87 research outputs found

    Angular Conductance Resonances of Quantum Dots Non-Collinearly Coupled to Ferromagnetic Leads

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    The zero bias conductance of quantum dots coupled to ferromagnetic leads is investigated. In the strong coupling regime, it is found that the conductance is a non-monotonic function of the angle between the magnetisation directions in the two contacts. This behaviour is an effect of the presence of the leads which induces an angle dependent spin split of the quantum dot states, and spin flip transitions between the quantum dot states whenever the magnetisation directions of the leads are non-collinear which enhances the current density at the chemical potential. In the weak coupling regime, the system reverts to normal spin valve character.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Europhysics Letters (accepted

    Calculation of atomic spontaneous emission rate in 1D finite photonic crystal with defects

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    We derive the expression for spontaneous emission rate in finite one-dimensional photonic crystal with arbitrary defects using the effective resonator model to describe electromagnetic field distributions in the structure. We obtain explicit formulas for contributions of different types of modes, i.e. radiation, substrate and guided modes. Formal calculations are illustrated with a few numerical examples, which demonstrate that the application of effective resonator model simplifies interpretation of results.Comment: Cent. Eur. J. Phys, in pres

    Relativistic, QED, and nuclear mass effects in the magnetic shielding of 3^3He

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    The magnetic shielding σ\sigma of 3^3He is studied. The complete relativistic corrections of order O(α2)O(\alpha^2), leading QED corrections of order O(α3lnα)O(\alpha^3 \ln\alpha), and finite nuclear mass effects of order O(m/mN)O(m/m_{\rm N}) are calculated with high numerical precision. The resulting theoretical predictions for σ=59.967 43(10)106\sigma = 59.967~43(10)\cdot 10^{-6} are the most accurate to date among all elements and support the use of 3^3He as a NMR standard.Comment: 10 pages, corrected minor errors in Eqs.(6,7

    Transient heat generation in a quantum dot under a step-like pulse bias

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    We study the transient heat generation in a quantum dot system driven by a step-like or a square-shaped pulse bias. We find that a periodically oscillating heat generation arises after adding the sudden bias. One particularly surprising result is that there exists a heat absorption from the zero-temperature phonon subsystem. Thus the phonon population in non-equilibrium can be less than that of the equilibrium electron-phonon system. In addition, we also ascertain the optimal conditions for the operation of a quantum dot with the minimum heat generation.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Indium rich InGaN solar cells grown by MOCVD

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    This study focuses on both epitaxial growths of InxGa 1-xN epilayers with graded In content, and the performance of solar cells structures grown on sapphire substrate by using metal organic chemical vapor deposition. The high resolution X-ray and Hall Effect characterization were carried out after epitaxial InGaN solar cell structures growth. The In content of the graded InGaN layer was calculated from the X-ray reciprocal space mapping measurements. Indium contents of the graded InGaN epilayers change from 8.8 to 7.1 % in Sample A, 15.7-7.1 % in Sample B, and 26.6-15.1 % in Sample C. The current voltage measurements of the solar cell devices were carried out after a standard micro fabrication procedure. Sample B exhibits better performance with a short-circuit current density of 6 mA/cm2, open-circuit voltage of 0.25 V, fill factor of 39.13 %, and the best efficiency measured under a standard solar simulator with one-sun air mass 1.5 global light sources (100 mW/cm2) at room temperature for finished devices was 0.66 %. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Spintronic transport and Kondo effect in quantum dots

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    We investigate the spin-dependent transport properties of quantum-dot based structures where Kondo correlations dominate the electronic dynamics. The coupling to ferromagnetic leads with parallel magnetizations is known to give rise to nontrivial effects in the local density of states of a single quantum dot. We show that this influence strongly depends on whether charge fluctuations are present or absent in the dot. This result is confirmed with numerical renormalization group calculations and perturbation theory in the on-site interaction. In the Fermi-liquid fixed point, we determine the correlations of the electric current at zero temperature (shot noise) and demonstrate that the Fano factor is suppressed below the Poissonian limit for the symmetric point of the Anderson Hamiltonian even for nonzero lead magnetizations. We discuss possible avenues of future research in this field: coupling to the low energy excitations of the ferromagnets (magnons), extension to double quantum dot systems with interdot antiferromagnetic interaction and effect of spin-polarized currents on higher symmetry Kondo states such as SU(4).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Proceedings of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Physics and Applications of Spin-Related Phenomena in Semiconductors, Santa Barbara, 200