1,301 research outputs found

    Decoherence and Initial Correlations in Quantum Brownian Motion

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    We analyze the evolution of a quantum Brownian particle starting from an initial state that contains correlations between this system and its environment. Using a path integral approach, we obtain a master equation for the reduced density matrix of the system finding relatively simple expressions for its time dependent coefficients. We examine the evolution of delocalized initial states (Schr\"odinger's cats) investigating the effectiveness of the decoherence process. Analytic results are obtained for an ohmic environment (Drude's model) at zero temperature.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex, 5 figures included. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Decoherence, Re-coherence, and the Black Hole Information Paradox

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    We analyze a system consisting of an oscillator coupled to a field. With the field traced out as an environment, the oscillator loses coherence on a very short {\it decoherence timescale}; but, on a much longer {\it relaxation timescale}, predictably evolves into a unique, pure (ground) state. This example of {\it re-coherence} has interesting implications both for the interpretation of quantum theory and for the loss of information during black hole evaporation. We examine these implications by investigating the intermediate and final states of the quantum field, treated as an open system coupled to an unobserved oscillator.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures included, figures 3.1 - 3.3 available at http://qso.lanl.gov/papers/Papers.htm

    Decoherence from a Chaotic Environment: An Upside Down "Oscillator" as a Model

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    Chaotic evolutions exhibit exponential sensitivity to initial conditions. This suggests that even very small perturbations resulting from weak coupling of a quantum chaotic environment to the position of a system whose state is a non-local superposition will lead to rapid decoherence. However, it is also known that quantum counterparts of classically chaotic systems lose exponential sensitivity to initial conditions, so this expectation of enhanced decoherence is by no means obvious. We analyze decoherence due to a "toy" quantum environment that is analytically solvable, yet displays the crucial phenomenon of exponential sensitivity to perturbations. We show that such an environment, with a single degree of freedom, can be far more effective at destroying quantum coherence than a heat bath with infinitely many degrees of freedom. This also means that the standard "quantum Brownian motion" model for a decohering environment may not be as universally applicable as it once was conjectured to be.Comment: RevTeX, 29 pages, 5 EPS figures. Substantially rewritten analysis, improved figures, additional references, and errors fixed. Final version (to appear in PRA

    Is the present expansion of the universe really accelerating?

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    The current observations are usually explained by an accelerating expansion of the present universe. However, with the present quality of the supernovae Ia data, the allowed parameter space is wide enough to accommodate the decelerating models as well. This is shown by considering a particular example of the dark energy equation-of-state wÏ•â‰Ąpϕ/ρϕ=−1/3w_\phi\equiv p_\phi/\rho_\phi=-1/3, which is equivalent to modifying the \emph{geometrical curvature} index kk of the standard cosmology by shifting it to (k−α)(k-\alpha) where α\alpha is a constant. The resulting decelerating model is consistent with the recent CMB observations made by WMAP, as well as, with the high redshift supernovae Ia data including SN 1997ff at z=1.755z= 1.755. It is also consistent with the newly discovered supernovae SN 2002dc at z=0.475z=0.475 and SN 2002dd at z=0.95z=0.95 which have a general tendency to improve the fit.Comment: Replaced with the accepted version to appear in MNRA

    Environment-Induced Decoherence and the Transition From Quantum to Classical

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    We study dynamics of quantum open systems, paying special attention to those aspects of their evolution which are relevant to the transition from quantum to classical. We begin with a discussion of the conditional dynamics of simple systems. The resulting models are straightforward but suffice to illustrate basic physical ideas behind quantum measurements and decoherence. To discuss decoherence and environment-induced superselection einselection in a more general setting, we sketch perturbative as well as exact derivations of several master equations valid for various systems. Using these equations we study einselection employing the general strategy of the predictability sieve. Assumptions that are usually made in the discussion of decoherence are critically reexamined along with the ``standard lore'' to which they lead. Restoration of quantum-classical correspondence in systems that are classically chaotic is discussed. The dynamical second law -it is shown- can be traced to the same phenomena that allow for the restoration of the correspondence principle in decohering chaotic systems (where it is otherwise lost on a very short time-scale). Quantum error correction is discussed as an example of an anti-decoherence strategy. Implications of decoherence and einselection for the interpretation of quantum theory are briefly pointed out.Comment: 80 pages, 7 figures included, Lectures given by both authors at the 72nd Les Houches Summer School on "Coherent Matter Waves", July-August 199

