11,661 research outputs found

    Strategic issues for LIS practitioner-researcher journals

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    Our intention in this Editorial is to explore some of the key issues being faced by library and information science (LIS) research based journals. We are, respectively, Editor of Health Information and Libraries Journal(HILJ) (Grant) and Editor of New Review of Academic Librarianship (NRAL)(Walton). The Editorial is very much our shared perspective and does not claim to be representative of all LIS practitioner-researcher journals. Our intention is not to give a theoretical perspective but to give a practical insight into the day-to-day realities of editing a practitioner-researcher LIS journal and how you, as a writer, can use this knowledge to inform your contact with us

    Inequality of opportunity and economic development

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    Just as equality of opportunity becomes an increasingly prominent concept in normative economics, the authors argue that it is also a relevant concept for positive models of the links between distribution and aggregate efficiency. Persuasive microeconomic evidence suggests that inequalities in wealth, power, and status have efficiency costs. These variablescapture different aspects of people's opportunity sets, for which observed income may be a poor proxy. One implication is that the cross-country literature on income inequality and growth may have been barking up the wrong tree, and that alternative measures of the relevant distributions are needed. The authors review some of the detailed microeconomic evidence, and then suggest three research areas where further work is needed.Economic Theory&Research,Inequality,ICT Policy and Strategies,Poverty Impact Evaluation,Primary Education

    Generalized Uncertainty Principle Corrections to the Simple Harmonic Oscillator in Phase Space

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    We compute Wigner functions for the harmonic oscillator including corrections from generalized uncertainty principles (GUPs), and study the corresponding marginal probability densities and other properties. We show that the GUP corrections to the Wigner functions can be significant, and comment on their potential measurability in the laboratory.Comment: minor revisions; included journal referenc

    1973 Rates of phosphate on lupin yield

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    New land sites (graphs 1, 2) The three sites were very responsive with the ppint of inflexion about 600 kg/ha super rate (similar to 1972 result). The seed xsuper rate interaction shows the quicker response to super with higher seeding rates. Low super bank (800 kg/ha) (GRAPH 3) The two sites showed very little response to ·super applied. On the Eradu sandplain no response to super for either Unicrop or Wheat. On the Watheroo yellow sandplain ( 73M015) the two lupin cultivers and the wheat gave different responses. High super bank ( \u3e 1 OOOkg/ha) (GRAPH 4) Two out of four soils gave significant yield responses to super rates. Compared with the 1972 results the Unicrop,Unharvest and wheat responses in 1973 are very close. However, the Unicrop again showed the faster responses to super. At the other two sites the lupins and wheat gave little response to applied. super. Trials - 73AL14, 73BR15, 73ES10, 73ES11, 73GE5, 73GE6, 73MO14, 73MO15, 73MO36, 73TS1, 73TS2, 73TS3

    Providing structural modules with self-integrity monitoring

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    With the advent of complex space structures (i.e., U.S. Space Station), the need for methods for remotely detecting structural damage will become greater. Some of these structures will have hundreds of individual structural elements (i.e., strut members). Should some of them become damaged, it could be virtually impossible to detect it using visual or similar inspection techniques. The damage of only a few individual members may or may not be a serious problem. However, should a significant number of the members be damaged, a significant problem could be created. The implementation of an appropriate remote damage detection scheme would greatly reduce the likelihood of a serious problem related to structural damage ever occurring. This report presents the results of the research conducted on remote structural damage detection approaches and the related mathematical algorithms. The research was conducted for the Small Business Innovation and Research (SBIR) Phase 2 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Contract NAS7-961

    Summary of experimental work 1974

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    Lupinus albus cv WB2: Maximum yield response to 36 plants/m2 at Avondale (1973 and 1974) and Mt Barker Research Station in 1973 (achieved with 180 to 200 kg/ha seed rate), Maximum yield response to 48 plants/m2 at Chapman 1973 and 1974 and at Eradu 1974 (achieved with 220 tG 240 kg/ha). Very good yield results: Season - site Avondale 1973-3300, 1974-2250. kg/ha Chapman 1973-2800, 1974-2400. Mt Barker 1973-1900. 74A2 - Rates Of seeding for L, albus cv WB2. 74A21 - Rates of super on two lupin varieties. 74BR1 - Pasture regeneration after lupin survey. 74C4 - Rates of seeding L. albus CV WB2. 74GE7 - Pasture regeneratien after lupin survey. 74GE8 - Rate of seeding on lupins. 74GE9 - Rates of seeding L. albus. 74KA4 - Rates of Seeding on Lupins. 73M014 - Rates of seed and super on lupin varieties. 74M010 - Pasture establishment under a lupin crop. 74MO11 - Rates of seed and super with L. cosentini. Var. CB46. 74TS5 - Polyculture of wheat and lupins. 74TS6 - Pasture establishment under a lupin crop

    Grain legume agronomy programme

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    Lupin agronomy, series 1 - growth factor interactions. To evaluate the relative influence that various growth factors exert on crop yield. Lupin agronomy, series 2 - harvest index response to density. To establish whether the harvest index of the plants at maximum crop yield density remains constant over a range of environmental conditions and whether differences exist between cultivars. Lupin agronomy - nutrition. To compare the grain yield response to potash rates. Grain legumes for wheatbelt rotations. To compare the soil fertility after one year growth of different legume species. In the 1981 experiments, Derrimut field pea yielded well, outyielding the lupin treatment in the drier wheatbelt sites. In the cereal year following the legume crops, all legumes gave large yield response relative to the cereal in 80N03, while at Boyup Brook, in spite of large calculated available N only the Illyarrie lupin treatment produced a large yield response. Erregqlla lupin rotation plots. To gather information on the ability of the hardseeded Erragulla lupin to regenerate as a grain crop as well as improve cereal crop yields in a lupin-wheat rotation.· Four identical experiments were set up in the Moora district; consisting of five lupin plots and five plots left to natural pasture. All plots will be cropped to cereal in 1982, left to regenerate in 1983 and recropped to cereal in 1984. Lupin/oat mixtures. To examine the relative growth and yield of lupin and oat components in various mixtures for grain yield and protein. Oat/pea hay mixtures. To determine the best mixture of oat and pea for hay yield, protein and digestibility. 81GE3, 81ME2, 81N08, 81BR1, 81BA5, 81GE17, 81GE18, 81TS24, 81WH18, 81MN6, 81MA1, 81MA2, 81M06, 81M07, 81GE6, 81TS3, 81ME3, 81M05, 81M014, 81E30, 81MA3, 80N03, 80BR6, 81M027, 81M028, 81M029, 81M030, 81AL87, 81BU10, 81MP1, 81AL8

    1973 Lupin cultivar comparison

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    Comparison of lupin varieties - 73LG6, 73LG7, 73LG78, 73A15, 73BA6, 73C3, 73MT8, 73MT20, 73N3