19 research outputs found

    Vertical diversity of coalbed methane content and its geological controls in the Qingshan syncline, western Guizhou province, China

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    The distribution of methane content in the coalbed is complex in the Qinshan Syncline of western Guizhou Province. Analyses of factors controlling on the distribution of gas content are made in this paper. Coal ranks and geo-structure in the region showed strong controls on the gas distribution. Coals with higher degree of metamorphism or located in syncline most likely have higher gas content. With the concept of coalbed methane content unite thickness (CBMCUT), those factors such as coal seam buried depth and coal structure present positive relations with gas content. Results indicated that the variation of CBMCUT is not fixed in different research areas or in different coal structures. Namely, the variation follows "v-shaped" correlation with the increasing coal buried depth in the region of Qinshan Syncline. However, the trend is smooth for the coals in the Panzhuang mining area. Usually, the critical value for primary-texture coal and mylonitized is different based on the analysis of the relationship between coal structure and CBMCUT in those two areas described above. The value is commonly higher in mylonitized coal and lower in those mainly primary-texture and fragmented coals

    Uso e qualidade da água subterrânea para irrigação no semi-árido piauiense Use and quality of groundwater for irrigation in semi-arid region of the Piauí State, Brazil

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    A região semi-árida do Estado do Piauí é caracterizada por baixa intensidade pluviométrica e elevadas taxas de evapotranspiração. Porém a reserva de água subterrânea torna possível o desenvolvimento de atividades antrópicas, potencializada, na maioria dos casos, pelas características hidrogeológicas do subsolo, que permitem explotações de alta vazão de água com boa qualidade; todavia, alguns poços atingem formações de baixa vazão e qualidade de água com concentração de sais elevada e que, se utilizada para irrigação, pode ocasionar a salinização e a sodificação dos solos. Dessa forma, objetivou-se caracterizar as formas de uso e a qualidade das águas subterrâneas em parte da região semi-árida do Piauí, visando ao seu uso para irrigação. Coletaram-se amostras em 225 poços distribuídos espacialmente, nas quais foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: condutividade elétrica, sódio, cálcio, magnésio, relação de adsorção de sódio, carbonato, bicarbonato, cloreto e sulfato. Em relação ao uso da água, predominou o uso doméstico (53,61%), seguido pela irrigação (21,17%), com os seguintes métodos: gotejamento (14,03%); microaspersão (3,83%); aspersão convencional (16,11%); canhão e autopropelido (13,66%); superfície (16,76%) e outros métodos artesanais (35,52%). Os mapas de classes de risco de uso para irrigação, gerados a partir da qualidade da água subterrânea, evidenciam a ocorrência de sub-áreas com as seguintes classes: nenhuma restrição, moderada restrição e severa restrição.<br>The semi-arid region in the State of Piauí, Brazil, is characterized by low rain fall and high evapotranspiration. However, the groundwater reserves make possible the economic development by underground hydrogeology characteristics, which allow extractions of high water flow with good quality, in most of the cases. However, some wells reached formations that have low discharge and water with high salt concentration, which if used for irrigation may cause salinization and sodification. The main goal of this work was to characterize the different uses and quality of groundwater in a part of the semi-arid area of Piauí, with a view to its use for irrigation. Samples were collected in 225 wells distributed spatially in the area, in which the following variables were analyzed: electrical conductivity, Na, Ca, Mg, SAR, CO3, HCO3, Cl and SO4. Regarding water use, the domestic use prevailed (53.61%), followed by irrigation (21.17%), with the following irrigation methods: drip irrigation (14.03%); microsprinkler (3.83%); conventional sprinkler (16.11%); gun sprinkler and traveler irrigation machine (13.66%); surface irrigation (16.76%) and other handmade methods (35.52%). The maps of classes of use risk irrigation generated from groundwater quality showed the occurrence of sub-areas with the following classes: no restriction, moderate restriction and severe restriction