358 research outputs found

    New Approach on the General Shape Equation of Axisymmetric Vesicles

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    The general Helfrich shape equation determined by minimizing the curvature free energy describes the equilibrium shapes of the axisymmetric lipid bilayer vesicles in different conditions. It is a non-linear differential equation with variable coefficients. In this letter, by analyzing the unique property of the solution, we change this shape equation into a system of the two differential equations. One of them is a linear differential equation. This equation system contains all of the known rigorous solutions of the general shape equation. And the more general constraint conditions are found for the solution of the general shape equation.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex, submit to Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Concise theory of chiral lipid membranes

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    A theory of chiral lipid membranes is proposed on the basis of a concise free energy density which includes the contributions of the bending and the surface tension of membranes, as well as the chirality and orientational variation of tilting molecules. This theory is consistent with the previous experiments [J.M. Schnur \textit{et al.}, Science \textbf{264}, 945 (1994); M.S. Spector \textit{et al.}, Langmuir \textbf{14}, 3493 (1998); Y. Zhao, \textit{et al.}, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA \textbf{102}, 7438 (2005)] on self-assembled chiral lipid membranes of DC8,9_{8,9}PC. A torus with the ratio between its two generated radii larger than 2\sqrt{2} is predicted from the Euler-Lagrange equations. It is found that tubules with helically modulated tilting state are not admitted by the Euler-Lagrange equations, and that they are less energetically favorable than helical ripples in tubules. The pitch angles of helical ripples are theoretically estimated to be about 0^\circ and 35^\circ, which are close to the most frequent values 5^\circ and 28^\circ observed in the experiment [N. Mahajan \textit{et al.}, Langmuir \textbf{22}, 1973 (2006)]. Additionally, the present theory can explain twisted ribbons of achiral cationic amphiphiles interacting with chiral tartrate counterions. The ratio between the width and pitch of twisted ribbons is predicted to be proportional to the relative concentration difference of left- and right-handed enantiomers in the low relative concentration difference region, which is in good agreement with the experiment [R. Oda \textit{et al.}, Nature (London) \textbf{399}, 566 (1999)].Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Capture on High Curvature Region: Aggregation of Colloidal Particle Bound to Giant Phospholipid Vesicles

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    A very recent observation on the membrane mediated attraction and ordered aggregation of colloidal particles bound to giant phospholipid vesicles (I. Koltover, J. O. R\"{a}dler, C. R. Safinya, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 82}, 1991(1999)) is investigated theoretically within the frame of Helfrich curvature elasticity theory of lipid bilayer fluid membrane. Since the concave or waist regions of the vesicle possess the highest local bending energy density, the aggregation of colloidal beads on these places can reduce the elastic energy in maximum. Our calculation shows that a bead in the concave region lowers its energy 20kBT\sim 20 k_B T. For an axisymmetrical dumbbell vesicle, the local curvature energy density along the waist is equally of maximum, the beads can thus be distributed freely with varying separation distance.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. REVte

    Dynamical description of vesicle growth and shape change

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    We systematize and extend the description of vesicle growth and shape change using linear nonequilibrium thermodynamics. By restricting the study to shape changes from spheres to axisymmetric ellipsoids, we are able to give a consistent formulation which includes the lateral tension of the vesicle membrane. This allows us to generalize and correct a previous calculation. Our present calculations suggest that, for small growing vesicles, a prolate ellipsoidal shape should be favored over oblate ellipsoids, whereas for large growing vesicles oblates should be favored over prolates. The validity of this prediction is examined in the light of the various assumptions made in its derivation.Comment: 6 page

    Effective Area-Elasticity and Tension of Micro-manipulated Membranes

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    We evaluate the effective Hamiltonian governing, at the optically resolved scale, the elastic properties of micro-manipulated membranes. We identify floppy, entropic-tense and stretched-tense regimes, representing different behaviors of the effective area-elasticity of the membrane. The corresponding effective tension depends on the microscopic parameters (total area, bending rigidity) and on the optically visible area, which is controlled by the imposed external constraints. We successfully compare our predictions with recent data on micropipette experiments.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Large deformation of spherical vesicle studied by perturbation theory and Surface evolver

