7 research outputs found

    Interference with Myostatin/ActRIIB Signaling as a Therapeutic Strategy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

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    Mechanisms of disease, diagnostics and therap

    Overactive bone morphogenetic protein signaling in heterotopic ossification and Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Signal transduction in aging related disease

    BMP antagonists enhance myogenic differentiation and ameliorate the dystrophic phenotype in a DMD mouse model

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    Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked lethal muscle wasting disease characterized by muscle fiber degeneration and necrosis. The progressive pathology of DMD can be explained by an insufficient regenerative response resulting in fibrosis and adipose tissue formation. BMPs are known to inhibit myogenic differentiation and in a previous study we found an increased expression of a BMP family member BMP4 in DMD myoblasts. The aim of the current study was therefore to investigate whether inhibition of BMP signaling could be beneficial for myoblast differentiation and muscle regeneration processes in a DMD context. All tested BMP inhibitors, Noggin, dorsomorphin and LDN-193189, were able to accelerate and enhance myogenic differentiation. However, dorsomorphin repressed both BMP and TG beta signaling and was found to be toxic to primary myoblast cell cultures. In contrast, Noggin was found to be a potent and selective BMP inhibitor and was therefore tested in vivo in a DMD mouse model. Local adenoviral-mediated overexpression of Noggin in muscle resulted in an increased expression of the myogenic regulatory genes Myog and Myod1 and improved muscle histology. In conclusion, our results suggest that repression of BMP signaling may constitute an attractive adjunctive therapy for DMD patients. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Genomics, epigenetics, population genetics and bioinformatic

    Combined effect of AAV-U7-induced dystrophin exon skipping and soluble activin Type IIB receptor in mdx mice

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    Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-U7-mediated skipping of dystrophin-exon-23 restores dystrophin expression and muscle function in the mdx mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Soluble activin receptor IIB (sActRIIB-Fc) inhibits signaling of myostatin and homologous molecules and increases muscle mass and function of wild-type and mdx mice. We hypothesized that combined treatment with AAV-U7 and sActRIIB-Fc may synergistically improve mdx muscle function. Bioactivity of sActRIIB-Fc on skeletal muscle was first demonstrated in wild-type mice. In mdx mice we show that AAV-U7-mediated dystrophin restoration improved specific muscle force and resistance to eccentric contractions when applied alone. Treatment of mdx mice with sActRIIB-Fc increased body weight, muscle mass and myofiber size, but had little effect on muscle function. Combined treatment stimulated muscle growth comparable to the effect of sActRIIB-Fc alone and dystrophin rescue was similar to AAV-U7 alone. Moreover, combined treatment improved maximal tetanic force and the resistance to eccentric contraction to similar extent as AAV-U7 alone. In conclusion, combination of dystrophin exon skipping with sActRIIB-Fc brings together benefits of each treatment; however, we failed to evidence a clear synergistic effect on mdx muscle function.Genomics, epigenetics, population genetics and bioinformatic