112 research outputs found

    Photophysics of lead-free tin halide perovskite films and solar cells

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    The last five years have seen very active research in the field of environmentally friendly lead-free perovskite solar cells. Tin halide perovskites are certainly one of the most promising alternatives to lead-based perovskites, while the performance of present tin-based perovskite solar cells is still relatively low. Nevertheless, recent experiments on thin films with improved quality have indicated that tin halide perovskites can, in principle, provide a high device performance. In this Perspective, we summarize recent progress in the understanding of the fundamental photophysics of tin halide perovskite thin films. To identify the reason for the low performance of present devices, we discuss the energy loss mechanisms in solar cell structures from the viewpoint of photocarrier dynamics

    ICR News 2022

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    This Annual Report covers from 1 January to 31 December 202

    Photoelectronic Responses in Solution-Processed Perovskite CH[3]NH[3]PbI[3] Solar Cells Studied by Photoluminescence and Photoabsorption Spectroscopy

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    Photoelectronic responses of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite CH[3]NH[3]PbI[3] on mesoporous TiO[2] electrodes are investigated. On the basis of near-band-edge optical absorption and photoluminescence spectra, the bandgap energy and exciton binding energy as a function of temperature are obtained. The exciton binding energy is much smaller than thermal energy at room temperature, which means that most excitons are thermally dissociated, and optical processes are determined by the photoexcited electrons and holes. We determined the temperature dependence of exciton binding energy, which changes from ~30 meV at 13 K to 6 meV at 300 K. In addition, the bandgap energy and the exciton binding energy show abrupt changes at 150 K due to structural phase transition. Our fundamental optical studies provide essential information for improving the device performance of solar cells based on halide perovskite semiconductors

    Prospects for Tin-Containing Halide Perovskite Photovoltaics

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    Tin-containing metal halide perovskites have enormous potential as photovoltaics, both in narrow band gap mixed tin–lead materials for all-perovskite tandems and for lead-free perovskites. The introduction of Sn(II), however, has significant effects on the solution chemistry, crystallization, defect states, and other material properties in halide perovskites. In this perspective, we summarize the main hurdles for tin-containing perovskites and highlight successful attempts made by the community to overcome them. We discuss important research directions for the development of these materials and propose some approaches to achieve a unified understanding of Sn incorporation. We particularly focus on the discussion of charge carrier dynamics and nonradiative losses at the interfaces between perovskite and charge extraction layers in p-i-n cells. We hope these insights will aid the community to accelerate the development of high-performance, stable single-junction tin-containing perovskite solar cells and all-perovskite tandems

    Narrow bandgap Metal halide perovskites for all-perovskite tandem photovoltaics

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    All-perovskite tandem solar cells are attracting considerable interest in photovoltaics research, owing to their potential to surpass the theoretical efficiency limit of single-junction cells, in a cost-effective sustainable manner. Thanks to the bandgap-bowing effect, mixed tin−lead (Sn−Pb) perovskites possess a close to ideal narrow bandgap for constructing tandem cells, matched with wide-bandgap neat lead-based counterparts. The performance of all-perovskite tandems, however, has yet to reach its efficiency potential. One of the main obstacles that need to be overcome is the─oftentimes─low quality of the mixed Sn−Pb perovskite films, largely caused by the facile oxidation of Sn(II) to Sn(IV), as well as the difficult-to-control film crystallization dynamics. Additional detrimental imperfections are introduced in the perovskite thin film, particularly at its vulnerable surfaces, including the top and bottom interfaces as well as the grain boundaries. Due to these issues, the resultant device performance is distinctly far lower than their theoretically achievable maximum efficiency. Robust modifications and improvements to the surfaces of mixed Sn−Pb perovskite films are therefore critical for the advancement of the field. This Review describes the origins of imperfections in thin films and covers efforts made so far toward reaching a better understanding of mixed Sn−Pb perovskites, in particular with respect to surface modifications that improved the efficiency and stability of the narrow bandgap solar cells. In addition, we also outline the important issues of integrating the narrow bandgap subcells for achieving reliable and efficient all-perovskite double- and multi-junction tandems. Future work should focus on the characterization and visualization of the specific surface defects, as well as tracking their evolution under different external stimuli, guiding in turn the processing for efficient and stable single-junction and tandem solar cell devices

