865 research outputs found

    The Shaping of Motherhood: How Raising a Child Who Stutters Impacts Identity

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    The ways that raising a child who stutters shapes the identity of parents, particularly mothers, has received little attention. The purpose of this study was to investigate the shaping of motherhood by the stuttering experiences of children. Three mothers who have parented children who stuttered at some point in their lives participated. A semi-structured, audio-recorded interview was used to gather data. Each interview was transcribed and read for major and minor themes, which were subsequently member checked for accuracy. Results revealed major themes of attachment, family dynamic, acceptance, empathy, and control, including control efforts and lack of control. Common emotions included anxiety, frustration, and self-blame. Other findings included the negative impact of societal pressure on the mother’s self-perception, as well as the influence of spousal unity

    Characterizing Data Streams Over IEEE 802.11b ad-hoc Wireless Networks

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    Soon, advancements in data encryption technology will make real-time decryption of the contents of network packets virtually impossible. This research anticipates this development and extracts useful information based on packet level characteristics. Distinguishing characteristics from e-mail, HTTP, print, and FTP applications are identified and analyzed. The analysis of collected data from an ad-hoc wireless network reveals that distinguishing characteristics of network traffic do indeed exist. These characteristics include packet size, packet frequency, inter-packet correlation, and channel utilization. Without knowing the contents of packets or the direction of the traffic flow, the applications accessing the wireless network can be determined

    Accounting for Taste in Irish Traditional Music

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    Although it is self-evident that people care about music, we don’t know how they make sense of their taste in it. In this study, I will explore how individuals explain their taste in music. I will specifically be focusing on the genre of Irish traditional music (ITM). One way to explore how people account for their taste in this genre is through a qualitative content analysis of online comments. I hope to demonstrate the vocabulary of motives for music preference, by focusing on how individuals account for their taste in Irish traditional music online. Also, this study will help show the role that culture plays in musical tastes by discovering whether their vocabulary includes references to Irish identity. I suspect that Irish American identity will come up as a common account for listening to this genre. The findings contribute to the theory of symbolic ethnicity (Gans 1959) by demonstrating the role it plays in the process of identity construction. My research questions are: How do people account for listening to Irish traditional music? Is there a connection between symbolic ethnicity and taste in music? I will explore these questions by examining internet comments through a qualitative content analysis

    Land resources of the Bencubbin area

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    This survey of the Bencubbin area is part of the Agriculture Western Australia\u27s regional land resource mapping program, and covers approximately 1.5 million hectares in the Merredin, Trayning, Koorda, Mount Marshall, Mukinbudin, Westonia and Nungarin Shires of Western Australia. The climate is Mediterranean, with hot dry summers and cool winters. Land is used for winter cereal production and grazing, and about 60% is cropped each year. Wheat is the main crop and is grown in rotation with lupins, field peas, barley and medic pasture. This report provides primary and interpreted information on the character and capability of the land, for use at regional, catchment and farm levels. The five major outputs or datasets are: • a site database of soil and landforms • description of map units • description of soil series • a soil landscape map at a scale of 1:250,000 • interpretation of the data. The 1:250,000 scale map and 14 soil landscape map units at subsystem level indicate the landform pattern and enable prediction of soil property variation at a regional level. Land capability interpretations can be made for broad regional planning. For farm scale use, the survey identifies and describes 18 soil series. This provides a basis for more detailed mapping and land use interpretation. Soils are identified within a common framework throughout the region and this grouping will aid the extension of local experience and experimental research results

    Shaking Up Traditional Training With Lynda.com

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    Supporting the diverse technology training needs on campus while resources continue to dwindle is a challenge many of us continue to tackle. Institutions from small liberal arts campuses to large research universities are providing individualized training and application support 24/7 by subscribing to the lynda.com Online Training Library(r) and marketing the service to various combinations of faculty, staff and students. As a supplemental service on most of our campuses, lynda.com has allowed us to extend support to those unable to attend live lab-based training, those who want advanced level training, those who want training on specialized applications, and those who want to learn applications that are not in high demand. The service also provides cost effective professional development opportunities for everyone on campus, from our own trainers and technology staff who are developing new workshops, learning new software versions or picking up new areas of expertise from project management to programming, to administrative and support staff who are trying to improve their skills in an ever-tighter economic environment. On this panel discussion, you will hear about different licensing approaches, ways of raising awareness about lynda.com on our campuses, lessons learned through implementation, reporting capabilities, and advice we would give for other campuses looking to offer this service

    Camera traps at northern river otter latrines enhance carnivore detectability along riparian areas in eastern North America

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    AbstractWe evaluated the efficacy of placing camera traps at river otter (Lontra canadensis) latrines (discrete sites in riparian areas where otters regularly deposit scats, urine, and anal secretions) to detect other carnivores occupying Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey, USA. We postulated that scents at latrines may serve as an attractant to other carnivores and evaluated this premise by using camera traps to compare carnivore detection rates (overall and by species) and richness (overall and for each survey month) between latrine (n=5) and non-latrine riparian areas (n=5). On average carnivore richness was about 1.7 times higher than that of a non-latrine, and mean richness was higher at latrines for all survey months. Likewise, the overall carnivore detection frequency was 3.5 times greater at latrines, and the detection frequencies for red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), northern raccoons (Procyon lotor), river otters, mink (Neovison vison), long-tailed weasels (Mustela frenata), and Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana) were greater at latrines. American black bears (Ursus americanus) and eastern coyotes (Canis latrans) where detected more frequently at non-latrines. Our study provides evidence that placement of camera traps at otter latrines may serve as a new and novel approach for monitoring carnivore populations in riparian areas


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    Pourquoi s’intéresser au film fixe aujourd’hui ? Medium très présent dans les classes du premier et du second degré dans les années mille-neuf-cent cinquante à soixante-dix, le film fixe est un véritable « dinosaure » par rapport aux moyens audio-visuels et numériques actuels. C’est peut-être là un de ses premiers attraits pour la recherche en histoire de l’éducation. En effet, son histoire est circonscrite à une périodisation relativement précise. Techniquement, le film fixe apparaît au déb..
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