19 research outputs found

    Direct EGFR inhibition imaging in tageted treatment in neoplastic diseases

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    Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) targeted therapy is a novel pharmacological approach to a treatment of neoplastic diseases in humans. In a clinical practice treatment results are currently monitored in vivo using indirect (not targeted to EGFR) imaging strategies, like computed tomography, ultrasound or classical magnetic resonance imaging. However, methods dedicated for direct EGFR imaging and based on positron emission tomography are already at the preclinical stage of development. In the paper, most important data related to direct EGFR expression imaging in neoplasms was reviewed. Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2010; 6, 5: 278–282Leczenie ukierunkowane na zahamowanie funkcji receptora czynnika wzrostu naskórka (EGFR) jest nowym podejściem farmakologicznym do terapii chorób nowotworowych u ludzi. Obecnie w praktyce klinicznej monitorowanie obrazowe wyników tego leczenia in vivo odbywa się w sposób pośredni (nieuwidaczniający obecności EGFR), za pomocą takich metod, jak tomografia komputerowa, ultrasonografia czy klasyczne obrazowanie rezonansu magnetycznego. Na etapie badań przedklinicznych znajdują się metody bezpośredniego obrazowania skuteczności tej terapii za pomocą pozytonowej tomografii emisyjnej. W tej publikacji uwzględniono najważniejsze dane dotyczące bezpośredniego obrazowania ekspresji EGFR w nowotworach. Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2010; 6, 5: 278–28

    Political finance in Central Eastern Europe: an interim report

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    'Der Beitrag analysiert Gesetze und Regelungen über die Finanzierung von politischen Parteien und Wahlkampagnen in 17 Ländern: Albanien, Weißrussland, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Bulgarien, Kroatien, Tschechien, Estland, Ungarn, Lettland, Litauen, Mazedonien, Moldawien, Polen, Rumänien, Russland, Slowakei und Ukraine. Er bietet einen Überblick über die Kosten der Politik in einigen dieser Länder und stellt Hypothesen auf zu Mustern der Politikfinanzierung in Mittelosteuropa. Ein zentrales Ergebnis ist die Vielfalt der Politikfinanzierung in den untersuchten Ländern, was zumindest teilweise auf die unterschiedlichen historischen, politischen, sozialen und ökonomischen Merkmale der Länder in der Region zurückzuführen ist. Nach der Häufigkeit der angewandten Regelungen und Förderungen in den behandelten Ländern ergibt sich folgende Reihung: freie Sendungen in Radio und/oder TV: 100%; direkte staatliche Unterstützung von Parteien und/oder KandidatInnen: 76%; Ausgabenbeschränkungen (für Parteien und/oder KandidatInnen): 59%; Beschränkungen der Spenden an Parteien und/oder KandidatInnen: 47%. Die geringe Bedeutung von Mitgliedsbeiträgen scheint ein hervorstechendes Merkmal zu sein. In einigen der untersuchten Länder sind reiche 'Oligarchen' als politische Finanziers aufgetreten, und einige post-kommunistische Parteien sind nach wie vor stark von Mieteinnahmen aus Gebäuden abhängig, die sie von den früheren kommunistischen Regimes geerbt haben.' (Autorenreferat)'The article analyses laws and regulations concerning the financing of political parties and election campaigns in 17 countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, and Ukraine. It surveys the evidence about the costs of politics in some of these countries and considers hypotheses about the patterns of political finance in Central Eastern Europe. A principal theme of the article is the diversity of political financing in the countries under review. This is at least partly attributable to the variety of historical, political, social and economic characteristics of the countries in the region. Ranked by the frequency with which they occur in the countries covered by the article, the main kinds of regulations and subsidies are: free radio and/or television broadcasting: 100%, direct public funding of parties and/or candidates: 76%; spending limits (on parties and/or candidates): 59%; limits on contributions to parties and/or candidates: 47%. The absence of significant funding from subscriptions of party members seems to be a marked characteristic. In some of the countries under review, wealthy 'oligarchs' have emerged as important political funders, and some post-communist parties continue to depend largely on the rental income of buildings which they inherited from the former Communist regimes.' (author's abstract

    Guidelines of the Polish Medical Society of radiology for the routinely used MRI protocol in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Magnetic resonance imaging is widely used in diagnosing multiple sclerosis as a basic method for detecting and monitoring the disease. Introduction: Polish Medical Society of Radiology presents the second version of the recommendations for the routinely conducted MRI in multiple sclerosis, which include new data and practical remarks for radiographers and radiologists. The recommended protocol aims to improve the imaging procedure and, most importantly, to standardize conducting MRI scans in all MRI departments. This is crucial for monitoring the patients with MS, which directly contributes to essential clinical decisions. Aim of the guidelines: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating and degenerative disease of the central nervous system (CNS) with its etiology still unknown. The fundamental requirement of the disease is the CNS destruction process disseminated in time (DIT) and space (DIS). MR imaging detects focal lesions in white and gray matter with high sensitivity and is the best way to assessbrainatrophy in MS patients. It isunquestionably the best diagnostic tool to follow-up the clinical course of the disease and treatment of MS patients. However, to achieve a diagnosis based on MRI scans, and follow-up MS patients according to the latest standards, an MRI scan has to meet certainquality criteria that are the subject of this work