    Iodide-Mediated or Iodide-Catalyzed Demethylation and Friedel-Crafts C-H Borylative Cyclization Leading to Thiophene-Fused 1,2-Oxaborine Derivatives

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    The first synthesis of dithieno-1,2-oxaborine derivatives was achieved via iodide-mediated or iodide-catalyzed demethylation of 3-methoxy-2,2'-bithiophene and subsequent C-H borylation. A wide variety of thiophene-fused oxaborines could be synthesized by the procedure

    Enhancing the Hot-Phonon Bottleneck Effect in a Metal Halide Perovskite by Terahertz Phonon Excitation

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    ハライドペロブスカイト半導体においてテラヘルツ励起によるホットキャリアの長寿命化を実現 --太陽電池材料のフォノン操作による高効率化への新たな指針--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-02-19.We investigate the impact of phonon excitations on the photoexcited carrier dynamics in a lead-halide perovskite CH3NH3PbI3, which hosts unique low-energy phonons that can be directly excited by terahertz pulses. Our time-resolved photoluminescence measurements reveal that strong terahertz excitation prolongs the cooling time of hot carriers, providing direct evidence for the hot-phonon bottleneck effect. In contrast to the previous studies where phonons are treated as a passive heat bath, our results demonstrate that phonon excitation can significantly perturb the carrier relaxation dynamics in halide perovskites through the coupling between transverse- and longitudinal-optical phonons

    Ultrastrong coupling between THz phonons and photons caused by an enhanced vacuum electric field

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    テラヘルツ周波数帯の真空量子揺らぎと格子振動の超強結合状態の実現 --量子光を駆動力とする新規物性制御への挑戦--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-07-30.Ultrastrong coupling (USC) between phonons and vacuum photons can result in fascinating quantum phenomena, though it is difficult to achieve due to the small dipole moments of phonons in solids. Here, we investigate the vacuum Rabi splitting by coupling phonons in perovskite CH₃NH₃PbI₃ films with photons in split ring resonators. As the gap size of the resonator decreases, the coupling strength η increases due to the enhanced vacuum field in the gap, reaching the USC regime (η∼0.24) at a gap size of 100 nm. Our results show that nanoresonators are an excellent platform for studies of vacuum-dressed phonon properties

    Synthesis and Properties of Dithieno-Fused 1,4-Azaborine Derivatives.

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    The first synthesis of dithieno[3,2- b:2',3'- e][1,4]azaborinine (DTAB) derivatives has been achieved by Buchwald-Hartwig coupling and subsequent Friedel-Crafts-type C-H borylation. A facile method for further π-extension of DTAB was also developed via stannylation and subsequent Kosugi-Migita-Stille cross-coupling reaction. The fundamental properties of DTAB derivatives were also investigated

    Large thermal expansion leads to negative thermo-optic coefficient of halide perovskite CH₃NH₃PbCl₃

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    Lead halide perovskites have emerged as new optoelectronic materials owing to their outstanding optical properties. There has been increased interest in their temperature-sensitive optical properties and new optical applications have been proposed thereby. Here, we report the origin of the unusual negative thermo-optic coefficient of the halide perovskite CH₃NH₃PbCl₃, i.e., a decrease in the refractive index by an increase in temperature. From the temperature dependences of the absorption spectrum and the lattice constant and using the Lorentz oscillator model, we conclude that the negative thermo-optic coefficient below the absorption edge is predominantly determined by the large thermal expansion coefficient inherent to this soft material system. This work demonstrates that the negative thermo-optic coefficient is a distinctive phenomenon reflecting the unique electronic and lattice properties of halide perovskites