1,941 research outputs found

    The Apparent Morphology of Peculiar Galaxies at Intermediate to High Redshifts

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    We use rest frame ultraviolet (UV), B, and V band images of five nearby (z<0.02) interacting and/or starbursting galaxies to simulate deep HST observations of peculiar galaxies at medium to high redshifts. In particular, we simulate Hubble Deep Field (HDF) observations in the F606W and F814W filters of starburst galaxies in the redshift range z~0.5---2.5 by explicitly account for the combined effects of band-shifting and surface brightness dimming. We find that extended morphological features remain readily visible in the long exposures typical of the HDF out to redshifts of ~ 1. For systems above z~1.5, the simulated morphologies look remarkably similar to those of the faint objects found in the HDF and other deep HST fields. Peculiar starburst galaxies therefore appear to be the best local analogs to the highest redshift galaxies in terms of morphology, star formation rates, and spectral energy distributions. Nevertheless, photometric measurements of the z>1.5 images fail to recover the true global properties of the underlying systems. This is because the high-z observations are sensitive to the rest-frame UV emission, which is dominated by the most active star forming regions. The extended distribution of starlight from more evolved populations would not be detected. We conclude that imaging observations in the restframe UV alone cannot reveal whether high-z systems (z>1.5) are proto-galaxies, proto-bulges, or starbursts within a pre-existing population. Definitive statements regarding the global properties and dynamical states of these objects require deep imaging observations at longer wavelengths.Comment: 15 pages, AAS LaTex macros v4.0, 6 Figs. To appear in The Astronomical Journal. 1200 kB gzipped encapsulated postscript file of paper and high-resolution figures is available at http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~hibbard/highZ/ or http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~vacca/highz.htm

    The Neutral Hydrogen Distribution in Merging Galaxies: Differences between Stellar and Gaseous Tidal Morphologies

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    We have mapped the neutral atomic gas (HI) in the three disk-disk merger systems NGC 520, Arp 220, and Arp 299. These systems differ from the majority of the mergers mapped in HI, in that their stellar and gaseous tidal features do not coincide. In particular, they exhibit large stellar tidal features with little if any accompanying neutral gas and large gas-rich tidal features with little if any accompanying starlight. On smaller scales, there are striking anti-correlations where the gaseous and stellar tidal features appear to cross. We explore several possible causes for these differences, including dust obscuration, ram pressure stripping, and ionization effects. No single explanation can account for all of the observed differences. The fact that each of these systems shows evidence for a starburst driven superwind expanding in the direction of the most striking anti-correlations leads us to suggest that the superwind is primarily responsible for the observed differences, either by sweeping the features clear of gas via ram pressure, or by excavating a clear sightline towards the starburst and allowing UV photons to ionize regions of the tails.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, uses emulateapj.sty. To appear in the March 2000 issue of AJ. Version with full resolution figures is available via http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~jhibbard/HIdisp/HIdisp.htm

    C^+ distribution around S1 in rho Ophiuchi

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    We analyze a [C II] 158 micron map obtained with the L2 GREAT receiver on SOFIA of the emission/reflection nebula illuminated by the early B star S1 in the rho-OphA cloud core. This data set has been complemented with maps of CO(3-2), 13CO(3-2) and C18O(3-2), observed as a part of the JCMT Gould Belt Survey, with archival HCO^+(4-3) JCMT data, as well as with [O I] 63 and 145 micron imaging with Herschel/PACS. The [C II] emission is completely dominated by the strong PDR emission from the nebula surrounding S1 expanding into the dense Oph A molecular cloud west and south of S1. The [C II] emission is significantly blue shifted relative to the CO spectra and also relative to the systemic velocity, particularly in the northwestern part of the nebula. The [C II] lines are broader towards the center of the S1 nebula and narrower towards the PDR shell. The [C II] lines are strongly self-absorbed over an extended region in the S1 PDR. Based on the strength of the [13C II] F = 2-1 hyperfine component, [C II] is significantly optically thick over most of the nebula. CO and 13CO(3-2) spectra are strongly self-absorbed, while C18O(3-2) is single peaked and centered in the middle of the self-absorption. We have used a simple two-layer LTE model to characterize the background and foreground cloud contributing to the [C II] emission. From this analysis we estimate the extinction due to the foreground cloud to be ~9.9 mag, which is slightly less than the reddening estimated towards S1. Since some of the hot gas in the PDR is not traced by low J CO emission, this result appears quite plausible. Using a plane parallel PDR model with the observed [OI(145)]/[C II] brightness ratio and an estimated FUV intensity of 3100-5000 G0 suggests that the density of the [C II] emitting gas is ~3-4x10^3 cm^-3.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    On the nature of the flux variability during an expansion stage of a type I X-ray burst: Constraints on Neutron Star Parameters for 4U 1820-30

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    Powerful Type I X-ray burst with strong radial expansion was observed from the low mass X-ray binary 4U 1820-30 with Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer on May 2, 1997. We investigate closely the flux profile during the burst expansion stage. Applying a semi-analytical model we are able to uncover the behavior of a photospheric radius and to simulate the evolution of neutron star (NS)-accretion disk system. The bottom flux L_{bot} is a few times the Eddington limit L_{Edd} for outer layers, because the electron cross-section is a few times less than the Thomson cross-section at such a high temperatures. The surplus of energy flux with respect to the Eddington, Lbot−LEddL_{bot}-L_{Edd}, goes into the potential energy of the expanded envelope. As cooling of the burning zone starts the surplus decreases and thus the envelope shrinks while the emergent photon flux stays the same L=LEddL=L_{Edd}. At a certain moment the NS low-hemisphere, previously screened by the disk, becomes visible to the observer. Consequently, the flux detected by the observer increases. Indeed, we observe to the paradoxical situation when the burning zone cools, but the apparent flux increases because of the NS-accretion disk geometry. We demonstrate a strong observational evidence of NS-accretion disk occultation in the behavior of the observed bolometric flux. We estimate the anisotropy due to geometry and find that the system should have a high inclination angle. Finally, we apply an analytical model of X-ray spectral formation in the neutron star atmosphere during burst decay stage to infer the neutron star (NS) mass-radius relation.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, accepted to ApJ

    Design of a Novel Actuation System for Variable Displacement Gear Machine

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    External spur gear pumps are exceedingly useful components in common hydraulic systems. The main issue with external gear pumps is that all current models are limited to only fixed-displacement. This means that for every revolution of the gears inside the pump, a set amount of fluid will always be displaced. Consequently, external gear pumps are limited in their use because they can only operate at full throttle causing inefficiencies when reduced displacement is needed. The successful procurement of a variable displacement gear pump will allow a more efficient use of hydraulic systems, such as in the displacement controlled systems used in some heavy construction equipment. In this research approach, the displacement is varied by changing the timing of the gears inside the pump. More specifically, changing the timing of the gears’ connections with the inlet and outlet grooves alters the available volume in the gears’ spaces, subsequently varying the displacement. With this in mind, additional research was conducted to develop an actuation system for the aforementioned process. This includes the design of new gears, bearing blocks, and additional hydraulics for use in a modified existing commercial pump. Simulations have shown the implementation of the design allowed for a 67% reduction in displacement, and thus successful introduction of variable displacement into an external gear pump. Additional research is needed to determine the optimal designs for the actuation system and variable displacement concept used in the gear pump
