51 research outputs found

    The Salinity Distribution in Young Sea-Ice

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    When undertaking a study of the lateral variation of the salinity of sea-ice it is necessary to select an area of ice with a known history. The field measurements reported here were made in North Star Bay, Thule, northwestern Greenland .... The sampling for the sheet ice grid was started at 1100 on November 6 and by 2100 the 2-, 4-, 8- and 16-foot grids were completed. The 32-, 64- and 128-foot grids were completed the following morning. ... Sampling of the pancake ice was started at 0900 on November 9 and completed by the evening of the same day. ... the standard deviation of the salinity values from closely spaced cored samples in sheet ice is always equal to or greater than ±0.3 per mil. In pancake ice, the standard deviation is usually ±1.0 per mil. ... this uncertainty will produce a standard deviation of approx. ±4 to 6 per cent of the total brine volume in the sheet ice and ±11 to 19 per cent of the total brine volume in pancake ice. This then accounts for a considerable proportion of the scatter observed in studying the strength properties of sea-ice

    The Polar Oceans Program of the Alaska SAR Facility

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    The science plan for the Alaska SAR Facility (ASF) focuses on earth surface characteristics that are of interest within the overall concept of global change and that show significant regional, seasonal and interannual variations resulting in changes in the strength of their radar returns. The polar oceans, with the continuous motion and deformation of the pack ice and the changes in the surface state of the surrounding open seas, offer excellent opportunities for such research. Because such studies require both frequent and detailed analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data, a Geophysical Processor System (GPS) has been developed to speed the extraction of useful geophysical information from SAR data sets. The system will initially produce three main types of products: (a) sets of ice motion vectors obtained by automated computer tracking of identifiable ice floes on sequential images, (b) the areal extent and location of several different ice types and open water and (c) a characterization of the wave state in ice-free regions as well as within the ice in the marginal ice zone at locations where significant wave penetration occurs. Details of these analysis procedures are described. Initially the GPS is planned to process 10 image pairs/day for ice motion, 20 images/day for ice type variations and 1 image/day for wave information, with a total estimated processing time of 13 hours. A variety of projects plan to utilize the SAR data stream in studies of ice, lead and polynya dynamics and thermodynamics. A common feature of these research programs will be attempts to provide, via the coupling of the SAR data with ice property and ice dynamics models, improved estimates of the heat and mass fluxes into both the atmosphere and the ocean as affected by the characteristics of the ice cover.Key words: SAR, radar, sea ice, image analysis, remote sensingMots clés: RAAS, radar, glace de mer, analyse d’images, télédétectio

    Structure of a Multi-Year Pressure Ridge

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    Three transverse profiles across a large pressure ridge located in the Beaufort Sea are presented. The ridge sail extended 4m. above sea level and the ridge keel 13 m. below. The cross-sections of the ridge keel can be described as roughly semi-circular. This suggests that form drag coefficients for flow transverse to the long axes of multi-year ridges may be as high as 0.8. Examination of several salinity, temperature and brine-volume profiles shows that much of the ice in the ridge has a very low salinity and is quite strong. All the inter-block voids that initially existed in the ridge at the time of its formation have been completely filled with ice. These observations, coupled with icebreaking experience indicate that multi-year ridges are, indeed, significant obstacles to even the largest icebreaking ship and should be avoided if possible. A very large first year ridge with a sail height of 12.8 m. is also described. This is the largest free-floating ridge yet measured

    The Effective Solute Distribution Coefficient During the Freezing of NaCl Solutions

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    International Conference on Low Temperature Science. I. Conference on Physics of Snow and Ice, II. Conference on Cryobiology. (August, 14-19, 1966, Sapporo, Japan

    The Effective Solute Distribution Coefficient During the Freezing of NaCl Solutions

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