9,925 research outputs found

    Light-like Signals in General relativity and Cosmology

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    The modelling of light-like signals in General Relativity taking the form of impulsive gravitational waves and light-like shells of matter is examined. Systematic deductions from the Bianchi identities are made. These are based upon Penrose's hierarchical classification of the geometry induced on the null hypersurface history of the surface by its imbedding in the space-times to the future and to the past of it. The signals are not confined to propagate in a vacuum and thus their interaction with matter (a burst of radiation propagating through a cosmic fluid, for example) is also studied. Results are accompanied by illustrative examples using cosmological models, vacuum space-times, the de sitter univers and Minkowskian space-time.Comment: 21 pages, latex, no figure

    Results of the Mariner 6 and 7 Mars occultation experiments

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    Final profiles of temperature, pressure, and electron density on Mars were obtained for the Mariner 6 and 7 entry and exit cases, and results are presented for both the lower atmosphere and ionosphere. The results of an analysis of the systematic and formal errors introduced at each stage of the data-reduction process are also included. At all four occulation points, the lapse rate of temperature was subdadiabatic up to altitudes in excess of 20 km. A pronounced temperature inversion was present above the surface at the Mariner 6 exit point. All four profiles exhibit a sharp, superadiabatic drop in temperature at high altitudes, with temperatures falling below the frost point of CO2. These results give a strong indication of frozen CO2 in the middle atmosphere of Mars

    A Snapshot of J. L. Synge

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    A brief description is given of the life and influence on relativity theory of Professor J. L. Synge accompanied by some technical examples to illustrate his style of work

    Gravitational Waves from Mesoscopic Dynamics of the Extra Dimensions

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    Recent models which describe our world as a brane embedded in a higher dimensional space introduce new geometrical degrees of freedom: the shape and/or size of the extra dimensions, and the position of the brane. These modes can be coherently excited by symmetry breaking in the early universe even on ``mesoscopic'' scales as large as 1 mm, leading to detectable gravitational radiation. Two sources are described: relativistic turbulence caused by a first-order transition of a radion potential, and Kibble excitation of Nambu-Goldstone modes of brane displacement. Characteristic scales and spectral properties are estimated and the prospects for observation by LISA are discussed. Extra dimensions with scale between 10 \AA and 1 mm, which enter the 3+1-D era at cosmic temperatures between 1 and 1000 TeV, produce backgrounds with energy peaked at observed frequencies in the LISA band, between 10110^{-1} and 10410^{-4} Hz. The background is detectable above instrument and astrophysical foregrounds if initial metric perturbations are excited to a fractional amplitude of 10310^{-3} or more, a likely outcome for the Nambu-Goldstone excitations.Comment: Latex, 5 pages, plus one figure, final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Space missions to detect the cosmic gravitational-wave background

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    It is thought that a stochastic background of gravitational waves was produced during the formation of the universe. A great deal could be learned by measuring this Cosmic Gravitational-wave Background (CGB), but detecting the CGB presents a significant technological challenge. The signal strength is expected to be extremely weak, and there will be competition from unresolved astrophysical foregrounds such as white dwarf binaries. Our goal is to identify the most promising approach to detect the CGB. We study the sensitivities that can be reached using both individual, and cross-correlated pairs of space based interferometers. Our main result is a general, coordinate free formalism for calculating the detector response that applies to arbitrary detector configurations. We use this general formalism to identify some promising designs for a GrAvitational Background Interferometer (GABI) mission. Our conclusion is that detecting the CGB is not out of reach.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, IOP style, References Adde

    Peeling properties of lightlike signals in General Relativity

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    The peeling properties of a lightlike signal propagating through a general Bondi-Sachs vacuum spacetime and leaving behind another Bondi-Sachs vacuum space-time are studied. We demonstrate that in general the peeling behavior is the conventional one which is associated with a radiating isolated system and that it becomes unconventional if the asymptotically flat space-times on either side of the history of the light-like signal tend to flatness at future null infinity faster than the general Bondi-Sachs space-time. This latter situation occurs if, for example, the space-times in question are static Bondi-Sachs space- times.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2

    Consistency of dust solutions with div H=0

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    One of the necessary covariant conditions for gravitational radiation is the vanishing of the divergence of the magnetic Weyl tensor H_{ab}, while H_{ab} itself is nonzero. We complete a recent analysis by showing that in irrotational dust spacetimes, the condition div H=0 evolves consistently in the exact nonlinear theory.Comment: 3 pages Revte

    The Impact of Atmospheric Fluctuations on Degree-scale Imaging of the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    Fluctuations in the brightness of the Earth's atmosphere originating from water vapor are an important source of noise for ground-based instruments attempting to measure anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background. This paper presents a model for the atmospheric fluctuations and derives simple expressions to predict the contribution of the atmosphere to experimental measurements. Data from the South Pole and from the Atacama Desert in Chile, two of the driest places on Earth, are used to assess the level of fluctuations at each site.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, appears in The Astrophysical Journa

    Causality Problem in a Holographic Dark Energy Model

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    In the model of holographic dark energy, there is a notorious problem of circular reasoning between the introduction of future event horizon and the accelerating expansion of the universe. We examine the problem after dividing into two parts, the causality problem of the equation of motion and the circular logic on the use of the future event horizon. We specify and isolate the root of the problem from causal equation of motion as a boundary condition, which can be determined from the initial data of the universe. We show that there is no violation of causality if it is defined appropriately and the circular logic problem can be reduced to an initial value problem.Comment: 5 page