9 research outputs found

    DINAMIKA PETANI TRANSMIGRAN JAWA: Studi di Desa Langgea Kec. Abuki Kab. Konawe

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    Kondisi pertanian transmigran Demak di Desa Langgea saat ini mulai mengalami involusi pertanian karena masuknya teknologi modern dalam bidang pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Bagaimana dinamika kepemilikan lahan pertanian pada masyarakat transmigran Jawa di desa Langgea. Serta bagaimana bentuk involusi pertanian masyarakat transmigran Jawa di Desa Langgea. Teori yang digunakan untuk membaca data adalah teori involusi pertanian menurut (Clifford Geertz, 1974). Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode etnografi yang menekankan pada pengamatan terlibat, wawancara mendalam, menafsirkan dan menganalisis berbagai informasi, data dianalisis dari awal penelitian secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dinamika kepemilikan lahan petani di Desa Langgea diperoleh dari pembagian pemerintah saat bertransmigrasi, melalui transaksi jual beli kepada sesama transmigran maupun melalui pembagian lahan dari orang tua, dan diolah secara individu. Petani di Desa Langgea memiliki permasalahan-permasalahan yang terkait dengan involusi pertanian. Luas lahan  petani transmigran Jawa belum mengalami perkembangan yang signifikan. Dengan masuknya teknologi-teknologi modern pada sektor pertanian, sebaiknya petani Desa Langgea mengasah keterampilan atau kreativitas dibidang lainnya sehingga tidak bergantung dengan profesi buruh yang selama ini menjadi alternatif masyarakat sebagai penghasilan tambahan. Kemudian, agar pemerintah menghimbau dan mendampingi masyarakat untuk bersama-sama membuka peluang kerja di Desa Langgea. Kata kunci: dinamika, Langgea, petani jawa transmigran.   &nbsp

    On the Role of Faith in Sustainability Management: A Conceptual Model and Research Agenda

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    International audienceThe objective of this article is to develop a faith development perspective on corporate sustainability. A firm’s management of sustainability is arguably determined by the way decision-makers relate to the other and the natural environment, and this relationship is fundamentally shaped by faith. This study advances theoretical understanding of the approach managers take on sustainability issues by explaining how four distinct phases of faith development—improvidence, obedience, irreverence and providence—determine a manager’s disposition towards sustainability. Combining insights from intentional and relational faith development theories, the analysis reveals that a manager’s faith disposition can be measured according to four interrelated process criteria: (1) connectivity as a measure of a manager’s actual engagement and activities aimed at relating to sustainability; (2) inclusivity as a measure of who and what is included or excluded in a manager’s moral consideration; (3) emotional affinity as a measure of a manager’s sensitivity and affection towards the well-being of others and ecological welfare; and (4) reciprocity as a measure of the degree to which a manager is rewarded for responding to the needs and concerns of ‘Others’, mainly in the form of a positive emotional (and relational) stimulus. The conceptual model consolidates earlier scholarly works on the psychological drivers of sustainability management by illuminating our search for a process of faith development that connects with an increasingly complex understanding of the role of business in society

    Sexual Dysfunction

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    May measurement month 2018: an analysis of blood pressure screening results from Sudan.

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    To raise awareness of high blood pressure (BP) levels and associated risk factors among the Sudanese population. A cross-sectional study was conducted in six Sudanese states during the period May-August 2018. The study area included public indoor and outdoor areas, institutes, and service facilities. A questionnaire for collecting the data was employed including demographic data, along with three consecutive BP measurements. Data were collected by trained volunteers. Hypertension (HTN) was defined as a systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg based on the mean of the second and third measurements, or in those on antihypertensive medication. The current study indicated a high prevalence of HTN (28.2%) among 40 779 participants and a low level of awareness (20.7%) amongst these participants. Of all, 18.2% of hypertensive participants were on medication and of these, 54.6% were controlled. Of all hypertensives, only 9.9% were controlled. Further action needs to be taken by all stakeholders for raising awareness and increasing screening provision of HTN, which are essential for the development of national health policies for control and management of HTN in Sudan

    Optical Transponders

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    The first commercial 10 - Gb/ s transponders, deployed in the mid 1990s, were based on a very simple modulation technique, i. e., a binary light intensity modulation with envelope detection by a single photodiode. To extend the fiber capacity, bandwidth-efficient modulation techniques such as duobinary line coding and multilevel intensity-modulation formats gained popularity in optical communications in the late 1990s. In the following years, the use of differential phase modulation in combination with interferometric detection allowed the transponder data rates to be increased up to 40Gb/s. However, despite all improvements, the system performance of these 40 - Gb/ s solutions was still not on par with state-of-the art 10 - Gb/ s systems at that time. With the advent of coherent detection, things suddenly changed and transmission rates of 100Gb/s and beyond could soon be achieved, thanks to the use of high-order modulation formats and advanced digital signal-processing techniques. In this chapter, the configuration and performance of the most common transmitter and receiver combinations that are currently used in optical transmission systems will be described, including an overview of transponder types and their hardware architectures. Finally, relevant standards will be discussed and pluggable optical transceiver modules used in modern transponder implementations will be explained

    Nanostructured optical fibre arrays for high-density biochemical sensing and remote imaging

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