506 research outputs found

    The Method of Applied Systems Analysis

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    The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis is preparing a "Handbook of Systems Analysis," which will appear in three volumes: Volume 1, "Overview," is aimed at a widely varied audience of producers and users of systems analysis; Volume 2, "Methods," is aimed at systems analysts who need basic knowledge of methods in which they are not expert; the volume contains introductory overviews of such methods; Volume 3, "Cases," contains descriptions of actual systems analyses that illustrate the methods and diversity of systems analysis. Volume 1 will have ten chapters: 1) The context, nature, and use of systems analysis; 2) Applied systems analysis: a genetic approach; 3) Examples of systems analysis; 4) The method of applied systems analysis: finding a solution; 5) Formulating problems for systems analysis; 6) Generating alternatives for systems analysis; 7) Estimating and predicting consequences; 8) Guidance for decision; 9) Implementation; 10) Principles of good practice. To these ten chapters will be added a glossary of systems analysis terms and a bibliography of basic books in the field. This Working Paper is the current draft of Chapter 4. A word about the format of this Working Paper. In order to make the text of each chapter easily amended, it has been entered into the IIASA computer, from which the current version can be reproduced in a few minute's time whenever needed. This Working Paper was produced from the version current on the date shown on each page

    Electrodeposited inorganic separators for alkaline batteries

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    Coating electrodes of silver-cadmium cells with thermostable electrodeposits of calcium hydroxide or magnesium hydroxide reduces silver migration and increases cell life. Absence of organic matter enables assembled cells to be sterilized without oxidation of the material of the separators

    The Comprehensive County Water Planning Process in South Central Minnesota

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    ABS~CT-Development of co_unt)_\u27 comprehensi~e water plans is underway in a majority of Minnesota counties as a result of recent leg1slat1on. The planning process requires the fashioning of new relationships and r~les for local and st~te _government, agen\u27:Y personnel, and interdisciplinary technical teams. Early water planning efforts reve~I. s1gmfi~ant problerI:s with the adequacy and applicability of existing water resources da~. Assessment of e1t1Zen attitudes regarding water resource issues was found necessary to link support with policy and develop public education activities. Analysis of water resources data combined with citizen and stat~ agency attitudes has enabled counties in south central Minnesota to formulate goals and objectives for ~helf county !=\u27.!ans. County water resources management committees are currently formalizing strategies and 1mplementa~10n models t? effectuate pla~ goals and objectives. The process of developing county c~mprehens1ve ~ter plans in south central Minnesota has led to the preliminary conclusions that the process will beco1:1e ongoing_after pla_ns are firs~ adopted and that the relationships oflocal government, state agencies and technical professionals will evolve into a more constructive partnership for the benefit of water resources

    Association of Aquatic Insects to Macrophytes in an Agricultural Drainage Ditch

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    The aquatic insects associated with five species of aquatic macrophytes were collected and identified from a drainage ditch in Le Suer County. A total of 21,160 specimens from eight orders were recovered with Diptera being the dominant. Tests of association, using the Coefficient of Community and Percent Similarity revealed a unique community associated with Potamogeton nodosus. Further, the authors found that the same information generated from the study could have been accomplished without the detailed taxonomy

    Quantum theory of impact ionization in coherent high-field semiconductor transport

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    Generation of carriers in semiconductors by impact ionization is studied under the influence of a constant, arbibrarily high electric field. Using the density-matrix approach a system of equations for the coherent dynamics of electrons and holes in the presence of impact ionization and Auger recombination is derived, which extends the semiconductor Bloch equations by the inclusion of impact-ionization density-correlation functions as additional dynamic variables. From these equations we recover the pure (Zener) and the photon-induced (Franz-Keldysh) carrier tunneling rate and derive an expression for the field-assisted impact-ionization scattering rate. Different levels of approximation of the kinetic equations are discussed. It is shown that in contrast to the semiclassical treatment in the presence of an electric field, a fixed impact-ionization threshold does no longer exist, and the impact-ionization scattering rate is drastically enhanced around the semiclassical threshold by the intracollisional field effect. The close connection of field-assisted impact ionization to the Franz-Keldysh effect is emphasized

    Studies of the use of high-temperature nuclear heat from an HTGR for hydrogen production

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    The results of a study which surveyed various methods of hydrogen production using nuclear and fossil energy are presented. A description of these methods is provided, and efficiencies are calculated for each case. The process designs of systems that utilize the heat from a general atomic high temperature gas cooled reactor with a steam methane reformer and feed the reformer with substitute natural gas manufactured from coal, using reforming temperatures, are presented. The capital costs for these systems and the resultant hydrogen production price for these cases are discussed along with a research and development program

    Quantum theory of impact ionization in coherent high-field semiconductor transport

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    Generation of carriers in semiconductors by impact ionization is studied under the influence of a constant, arbibrarily high electric field. Using the density-matrix approach a system of equations for the coherent dynamics of electrons and holes in the presence of impact ionization and Auger recombination is derived, which extends the semiconductor Bloch equations by the inclusion of impact-ionization density-correlation functions as additional dynamic variables. From these equations we recover the pure (Zener) and the photon-induced (Franz-Keldysh) carrier tunneling rate and derive an expression for the field-assisted impact-ionization scattering rate. Different levels of approximation of the kinetic equations are discussed. It is shown that in contrast to the semiclassical treatment in the presence of an electric field, a fixed impact-ionization threshold does no longer exist, and the impact-ionization scattering rate is drastically enhanced around the semiclassical threshold by the intracollisional field effect. The close connection of field-assisted impact ionization to the Franz-Keldysh effect is emphasized

    Handbook of Systems Analysis: Volume 1. Overview. Chapter 4. The Methods of Applied Systems Analysis: An Introductory Overview

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    The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis is preparing a Handbook of Systems Analysis, which will appear in three volumes: Volume 1: Overview is aimed at a widely varied audience of producers and users of systems analysis studies. Volume 2: Methods is aimed at systems analysts and other members of systems analysis teams who need basic knowledge of methods in which they are not expert; this volume contains introductory overviews of such methods. Volume 3: Cases contains descriptions of actual systems analyses that illustrate the diversity of the contexts and methods of systems analysis. Drafts of the material for Volume 1 are being widely circulated for comment and suggested improvement. This Working Paper is the current draft of Chapter 4. Correspondence is invited. Volume 1 will consist of the following ten chapters: 1. The context, nature, and use of systems analysis 2. The genesis of applied systems analysis; 3. Examples of applied systems analysis 4. The methods of applied systems analysis: An introduction and overview 5. Formulating problems for systems analysis 6. Objectives, constraints, and alternatives 7. Predicting the consequences: Models and modeling 8. Guidance for decision 9. Implementation 10. The practice of applied systems analysis To these ten chapters will be added a glossary of systems analysis terms and a bibliography of basic works in the field

    A Sample Glossary of Systems Analysis

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    Every activity -- and systems analysis is no exception tends to develop its own vocabulary. Indeed, systems analysis, because of its interdisciplinary nature, has been more prone than most not only to invent new words for new concepts but also -- and more often -- to borrow established terms from the disciplines it employs and to change their meaning, sometimes slightly, sometimes grossly, sometimes inconsistently. The result of this can be confusion, misunderstanding, and failure of communication. This glossary is an attempt at resolving part of the ambiguity. The glossary, as it stands now, is tentative. It has been prepared for the preliminary version of the Handbook of Applied Systems Analysis, and the terms included are those used in the Handbook
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