19,171 research outputs found

    What\u27s Hecuba to Him, or He to Hecuba?

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    (Excerpt) My first attendance at this institute also marked the first of these Institutes. came to meet a musician classmate of mine. He was in a discussion with Edward Rechlin, the distinguished organist. As I came within earshot, Rechlin said to my classmate, Is he a musician? He said, Oh, no! No! He\u27s not a musician. Perfectly normal then, Rechlin responded

    Innovation and Growth in Resource Rich Countries

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    Numerous resource rich economies have been far more dynamic than those in Latin America and there is little long term evidence that natural resource abundant countries generally under perform. But two factors historically distinguish Latin America from the more successful experiences of Scandinavia or Australia. First, deficient national "learning" or "innovative" capacity arising from low investment in human capital and scientific infrastructure led to weak ability to innovate or even take advantage of technological advances abroad. Second, the period of inward looking industrialization created a sector whose growth depended on artificial monopoly rents rather than the quasi-rents arising from technological adoption, and at the same time undermined resource intensive sectors that had the potential for dynamic growth.

    Demand for rail travel to and from airports

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    Rail access to airports is becoming increasingly important for both train operators and the airports themselves. This paper reports analysis of inter-urban rail demand to and from Manchester and Stansted Airports and the sensitivity of this market segment to growth in air traffic and the cost and service quality of rail services. The estimated demand parameters vary in an expected manner between outward and inward air travellers as well as between airport users and general rail travellers. These parameters can be entered into the demand forecasting framework widely used in the rail industry in Great Britain to provide an appropriate means of forecasting for this otherwise neglected market segment. The novel features of this research, at least in the British context, are that it provides the first detailed analysis of aggregate rail flows to and from airports, it has disaggregated the traditional generalised time measure of rail service quality in order to estimate separate elasticities to journey time, service headway and interchange, and it has successfully explored departures from the conventional constant elasticity position

    Origin and evolution of the slime molds (Mycetozoa)

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    The Mycetozoa include the cellular (dictyostelid), acellular (myxogastrid), and protostelid slime molds. However, available molecular data are in disagreement on both the monophyly and phylogenetic position of the group. Ribosomal RNA trees show the myxogastrid and dictyostelid slime molds as unrelated early branching lineages, but actin and ß-tubulin trees place them together as a single coherent (monophyletic) group, closely related to the animal–fungal clade. We have sequenced the elongation factor-1a genes from one member of each division of the Mycetozoa, including Dictyostelium discoideum, for which cDNA sequences were previously available. Phylogenetic analyses of these sequences strongly support a monophyletic Mycetozoa, with the myxogastrid and dictyostelid slime molds most closely related to each other. All phylogenetic methods used also place this coherent Mycetozoan assemblage as emerging among the multicellular eukaryotes, tentatively supported as more closely related to animals + fungi than are green plants. With our data there are now three proteins that consistently support a monophyletic Mycetozoa and at least four that place these taxa within the ‘‘crown’’ of the eukaryote tree. We suggest that ribosomal RNA data should be more closely examined with regard to these questions, and we emphasize the importance of developing multiple sequence data sets

    Choice of cereal and pulse species and varities

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    All the main cereal crops - wheat, barley and oats, triticale, rye and spelt - can be grown organically in the UK. Until recently, the most important organic cereals were wheat and oats, with premiums paid for samples which reached milling quality. In the last year or two, more livestock farmers than arable farmers have converted to organic production so that feed grain has been in short supply, and the range of cereals grown organically has increased. New markets have also developed. Malted organic barley has been used for some time to produce beer, and now barley malt and wheat have been processed into organic whisky

    Modelling passenger demand for parkway rail stations

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    Interest in Parkway stations emerged in the 1980s. These act as convenient out-of-town stations for inter-urban rail journeys. There were 13 so-called Parkway stations in Great Britain in 1999 and two have subsequently been opened. This paper reports the development and application of a new Parkway forecasting model which was conducted for the Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC), undertaken as part of an extensive update to the Passenger Demand Forecasting Handbook, which recommends demand forecasting frameworks and associated parameters that are widely used in the railway industry in Great Britain. The objective was to develop a model that had more desirable properties and was more straightforward to apply than the previously recommended procedure. The focus is entirely upon inter-urban journeys of over 80 km.The model forecasts the demand for Parkway stations based solely on rail ticket sales data and its properties are illustrated with two case study applications. The nature of Parkway stations forces consideration of competition, and it is demonstrated that the inclusion of a station choice component leads to a somewhat improved explanatory power and a more plausible generalised cost elasticity.In addition to the methodological developments, the model has provided generally reasonable elasticities and forecasts and shown that Parkway users have different preferences to rail travellers in general. In a test based around a newly opened Parkway station, its forecasts are more accurate than the procedure it replaces

    Rapid prototyping as a faculty-wide activity: An innovative approach to the redesign of courses and instructional medthods at the University of Twente

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    At the Faculty of Educational Science and Technology (Toegepaste Onderwijskunde, T.O.) of the University of Twente a revolutionary process of institutional change is occurring. Under the banner of C@MPUS+, we have made a commitment to blend the best of our old values of good teaching and an attractive campus life with new didactics and advanced technologies so that we can extend our already unique curriculum and instructional practice over distance and time, as well as enrich it

    A particle velocity sensor to measure the sound from a structure in the presence of background noise

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    The performance (or quality) of a product is often checked by measuring the radiated sound (noise) from the vibrating structure. Often this test has to be done in an environment with background noise, which makes the measurement difficult. When using a (pressure) microphone the background noise can be such that it dominates the radiated sound from the vibrating structure. However, when using a particle velocity sensor, the Microflown [1,2], near the vibrating structure, the background noise has almost no influence (it is almost cancelled) and the sound from the structure is measured with a good S/N ratio. The experimental results are explained in terms of the different boundary conditions at the surface of the vibrating structure for the pressure and the particle velocity