    Quantum decoherence of the damped harmonic oscillator

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    In the framework of the Lindblad theory for open quantum systems, we determine the degree of quantum decoherence of a harmonic oscillator interacting with a thermal bath. It is found that the system manifests a quantum decoherence which is more and more significant in time. We also calculate the decoherence time and show that it has the same scale as the time after which thermal fluctuations become comparable with quantum fluctuations.Comment: Talk at the XI International Conference on Quantum Optics (ICQO'2006), May 2006, Minsk (Belarus), 9 page

    Energy efficiency trade-offs drive nucleotide usage in transcribed regions

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    Efficient nutrient usage is a trait under universal selection. A substantial part of cellular resources is spent on making nucleotides. We thus expect preferential use of cheaper nucleotides especially in transcribed sequences, which are often amplified thousand-fold compared with genomic sequences. To test this hypothesis, we derive a mutation-selection-drift equilibrium model for nucleotide skews (strand-specific usage of 'A' versus 'T' and 'G' versus 'C'), which explains nucleotide skews across 1,550 prokaryotic genomes as a consequence of selection on efficient resource usage. Transcription-related selection generally favours the cheaper nucleotides 'U' and 'C' at synonymous sites. However, the information encoded in mRNA is further amplified through translation. Due to unexpected trade-offs in the codon table, cheaper nucleotides encode on average energetically more expensive amino acids. These trade-offs apply to both strand-specific nucleotide usage and GC content, causing a universal bias towards the more expensive nucleotides 'A' and 'G' at non-synonymous coding sites

    Deconstructing Decoherence

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    The study of environmentally induced superselection and of the process of decoherence was originally motivated by the search for the emergence of classical behavior out of the quantum substrate, in the macroscopic limit. This limit, and other simplifying assumptions, have allowed the derivation of several simple results characterizing the onset of environmentally induced superselection; but these results are increasingly often regarded as a complete phenomenological characterization of decoherence in any regime. This is not necessarily the case: The examples presented in this paper counteract this impression by violating several of the simple ``rules of thumb''. This is relevant because decoherence is now beginning to be tested experimentally, and one may anticipate that, in at least some of the proposed applications (e.g., quantum computers), only the basic principle of ``monitoring by the environment'' will survive. The phenomenology of decoherence may turn out to be significantly different.Comment: 13 two-column pages, 3 embedded figure

    The Grad-Shafranov Reconstruction of Toroidal Magnetic Flux Ropes: Method Development and Benchmark Studies

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    We develop an approach of Grad-Shafranov (GS) reconstruction for toroidal structures in space plasmas, based on in-situ spacecraft measurements. The underlying theory is the GS equation that describes two-dimensional magnetohydrostatic equilibrium as widely applied in fusion plasmas. The geometry is such that the arbitrary cross section of the torus has rotational symmetry about the rotation axis ZZ, with a major radius r0r_0. The magnetic field configuration is thus determined by a scalar flux function Κ\Psi and a functional FF that is a single-variable function of Κ\Psi. The algorithm is implemented through a two-step approach: i) a trial-and-error process by minimizing the residue of the functional F(Κ)F(\Psi) to determine an optimal ZZ axis orientation, and ii) for the chosen ZZ, a χ2\chi^2 minimization process resulting in the range of r0r_0. Benchmark studies of known analytic solutions to the toroidal GS equation with noise additions are presented to illustrate the two-step procedures and to demonstrate the performance of the numerical GS solver, separately. For the cases presented, the errors in ZZ and r0r_0 are 9∘^\circ and 22\%, respectively, and the relative percent error in the numerical GS solutions is less than 10\%. We also make public the computer codes for these implementations and benchmark studies.Comment: submitted to Sol. Phys. late Dec 2016; under review; code will be made public once review is ove

    Random background charges and Coulomb blockade in one-dimensional tunnel junction arrays

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    We have numerically studied the behavior of one dimensional tunnel junction arrays when random background charges are included using the ``orthodox'' theory of single electron tunneling. Random background charge distributions are verified in both amplitude and density. The use of a uniform array as a transistor is discussed both with and without random background charges. An analytic expression for the gain near zero gate voltage in a uniform array with no background charges is derived. The gate modulation with background charges present is simulated.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure
