6 research outputs found

    Qualitative research toolkit: GAGE’s approach to researching with adolescents

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    This toolkit is a companion piece to the GAGE baseline qualitative research toolkit and provides the group and individual research tools, all of which are age-tailored (early adolescents, mid/older adolescents and adults), used during the second round of data collection in GAGE’s longitudinal study. A selection of these could be used to understand different dimensions of adolescent wellbeing and development trajectories in any given context. For the purposes of the GAGE research programme, this collection of tools has also been designed to mirror the GAGE ‘3 Cs’ conceptual framework which reflects the close connections between the ‘3 Cs’: capabilities, change strategies and contexts. It considers adolescents’ multidimensional capabilities and the ways in which these differ depending on age, gender and (dis)ability; the change strategies that are employed by families, communities, service providers, policy-makers, civil society and development partners to promote empowered and healthy transitions from adolescence into early adulthood; and finally the broader meso- and macro-level contexts that shape the enabling/constraining environments in which adolescent realities are played out (Figure 1). Adolescents are situated at the centre of this socio-ecological framework

    Qualitative research toolkit to explore child marriage dynamics and how to fast-track prevention

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    Accelerating progress towards eliminating child marriage and empowering married girls requires not just more research, but different tools. Tools that are designed with action and inclusion in mind. GAGE’s new child marriage toolkit builds on existent tools, including those we used in our formative and baseline work (see GAGE baseline qualitative research tools), and hones in on how to prevent child marriage – for girls and boys – and mitigate its impacts on adolescent girls, including those who are separated and divorced. Our new tools focus on marriage decision-making and ask marriage decision-makers what might encourage them to make different decisions. They also trace the threats and opportunities that girls (and boys) face at various steps along the child marriage pathway (engagement to divorce) and explore how a range of services might improve outcomes. Most importantly, our new child marriage toolkit is built around the decision-making underpinning child marriage and the experiences of married adolescents, rather than indirectly through an exploration of adolescence more broadly. Our tools are directly aimed at two questions: how can we prevent child marriage and how can we make married girls’ (and boys’) lives better

    Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Ethiopia and Rwanda: a qualitative exploration of the role of social norms

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    This article seeks to address the dearth of evidence on early adolescent understandings and experiences of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in Ethiopia and Rwanda, drawing on a multisite qualitative research study with 10- to 12-year-old and 14- to 15-year-old male and female adolescents and a range of adult participants. The article is informed by a conceptual framework that draws on Amartya Sen’s capability approach, which calls for investments in a broad set of assets that expand individuals’ capacity to “be” and to “do.” Using SRH as a focal lens, the article considers the role played by gendered social norms in adolescents’ experiences of SRH-related understandings and experiences. Three key interrelated gender themes emerge from our thematic analyses of qualitative evidence generated by our multimethods approach: puberty transitions, sexuality, and victim blaming. In our analyses, we pay attention to diversity (e.g., age, gender, place of residence) among adolescents within and across the two focal countries and consider how discriminatory gendered social norms play a role in hindering the effective uptake of expanding health services. We conclude by emphasizing the need for program designers and implementers to address the role of underlying social norms in a more strategic and context-specific way to help young people navigate their sexual and reproductive lives

    “Girls and Boys Have Become the Toys of Everyone”: Interrogating the Drivers and Experiences of Adolescent Migration in Ethiopia.

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    The recently adopted Global Compact for Migration (GCM) has a strong focus on the rights of migrants. While the GCM is non-legally binding and its adoption has been heatedly contested, this is an important historical moment to reflect on the status of some of the most vulnerable migrants – adolescent girls and boys – and the efforts that will be needed to fast-track social change and ensure that they benefit from the ambitious targets of the GCM and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. This article explores these issues through a case study on Ethiopia, where migration—especially of young people—is already accelerating and is poised for explosive growth in the coming years. Drawing on qualitative data collected by the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) international research programme, this article focuses on the ways in which adolescent girls’ and boys’ multi-dimensional capabilities drive and are shaped by migration. Our findings highlight that in many cases Ethiopian adolescents are “choosing” to migrate because they perceive no other viable options. Simultaneously pushed and pulled into undertaking risky endeavours with limited information, they often find themselves vulnerable to a range of risks with very little support. To help mitigate those risks, and help adolescents use migration to improve, rather than restrict, their access to their human rights, our conclusions discuss a number of key policy and programming entry points

    Intersecting barriers to adolescents’ educational access during COVID-19: Exploring the role of gender, disability and poverty

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    This article explores the social determinants of adolescents’ access to education during the COVID-19 pandemic in three diverse urban contexts in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Jordan. It provides novel empirical data from the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence longitudinal study, drawing on phone surveys (4441), qualitative interviews with adolescents aged 12–19 years (500), and key informant interviews conducted between April and October 2020. Findings highlight that the pandemic is compounding pre-existing vulnerabilities to educational disadvantage, and that gender, poverty and disability are intersecting to deepen social inequalities. The paper concludes by reflecting on policy implications for inclusive distance education in emergencies