375 research outputs found

    Evolution of Fermion Pairing from Three to Two Dimensions

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    We follow the evolution of fermion pairing in the dimensional crossover from 3D to 2D as a strongly interacting Fermi gas of 6^6Li atoms becomes confined to a stack of two-dimensional layers formed by a one-dimensional optical lattice. Decreasing the dimensionality leads to the opening of a gap in radio-frequency spectra, even on the BCS-side of a Feshbach resonance. The measured binding energy of fermion pairs closely follows the theoretical two-body binding energy and, in the 2D limit, the zero-temperature mean-field BEC-BCS theory.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-Injection Spectroscopy of a Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gas

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    The coupling of the spin of electrons to their motional state lies at the heart of recently discovered topological phases of matter. Here we create and detect spin-orbit coupling in an atomic Fermi gas, a highly controllable form of quantum degenerate matter. We reveal the spin-orbit gap via spin-injection spectroscopy, which characterizes the energy-momentum dispersion and spin composition of the quantum states. For energies within the spin-orbit gap, the system acts as a spin diode. To fully inhibit transport, we open an additional spin gap, thereby creating a spin-orbit coupled lattice whose spinful band structure we probe. In the presence of s-wave interactions, such systems should display induced p-wave pairing, topological superfluidity, and Majorana edge states

    Mott Transition and Spin Structures of Spin-1 Bosons in Two-Dimensional Optical Lattice at Unit Filling

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    We study the ground state properties of spin-1 bosons in a two-dimensional optical lattice, by applying a variational Monte Carlo method to the S=1 Bose-Hubbard model on a square lattice at unit filling. A doublon-holon binding factor introduced in the trial state provides a noticeable improvement in the variational energy over the conventional Gutzwiller wave function and allows us to deal effectively with the inter-site correlations of particle densities and spins. We systematically show how spin-dependent interactions modify the superfluid-Mott insulator transitions in the S=1 Bose-Hubbard model due to the interplay between the density and spin fluctuations of bosons. Furthermore, regarding the magnetic phases in the Mott region, the calculated spin structure factor elucidates the emergence of nematic and ferromagnetic spin orders for antiferromagnetic (U2>0U_2>0) and ferromagnetic (U2<0U_2<0) couplings, respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Journal of the Physical Society of Japa

    Single-particle-sensitive imaging of freely propagating ultracold atoms

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    We present a novel imaging system for ultracold quantum gases in expansion. After release from a confining potential, atoms fall through a sheet of resonant excitation laser light and the emitted fluorescence photons are imaged onto an amplified CCD camera using a high numerical aperture optical system. The imaging system reaches an extraordinary dynamic range, not attainable with conventional absorption imaging. We demonstrate single-atom detection for dilute atomic clouds with high efficiency where at the same time dense Bose-Einstein condensates can be imaged without saturation or distortion. The spatial resolution can reach the sampling limit as given by the 8 \mu m pixel size in object space. Pulsed operation of the detector allows for slice images, a first step toward a 3D tomography of the measured object. The scheme can easily be implemented for any atomic species and all optical components are situated outside the vacuum system. As a first application we perform thermometry on rubidium Bose-Einstein condensates created on an atom chip.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures. v2: as publishe

    Hybrid 2D surface trap for quantum simulation

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    We demonstrate a novel optical trapping scheme for ultracold atoms. Using a combination of evanescent wave, standing wave, and magnetic potentials we create a deeply 2D Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) at a few microns from a glass surface. Using techniques such as broadband "white" light to create evanescent and standing waves, we realize a smooth potential with a trap frequency aspect ratio of 300:1:1 and long lifetimes. This makes the setup suitable for many-body quantum simulations and applications such as high precision measurements close to surfaces.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Lattice dynamical signature of charge density wave formation in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x

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    We report a detailed Raman scattering study of the lattice dynamics in detwinned single crystals of the underdoped high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O6+x (x=0.75, 0.6, 0.55 and 0.45). Whereas at room temperature the phonon spectra of these compounds are similar to that of optimally doped YBa2Cu3O6.99, additional Raman-active modes appear upon cooling below ~170-200 K in underdoped crystals. The temperature dependence of these new features indicates that they are associated with the incommensurate charge density wave state recently discovered using synchrotron x-ray scattering techniques on the same single crystals. Raman scattering has thus the potential to explore the evolution of this state under extreme conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Applications of Space Mapping Optimization Technology to Filter Design

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    One of the frontiers that remains in the optimization of large engineering systems is the successful application of optimization procedures in problems where direct optimization is not practical. The recent exploitation of surrogates in conjunction with “true” models, the development of artificial neural network approaches to device modeling and the implementation of space mapping are attempts to address this issue. Our original “Space Mapping” concept, first conceived in 1993, and the subsequent Aggressive Space Mapping approach to engineering design optimization will be discussed, along with new variations. Aggressive space mapping optimization closely follows the traditional experience and intuition of designers. It has been amply demonstrated as a very natural and flexible way of systematically optimizing microwave filters. Space mapping optimization intelligently links companion “coarse” and “fine” models of different complexities, e.g., full-wave electromagnetic simulations and empirical circuit-theory based simulations, to accelerate iterative design optimization of engineering structures. New trust region space mapping optimization algorithms will be mentioned. We briefly review the Expanded Space Mapping Design Framework (ESMDF) concept in which we allow preassigned parameters, not used in optimization, to change in some components of the coarse model. Other recent developments include the introduction of the object oriented SMX system to facilitate implementation of our algorithms in conjunction with certain commercial simulators. Extensive filter design examples complement the presentation.ITESO, A.C

    Topological superfluid of spinless Fermi gases in p-band honeycomb optical lattices with on-site rotation

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    In this paper, we put forward to another route realizing topological superfluid (TS). In contrast to conventional method, spin-orbit coupling and external magnetic field are not requisite. Introducing an experimentally feasible technique called on-site rotation (OSR) into p-band honeycomb optical lattices for spinless Fermi gases and considering CDW and pairing on the same footing, we investigate the effects of OSR on superfluidity. The results suggest that when OSR is beyond a critical value, where CDW vanishes, the system transits from a normal superfluid (NS) with zero TKNN number to TS labeled by a non-zero TKNN number. In addition, phase transitions between different TS are also possible
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