    Recommendations of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology and the Polish Society of Neurology for the routinely used magnetic resonance imaging protocol in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a widely used method for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) that is essential for the detection and follow-up of the disease. The Polish Medical Society of Radiology (PLTR) and the Polish Society of Neurology (PTN) present the second version of the recommendations for examinations routinely conducted in magnetic resonance imaging departments in patients with MS, which include new data and practical comments for electroradiology technicians and radiologists. The recommended protocol aims to improve the MRI procedure and, most importantly, to standardise the method of conducting scans in all MRI departments. This is crucial for the initial diagnostics that are necessary to establish a diagnosis as well as monitor patients with MS, which directly translates into significant clinical decisions. MS is a chronic idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), the aetiology of which is still unknown. The nature of the disease lies in the CNS destruction process disseminated in time and space. MRI detects focal lesions in the white and grey matter with high sensitivity (with significantly less specificity in the latter). It is also the best tool to assess brain atrophy in patients with MS in terms of grey matter volume and white matter volume as well as local atrophy (by measuring the volume of thalamus, corpus callosum, subcortical nuclei, hippocampus) as parameters that correlate with disability progression and cognitive dysfunctions. Progress in magnetic resonance techniques, as well as the abilities of postprocessing the obtained data, has become the basis for the dynamic development of computer programs that allow for a more repeatable assessment of brain atrophy in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. MRI is unquestionably the best diagnostic tool used to follow up the course of the disease and to treat patients with MS. However, to diagnose and follow up the patients with MS on the basis of MRI in accordance with the latest standards, an MRI study must meet certain quality criteria, which are the subject of this paper

    Recommendations of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology and the Polish Society of Neurology for a protocol concerning routinely used magnetic resonance imaging in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a widely used method for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis that is essential for the detection and follow-up of the disease.Objective: The Polish Medical Society of Radiology (PLTR) and the Polish Society of Neurology (PTN) present the second version of their recommendations for investigations routinely conducted in magnetic resonance imaging departments in patients with multiple sclerosis. This version includes new data and practical comments for electroradiology technologists and radiologists. The recommended protocol aims to improve the MRI procedure and, most importantly, to standardise the method of conducting scans in all MRI departments. This is crucial for the initial diagnostics necessary for establishing a diagnosis, as well as for MS patient monitoring, which directly translates into significant clinical decisions.Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic immune mediated inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), the aetiology of which is still unknown. The nature of the disease lies in a CNS destruction process disseminated in time (DIT) and space (DIS). MRI detects focal lesions in the white and grey matter with high sensitivity (although with significantly lower specificity in the latter). It is also the best tool to assess brain atrophy in patients with MS in terms of grey matter volume (GMV) and white matter volume (WMV) as well as local atrophy (by measuring the volume of thalamus, corpus callosum, subcortical nuclei, and hippocampus) as parameters that correlate with disability progression and cognitive dysfunctions. Progress in MR techniques, as well as advances in postprocessing the obtained data, has driven the dynamic development of computer programs that allow for a more repeatable assessment of brain atrophy in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. MR imaging is unquestionably the best diagnostic tool available to follow up the course of the disease and support clinicians in choosing the most appropriate treatment strategy for their MS patient. However, to diagnose and follow up MS patients on the basis of MRI in accordance with the latest standards, the MRI study must adhere to certain quality criteria. Such criteria are the subject of this paper

    The Europeanization of Political Parties: Influencing the Regulations on Political Finance

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    Europe does matter for political parties because of the impact of its rules, directives and norms into the domestic sphere. Drawing on new evidence, this paper sheds light on largely hidden aspects of the Europeanization of political parties and argues that the legal framework regulating party funding has been directly affected by this process. Political parties in EU candidate countries and the member states of the Council of Europe have become the target of stricter regulations in order to combat political corruption. The way in which external agencies have influenced the regulations on the funding of political parties is analysed. The article illustrates how political parties gain in importance in the context of the EU accession process and associated anti-corruption reforms. The influence of Europeanization on party funding regulations has been particularly important in the cases of Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania, as well as Turkey and the Balkan countries that have declared their intention of joining the EU

    Political Finance in Poland

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    Controlling Money and Politics – An Exercise in Damage Control

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    Whether there should be transparency in political finance? Whether there should be a control over the money that the political parties are receiving?corruption, transparency, politics, political finance, USA, UK, united kingdom, governance, money, regulation, foreign donations, monetary, media