vers un « arbre » concensus nouveau dans lequel les organismes bilatéraux supérieurs appartiennent à l'un ou l'autre de trois groupes principaux, les Deuterostoma, les Ecdysozoa et les Lophotrochozoa. Les systèmes modèles de développement étudiés couramment appartiennent presque exclusivement aux deux premiers de ces groupes. Les sangsues glossiphoniides (phylum Annelida) sont des sujets bien appropriés en embryologie descriptive ou expérimentale et elles peuvent également représenter le groupe des Lophotrochozoa. On trouvera ici une vision globale du développement des sangsues glossiphoniides, dans laquelle sont soulignées les questions courantes en recherche et leur potentiel dans des étu-des comparatives cellulaires et moléculaires. Reviews / Synthèses [Traduit par la Rédaction] 23

    Report A New Molecular Logic for BMP-Mediated Dorsoventral Patterning in the Leech Helobdella

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    Summary Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling is broadly implicated in dorsoventral (DV) patterning of bilaterally symmetric animals Results and Discussion Dorsoventral Patterning in Segmental Ectoderm of the Leech: The O-P Equivalence Group Cell lineage plays a predominant role in leech embryogenesis. Segmental ectoderm and mesoderm arise from a posterior growth zone consisting of five bilateral pairs of lineagerestricted segmentation stem cells (M, N, O/P, O/P, and Q teloblasts). Each teloblast divides repeatedly and asymmetrically, giving rise to a column (bandlet) of segmental founder cells (primary blast cells). Near the surface in prospective dorsal posterior territory, the ipsilateral bandlets converge into parallel arrays, forming left and right germinal bands ( Despite the overall determinacy of Helobdella development, the primary o and p blast cells in the lateral ectoderm constitute a developmental equivalence group. They are initially equipotent and assume distinct O (ventrolateral) or P (dorsolateral) fates based on their positions in the germinal band Short-Range BMP5-8 Signaling Is Necessary and Sufficient to Specify the P Fate To test this hypothesis, we first surveyed BMPs and their antagonists in Helobdella (see Also unexpectedly, Hau-gremlin was expressed at markedly higher levels in the p bandlet, immediately adjacent to the dorsalmost q bandlet, rather than in ventral territory To see whether Hau-BMP5-8 is necessary for patterning the O-P equivalence group, we knocked down Hau-BMP5-8 expression by injecting the Q teloblast or a progenitor (proteloblast OPQ or NOPQ) with Hau-bmp5-8 antisense morpholino oligomer (ASMO). In normal embryos, the o blast cell divides with marked asymmetry, giving rise to a larger anterior daughter and a smaller posterior daughter, whereas the p blast cell divides nearly equally, giving rise to two similarly sized daughters