31 research outputs found

    Multisensory effects on somatosensation: a trimodal visuo-vestibular-tactile interaction

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    Vestibular information about self-motion is combined with other sensory signals. Previous research described both visuo-vestibular and vestibular-tactile bilateral interactions, but the simultaneous interaction between all three sensory modalities has not been explored. Here we exploit a previously reported visuo-vestibular integration to investigate multisensory effects on tactile sensitivity in humans. Tactile sensitivity was measured during passive whole body rotations alone or in conjunction with optic flow, creating either purely vestibular or visuo-vestibular sensations of self-motion. Our results demonstrate that tactile sensitivity is modulated by perceived self-motion, as provided by a combined visuo-vestibular percept and not by the visual and vestibular cues independently. We propose a hierarchical multisensory interaction that underpins somatosensory modulation: visual and vestibular cues are first combined to produce a multisensory self-motion percept. Somatosensory processing is then enhanced according to the degree of perceived self-motion

    Cortical areas activated by bilateral galvanic vestibular stimulation.

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    International audienceThe brain areas activated by bilateral galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) were studied using functional magnetic resonance imaging. In six human volunteers, GVS led to activation in the region of the temporoparietal junction, the central sulcus, and the anterior interior intraparietal sulcus, which may correspond to macaque areas PIVC, 3aV, and 2v, respectively. In addition, activation was found in premotor regions of the frontal lobe, presumably analogous to areas 6pa and 8a in the monkey. Since these areas were not detected in previous studies using caloric vestibular stimulation, they could be related to the modulation of otolith afferent activity by GVS. However, the simple paradigm used did not allow separation of the otolithic and semicircular canal effects of GVS. Further studies must be performed to clarify the question of cortical representation of the otolithic information in the human and monkey brain

    How the vestibular system modulates tactile perception in normal subjects: a behavioural and physiological study

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    Caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) is a physiological technique demonstrated to transiently improve hemianaesthesia in right brain-damaged patients (Bottini et al. in Exp Brain Res 99(1):164–169, 1994, Nature 376:778–781, 1995, Neurology 65(8):1278–1283, 2005). Recent studies suggest that these effects are based on the anatomical overlapping between vestibular and tactile projections (Bottini et al. in Nature 376:778–781, 1995) in the human brain. However, much less is known about behavioural effects of this manipulation on normal subjects. We aimed to explore tactile perception during left ear CVS in normal subjects. We administered seventeen right-handed normal subjects with different types of tactile stimuli (above and below threshold) during left ear CVS. To further ensure standardized procedure, tactile stimulation was delivered through a tool-developed ad hoc for the experiment. The experiment was divided in 3 conditions: (1) Baseline, (2) PostCVS and (3) Delayed CVS. We found a main effect of stimulus type (F (2,32) = 907.712; P = 0.000) and condition (F (2,32) = 55.505; P = 0.000). Moreover, post hoc comparisons revealed that below threshold stimuli are most affected by CVS (t (16) = −11.213; P = 0.000). Left ear CVS modulates tactile perception also in normal subjects. Moreover, this modulation seems to be selective for below threshold stimuli and not caused by attentive processes. A multisensory phenomenon is possibly the best explanation for this interaction between touch and vestibular systems, corroborated also by the anatomical evidence and by the previous knowledge about interaction with the environment