4,795 research outputs found

    Application of TauSpinner for studies on tau-lepton polarization and spin correlations in Z, W and H decays at LHC

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    The tau-lepton plays an important role in the physics program at LHC. Its spin can be used for separation of signal from background or in measuring properties of New Particles decaying to tau leptons. The TauSpinner package represents a tool to modify tau spin effects in any sample containing tau leptons. Generated events, featuring taus produced from intermediate state W, Z, H bosons can be used as an input. The information on the polarization and spin correlations is reconstructed from the kinematics of the tau lepton(s) (nutau in case of W-mediated processes) and tau decay products. By weights, attributed on the event-by-event basis, it enables numerical evaluation and/or modification of the spin effects. We review distributions to monitor spin effects in leptonic and hadronic tau decays with up to three pions, to provide benchmarks for validation of spin content of the event sample and to visualize the tau lepton spin polarization and correlation effects. The demonstration examples for use of TauSpinner libraries, are documented. New validation methods of such an approach are provided. Other topics, like TauSpinner systematic errors or sensitivity of experimental distributions to spin, are addressed in part only. This approach is of interest for implementation of spin effects in embedded tau lepton samples, where Z to mu mu events from data of muons are replaced by simulated tau leptons. Embedding is used at LHC for estimating Z to tau tau background to H to tau tau signatures.Comment: 1+41 pages, 5 figures in main text, multitude of figures in appendice

    Library of SM and anomalous WWgamma couplings for the e+e- -> f \bar{f} n\gamma Monte Carlo programs

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    A brief description of the library of the Standard Model and anomalous WWgamma coupling contribution to the matrix element for e+e- -> \nu \bar{\nu} n\gamma process is given. It can be used with any Monte Carlo program for e+e- -> f \bar f n\gamma processes. A working example of the application for the KORALZ version 4.04 is also provided.Comment: 1+5 pages (LaTeX

    QED Bremsstrahlung in decays of electroweak bosons

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    Isolated lepton momenta, in particular their directions are the most precisely measured quantities in pp collisions at LHC. This offers opportunities for multitude of precision measurements. It is of practical importance to verify if precision measurements with lep- tons in the final state require all theoretical effects evaluated simultaneously or if QED bremsstrahlung in the final state can be separated without unwanted precision loss. Results for final state bremsstrahlung in the decays of narrow resonances are obtained from the Feynman rules of QED in an unambiguous way and can be controlled with a very high precision. Also for resonances of non-negligible width, if calculations are appropriately performed, such separation from the remaining electroweak effects can be expected. Our paper is devoted to validation that final state QED bremsstrahlung can indeed be separated from the rest of QCD and electroweak effects, in the production and decay of Z and W bosons, and to estimation of the resulting systematic error. The quantitative discussion is based on Monte Carlo programs PHOTOS and SANC, as well as on KKMC which is used for benchmark results. We show, that for a large classes of W and Z boson observables as used at LHC, theoretical error on photonic bremsstrahlung is 0.1 or 0.2%, depending on the program options used. An overall theoretical error on QED final state radiation, i.e. taking into account missing corrections due to pair emission and interference with initial state radiation is estimated respectively at 0.2% or 0.3% again depending on the program option used.Comment: 1+28 pages, 20 figure

    Extra lepton pair emission corrections to Drell-Yan processes in PHOTOS and SANC

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    In the paper we present results for final state emissions of lepton pairs in decays of heavy intermediate states such as Z boson. Short presentations of PHOTOS and SANC algorithms and physics assumptions are given. Numerical distributions of relevance for LHC observables are shown. They are used in discussions of systematic errors in the predictions of pair emissions as implemented in the two programs. Suggestions for the future works are given. Present results confirm, that for the precision of 0.3% level, in simulation of final state the pair emissions can be avoided. For the precision of 0.1-0.2%, the results obtained with the presented programs should be enough. To cross precision tag of 0.1%, the further work is however required.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    Comparison of SANC with KORALZ and PHOTOS

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    Using the SANC system we study the one-loop electroweak standard model prediction, including virtual and real photon emissions, for the decays of on-shell vector and scalar bosons B --> f anti-f (gamma), where B is a vector boson, Z or W, or a Standard Model Higgs. The complete one-loop corrections and exact photon emission matrix element are taken into account. For the phase-space integration, the Monte Carlo technique is used. For Z decay the QED part of the calculation is first cross-checked with the exact one-loop QED prediction of KORALZ. For Higgs boson and W decays, a comparison is made with the approximate QED calculation of PHOTOS Monte Carlo. This provides a useful element for the evaluation of the theoretical uncertainty of PHOTOS, very interesting for its application in ongoing LEP2 and future LC and LHC phenomenology.Comment: Submitted to Acta Physica Polonica. 9 pages, 6 figure

    Electron-positron, parton-parton and photon-photon production of Ï„\tau-lepton pairs: anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments spin effects

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    Anomalous contributions to the electric and magnetic dipole moments of the τ\tau lepton from new physics scenarios have brought renewed interest in the development of new charge-parity violating signatures in τ\tau pair production at Belle II energies, and also at higher energies of the Large Hadron Collider and the Future Circular Collider. In this paper, we discuss the effects of spin correlations, including transverse degrees of freedom, in the τ\tau pair production and decay. These studies include calculating analytical formulas, obtaining numerical results, and building semi-realistic observables sensitive to the transverse spin correlations induced by the dipole moments of the τ\tau lepton. The effects of such anomalous contributions to the dipole moments are introduced on top of precision simulations of e−e+→τ−τ+e^-e^+ \to \tau^-\tau^+, qqˉ→τ−τ+q\bar{q} \to \tau^-\tau^+ and γγ→τ−τ+\gamma\gamma \to \tau^-\tau^+ processes, involving multi-body final states. Respective extensions of the Standard Model amplitudes and the reweighting algorithms are implemented into the {\tt KKMC} Monte Carlo, which is used to simulate τ\tau pair production in e−e+e^-e^+ collisions, and the {\tt TauSpinner} program, which is used to reweight events with τ\tau pair produced in pppp collisions.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Tau and muon pair production cross-sections in electron-positron annihilations at sqrt{s} = 10.58 GeV

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    The calculational precision of \ee\to\tautau and \ee\to\mumu production cross-sections in electron-positron annihilations at \roots = 10.58 \gev are studied for the \kk Monte Carlo simulation program. We determine \sigma(\ee\to\tautau) = (0.919 \pm 0.003) \nb and \sigma(\ee\to\mumu) = (1.147 \pm 0.005) \nb, where the error represents the precision of the calculation.Comment: 7 pages, 3 tables, 1 figure (published in Physical Review D 77, 054012 (2008)
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