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    With tangent angle perturbation approach the axial symmetry deformation of a spherical vesicle in large under the pressure changes is studied by the elasticity theory of Helfrich spontaneous curvature model.Three main results in axial symmetry shape: biconcave shape, peanut shape, and one type of myelin are obtained. These axial symmetry morphology deformations are in agreement with those observed in lipsome experiments by dark-field light microscopy [Hotani, J. Mol. Biol. 178, (1984) 113] and in the red blood cell with two thin filaments (myelin) observed in living state (see, Bessis, Living Blood Cells and Their Ultrastructure, Springer-Verlag, 1973). Furthermore, the biconcave shape and peanut shape can be simulated with the help of a powerful software, Surface Evolver [Brakke, Exp. Math. 1, 141 (1992) 141], in which the spontaneous curvature can be easy taken into account.Comment: 16 pages, 6 EPS figures and 2 PS figure

    Area-Constrained Planar Elastica

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    We determine the equilibria of a rigid loop in the plane, subject to the constraints of fixed length and fixed enclosed area. Rigidity is characterized by an energy functional quadratic in the curvature of the loop. We find that the area constraint gives rise to equilibria with remarkable geometrical properties: not only can the Euler-Lagrange equation be integrated to provide a quadrature for the curvature but, in addition, the embedding itself can be expressed as a local function of the curvature. The configuration space is shown to be essentially one-dimensional, with surprisingly rich structure. Distinct branches of integer-indexed equilibria exhibit self-intersections and bifurcations -- a gallery of plots is provided to highlight these findings. Perturbations connecting equilibria are shown to satisfy a first order ODE which is readily solved. We also obtain analytical expressions for the energy as a function of the area in some limiting regimes.Comment: 23 pages, several figures. Version 2: New title. Changes in the introduction, addition of a new section with conclusions. Figure 14 corrected and one reference added. Version to appear in PR

    Kinetic pathways of multi-phase surfactant systems

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    The relaxation following a temperature quench of two-phase (lamellar and sponge phase) and three-phase (lamellar, sponge and micellar phase) samples, has been studied in an SDS/octanol/brine system. In the three-phase case we have observed samples that are initially mainly sponge phase with lamellar and micellar phase on the top and bottom respectively. Upon decreasing temperature most of the volume of the sponge phase is replaced by lamellar phase. During the equilibriation we have observed three regimes of behaviour within the sponge phase: (i) disruption in the sponge texture, then (ii) after the sponge phase homogenises there is a lamellar nucleation regime and finally (iii) a bizarre plume connects the lamellar phase with the micellar phase. The relaxation of the two-phase sample proceeds instead in two stages. First lamellar drops nucleate in the sponge phase forming a onion `gel' structure. Over time the lamellar structure compacts while equilibriating into a two phase lamellar/sponge phase sample. We offer possible explanatioins for some of these observations in the context of a general theory for phase kinetics in systems with one fast and one slow variable.Comment: 1 textfile, 20 figures (jpg), to appear in PR

    Effective field theory approach to Casimir interactions on soft matter surfaces

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    We utilize an effective field theory approach to calculate Casimir interactions between objects bound to thermally fluctuating fluid surfaces or interfaces. This approach circumvents the complicated constraints imposed by such objects on the functional integration measure by reverting to a point particle representation. To capture the finite size effects, we perturb the Hamiltonian by DH that encapsulates the particles' response to external fields. DH is systematically expanded in a series of terms, each of which scales homogeneously in the two power counting parameters: \lambda \equiv R/r, the ratio of the typical object size (R) to the typical distance between them (r), and delta=kB T/k, where k is the modulus characterizing the surface energy. The coefficients of the terms in DH correspond to generalized polarizabilities and thus the formalism applies to rigid as well as deformable objects. Singularities induced by the point particle description can be dealt with using standard renormalization techniques. We first illustrate and verify our approach by re-deriving known pair forces between circular objects bound to films or membranes. To demonstrate its efficiency and versatility, we then derive a number of new results: The triplet interactions present in these systems, a higher order correction to the film interaction, and general scaling laws for the leading order interaction valid for objects of arbitrary shape and internal flexibility.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Fluid-membrane tethers: minimal surfaces and elastic boundary layers

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    Thin cylindrical tethers are common lipid bilayer membrane structures, arising in situations ranging from micromanipulation experiments on artificial vesicles to the dynamic structure of the Golgi apparatus. We study the shape and formation of a tether in terms of the classical soap-film problem, which is applied to the case of a membrane disk under tension subject to a point force. A tether forms from the elastic boundary layer near the point of application of the force, for sufficiently large displacement. Analytic results for various aspects of the membrane shape are given.Comment: 12 page