349 research outputs found

    Deflection of charged signals in a dipole magnetic field in Schwarzschild background using Gauss-Bonnet theorem

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    This paper studies the deflection of charged particles in a dipole magnetic field in Schwarzschild spacetime background in the weak field approximation. To calculate the deflection angle, we use Jacobi metric and Gauss-Bonnet theorem. Since the corresponding Jacobi metric is a Finsler metric of Randers type, we use both the osculating Riemannian metric method and generalized Jacobi metric method. The deflection angle up to fourth order is obtained and the effect of the magnetic field is discussed. It is found that the magnetic dipole will increase (or decrease) the deflection angle of a positively charged signal when its rotation angular momentum is parallel (or antiparallel) to the magnetic field. It is argued that the difference in the deflection angles of different rotation directions can be viewed as a Finslerian effect of the non-reversibility of the Finsler metric. The similarity of the deflection angle in this case with that for the Kerr spacetime allows us to directly use the gravitational lensing results in the latter case. The dependence of the apparent angles on the magnetic field suggests that by measuring these angles the magnetic dipole might be constrained.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Various Rejuvenation Behaviors of Zr-Based Metallic Glass by Cryogenic Cycling Treatment with Different Casting Temperatures

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    Abstract The rejuvenation behavior of an Zr50Cu40Al10 (at.%) metallic glass upon cryogenic cycling treatment has been investigated. At a high casting temperature, the microstructure of the glass is quite homogenous and thus, internal stress cannot be generated during cycling. Therefore, the glass cannot be rejuvenated by cryogenic cycling treatment. In the contrary, by lowering the casting temperature, nano-sized heterogeneity can be induced and subsequently generates the internal stress and rejuvenates the glass. Once the glass is rejuvenated, the more induced free volume can plasticize the glass with a higher plastic strain. These findings point out that the synthesis conditions can tailor the heterogeneity of the glass and subsequently affect the following rejuvenation behavior upon thermal treatment. It can also help understand the mechanisms of rejuvenation of metallic glass upon cryogenic cycling treatment

    Detection of Favorable QTL Alleles and Candidate Genes for Lint Percentage by GWAS in Chinese Upland Cotton

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    Improving cotton yield is a major breeding goal for Chinese upland cotton. Lint percentage is an important yield component and a critical economic index for cotton cultivars, and raising the lint percentage has a close relationship to improving cotton lint yield. To investigate the genetic architecture of lint percentage, a diversity panel consisting of 355 upland cotton accessions was grown, and the lint percentage was measured in four different environments. Genotyping was performed with specific-locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq). Twelve single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with lint percentage were detected via a genome-wide association study (GWAS), in which five SNP loci distributed on chromosomes At3 (A02) and At4 (A08) and contained two major-effect QTLs, which were detected in the best linear unbiased predictions (BLUPs) and in more than three environments simultaneously. Furthermore, favorable haplotypes (FHs) of two major-effect QTLs and 47 putative candidate genes in the two linkage disequilibrium (LD) blocks of these associated loci were identified. The expression levels of these putative candidate genes were estimated using RNA-seq data from ten upland cotton tissues. We found that Gh_A02G1268 was very highly expressed during the early fiber development stage, whereas the gene was poorly expressed in the seed. These results implied that Gh_A02G1268 may determine the lint percentage by regulating seed and fiber development. The favorable QTL alleles and candidate genes for lint percentage identified in this study will have high potential for improving lint yield in future Chinese cotton breeding programs

    Neutron EDM in Four Generation Standard Model

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    A fourth generation of quarks, if it exist, may provide sufficient CP violation for the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. We estimate the neutron electric dipole moment in the presence of a fourth generation, and find it would be dominated by the strange quark chromoelectric dipole moment, assuming it does not get wiped out by a Peccei-Quinn symmetry. Both the three electroweak loop and the two-loop electroweak/one-loop gluonic contributions are considered. With m_{b'}, m_{t'} at 500 GeV or so that can be covered at the LHC, and with a Jarlskog CPV factor that is consistent with hints of New Physics in b to s transitions, the neutron EDM is found around 10^{-31}e cm, still far below the 10^{-28}e cm reach of the new experiments being planned or under construction.Comment: 4 pages; 5 pages, references added, comment added on hyperon EDM, note added on on t' mass and Higgs mass after EPS-HEP 201

    A computerized scheme for lung nodule detection in multiprojection chest radiography: Lung nodule detection in multiprojection chest radiography

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    Purpose: Our previous study indicated that multiprojection chest radiography could significantly improve radiologists’ performance for lung nodule detection in clinical practice. In this study, the authors further verify that multiprojection chest radiography can greatly improve the performance of a computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) scheme

    Extended [pi]-conjugated pyrene derivatives: structural, photophysical and electrochemical properties

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    This article presents a set of extended [pi]-conjugated pyrene derivatives, namely 1,3-di(arylethynyl)-7-tert-butylpyrenes, which were synthesized by a Pd-catalyzed Sonogashira coupling reaction of 1,3-dibromo-7-tert-butylpyrenes with the corresponding arylethynyl group in good yields. Despite the presence of the tert-butyl group located at the 7-position of pyrene, X-ray crystallographic analyses show that the planarity of the Y-shaped molecules still exhibits strong face-to-face [pi]-[pi] stacking in the solid state; all of the compounds exhibit blue or green emission with high quantum yields (QYs) in dichloromethane. DFT calculations and electrochemistry revealed that this category of compound possesses hole-transporting characteristics. In addition, with strong electron-donating (-N(CH3)2) or electron-withdrawing (-CHO) groups in 2 d or 2 f, these molecules displayed efficient intramolecular charge-transfer (ICT) emissions with solvatochromic shifts from blue to yellow (green) on increasing the solvent polarity. Furthermore, the compounds 2 d and 2 f possess strong CT characteristics

    Effects of NH3 and alkaline metals on the formation of particulate sulfate and nitrate in wintertime Beijing

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    Sulfate and nitrate from secondary reactions remain as the most abundant inorganic species in atmospheric particle matter (PM). Their formation is initiated by oxidation (either in gas phase or particle phase), followed by neutralization reaction primarily by NH3, or by other alkaline species such as alkaline metal ions if available. The different roles of NH3 and metal ions in neutralizing H2SO4 or HNO3, however, are seldom investigated. Here we conducted semi-continuous measurements of SO4 2−, NO3 −, NH4 +, and their gaseous precursors, as well as alkaline metal ions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) in wintertime Beijing. Analysis of aerosol acidity (estimated from a thermodynamic model) indicated that preferable sulfate formation was related to low pH conditions, while high pH conditions promote nitrate formation. Data in different mass fraction ranges of alkaline metal ions showed that in some ranges the role of NH3 was replaced by alkaline metal ions in the neutralization reaction of H2SO4 and HNO3 to form particulate SO4 2− and NO3 −. The relationships between mass fractions of SO4 2− and NO3 − in those ranges of different alkaline metal ion content also suggested that alkaline metal ions participate in the competing neutralization reaction of sulfate and nitrate. The implication of the current study is that in some regions the chemistry to incorporate sulfur and nitrogen into particle phase might be largely affected by desert/fugitive dust and sea salt, besides NH3. This implication is particularly relevant in coastal China and those areas with strong influence of dust storm in the North China Plain (NCP), both of which host a number of megacities with deteriorating air quality