66 research outputs found

    Genomic compatibility occurs over a wide range of parental genetic similarity in an outcrossing plant

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    The theory of inbreeding and outbreeding suggests that there is a hump-shaped relationship between the genetic similarity of sexually reproducing parents and the performance of their offspring. Inbreeding depression occurs when genetic similarity is high, whereas hybrid breakdown is expected when genetic similarity is low. Between these extremes, the effect of genetic similarity on fitness is unclear. We studied the shape of this relationship by crossing 65 target genotypes of the clonal, self-incompatible Ranunculus reptans with partner genotypes spanning a broad scale of genetic similarity, ranging from crosses within populations to between-population crosses and hybridisation with a closely related species. Offspring were raised in outdoor tubs. Results revealed a quadratic relationship between parental genetic distance and offspring performance, with the clonal component of fitness more strongly hump-shaped than the sexual component. Optimal genetic similarity encompassed a broad range of within-population and between-population crosses. This pattern of genomic compatibility has important implications for the evolution of mating systems and mate choice

    Character displacement among bat-pollinated flowers of the genus Burmeistera: analysis of mechanism, process and pattern

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    Coexisting plants that share pollinators can compete through interspecific pollen transfer. A long-standing idea holds that divergence in floral morphology may reduce this competition by placing pollen on different regions of the pollinator's bodies. However, surprisingly little empirical support for this idea exists. Burmeistera is a diverse neotropical genus that exhibits wide interspecific variation in the degree to which the reproductive parts are exserted outside the corolla. Coexisting Burmeistera share bats as their primary pollinators, and the degree of exsertion determines the site of pollen deposition on the bats' heads. Here we study the mechanism, process and pattern of floral character displacement for assemblages of coexisting Burmeistera. Flight cage experiments with bats and pairs of Burmeistera species demonstrate that the greater the divergence in exsertion length, the less pollen transferred interspecifically. Null model analyses of exsertion lengths for 19 species of Burmeistera across 18 sites (each containing two to four species) demonstrate that observed assemblage structure is significantly overdispersed relative to what would be expected by chance. Local evolution, rather than ecological sorting, appears to be the primary process driving this pattern of overdispersion because local adaptation of the nine widespread species accounts for a large portion of the observed pattern. Taken together, results of this study provide strong support for the idea that competition through interspecific pollen transfer can drive character displacement in plants

    Potential for female kin associations in wild western gorillas despite female dispersal

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    Female philopatry and male dispersal are the norm for most mammals, and females that remain in their natal region often derive foraging or social benefits from proximity to female kin. However, other factors, such as constraints on group size or a shortage of potential mates, may promote female dispersal even when female kin associations would be beneficial. In these cases, female kin associations might develop, not through female philopatry, but through female emigration to the same group. To date, little attention has been focused on the potential for kin-biased behaviour between females in female-dispersing species. Here we investigate the genetic relationships among adults in eight wild groups of unhabituated western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) at the Mondika Research Center using microsatellite genotyping of DNA collected from hair and faeces. We found that almost half (40%) of adult females had an adult female relative in the same group and average within-group relatedness among females was significantly higher than that expected under a model of random dispersal. This provides the first genetic evidence that females can maintain social associations with female relatives in spite of routine natal and secondary dispersal. In addition, we show that females appear to avoid related silverback males when making dispersal decisions, suggesting that a strategy of non-random female dispersal may also function to avoid inbreeding