113 research outputs found
Eksplorasi Respon Pasien Gangguan Jiwa Setelah Mendapat Home Visite Dari Petugas Kesehatan
The success of treatment in cases of mental disorder should not be simply imposed on a psychiatric unit, especially when patients were treated at a mental hospital. But it should be followed up with monitoring of treatment when the patient has returned home and cared for by family. One of the important agenda for health workers in the psychiatric unit is to conduct home visits to patients with mental disorders when the patient has been allowed to go home. It can bring a positive impact on families as well as for patients who visited by the health officers. The study was conducted qualitatively with the aim to determine the perception of mental patients after getting home visit by health officers. Indepth interviews were conducted on 8 patients and were analyzed using Collaizzi analysis techniques. The study identified four themes: (1) there was a positive response of patients toward home visits by health officers, (2) needs for mental health information were identified, (3) there was an expectation of mental health services and (4) patient's negative thoughts were identified. Recommendations based on the results of this study is that a structured home visit programs should be appliedin each unit of mental health services,so the aim of psychiatric nursing interventions can be achieved optimally either in hospital or in the community. The family is also expected to enhance its function and continue to provide motivation and encouragement for patients so that patients can re-socialize and productive, return to normal for the field work
Pengaruh Kemiringan Lahan dan Mucuna Bracteata terhadap Aliran Permukaan dan Erosi di PT Perkebunan Nusantara V Kebun Lubuk Dalam
One of the problems that became a threat to the sustainability of the ecosystem and the balance of the farm is land degradation caused by soil erosion due to rains. Elevation and topography that concerns with the land slope also gives effect to the surface run off rate and erosion. The use of Mucuna bracteata became one of efforts to address land degradation due to surface run off and soil erosion. This research uses Split Plot Design where the land slope as the main plots and the use of Mucuna bracteata swath as sub plots. The main plots consists of 3 levels namely land slope 0 - 8%, land slope 8 - 15% and land slope 15 - 25%, whereas the sub plots consists of 2 levels, namely the use of Mucuna bracteata and without the use of Mucuna bracteata. Research results show that the land slope and the use of Mucuna bracteata effects surface run off and erosion. Significantly the existence interaction between the land slope with the use of Mucuna bracteata. The positive correlation between the intensity of rain with surface run off, and surface run off with erosion
Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat pada Pelayanan Kantor Kecamatan di Surakarta, Indonesia
This study aims to observe the index of public service satisfaction and to determine the factors that affect the level of community satisfaction in Surakarta District Office (SDO). The use of questionnaire, interview, and direct observation have been carried out for data collection. There were 150 respondents who have experience with the service of SDO. The variables are include the satisfaction of the public, tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and certainty, as well as empathy. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) are performed to analyze the multiple linear regression. This study finds that the Community Satisfaction Index Service is well regarded by the people of Surakarta. It shows that five independent variables (i.e. tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and certainty, as well as empathy) have a significant impact to satisfaction. People assess that the public service in Surakarta district had been good. However, the government is expected to improve the quality of public service in the the district Office since good service followed by the increase of community satisfaction.Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana layanan Indeks Kepuasan Pelayanan Masyarakat dan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan masyarakat di kantor Kota Surakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner, wawancara dan observasi langsung dengan jumlah 150 responden. Variabel yang digunakan dalam studi ini meliputi kepuasan masyarakat, nyata, reliabilitas, responsif, jaminan dan kepastian, serta empati. Metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS) digunakan untuk menganalisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa lima variabel independen, yaitu, nyata, reliabilitas, responsif, jaminan dan kepastian, serta empati berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel dependen adalah kepuasan. Masyarakat menilai bahwa pelayanan publik di jajaran Kota telah baik. Namun, pemerintah diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan publik di jajaran layanan kantor karena pelayanan yang baik diikuti dengan peningkatan kepuasan masyarakat
Proses Suksesi dan Performa Paska Suksesi pada Perusahaan Keluarga (Studi Deskriptif pada PT. Panca Duta Buana)
Dalam Perusahaan keluarga suksesi merupakan isu yang sangat penting dan harus diperhatikan untuk kelangsungan suatu Perusahaan keluarga. PT. Panca Duta Buana adalah Perusahaan keluarga yang bergerak dalam bidang bisnis persewaan alat-alat berat berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas bagaimana proses suksesi dan performa paska suksesi yang terjadi pada PT. Panca Duta Buana. Penelitian proses suksesi yang terjadi pada PT. Panca Duta Buana menggunakan analisa deskriptif pada empat tahapan yaitu perencanaan suksesi, proses transisi, transfer modal dan kepemilikan, yang terakhir performa paska suksesi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam perencanaan suksesi pada PT. Panca Duta Buana terdapat fakta bahwa program pendidikan formal suksesor tidak sesuai dengan bidang bisnis Perusahaan keluarga yang bergerak dalam bidang alat-alat berat, dan suksesor tidak memiliki pengalaman kerja di luar Perusahaan dan performa paska suksesi yang terjadi pada PT. Panca Duta Buana berjalan efektif dengan penilaian dari performa dimensi keluarga, performa dimensi keuangan, dan tiga pola yang menyebabkan suksesi menjadi tidak efekti
Tinjauan Hukum Program Nasional Agraria Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo
BPN is an institution that is authorized to perform the duties of government land,among others implement acceleration land registration. Based on GovernmentRegulation No. 24/1997 concerning PRONA (national programe) policies, namelyproviding land registration services and legal certainty as to realize the achievement ofchess orderly land sector. If Government Regulation No. 24/1997 implemented properly,it will provide legal certainty, that the rule of law: land rights holders; lay of the land;acreage and others. Completeness and actual information on every subject in the landregistration law, it will be easier to take legal actions against the parcel of land that hasbeen registered
Pengendalian Sel Biofilm Bakteri Patogen Oportunistik dengan Panas dan Klorin
Opportunistic pathogenic bacteria are bacteria that are naturally not present in an environment that, but it dues to contamination of the environment by human waste. From previous research it was found E. coli, Staphylococcus sp. and Salmonella were opportunistic pathogens of the shrimp aquaculture (Percut, Pantai Labu, Pantai Cermin). The aims of this study is to know the ability of these bacteria to form biofilms as well as its control using chlorine and heat. In order to test the ability of the bacteria to form biofilms, the stainless steel have been soaked in SWC media for 1, 3, 6 days. E. coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus sp. may form biofilms on incubation of the 1st day but the highest growth was on the 6th day of incubation by E. coli with a 6,35 x 104 CFU/SS, whereas of the lowest biofilm number was found in Salmonella with a 0,28 x 104 CFU/SS. The number of biofilm cells grow in line with a length of incubation. In this research, the most effective concentration of chlorine to kill biofilm cell was 225 ppm for 2 minutes and heat was 100 0C for 5 minutes. The higher the concentration of chlorine and the temperature given more effective to kill the bacteria
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