296 research outputs found

    Speed of Sound, Density, and Related Thermodynamic Excess Properties of Binary Mixtures of 2-Pyrrolidone and N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone with Acetonitrile and Chloroform

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    © 2016 American Chemical Society.Densities and speeds of sound were measured for binary mixtures of 2-pyrrolidone or N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone with acetonitrile or chloroform at temperatures of (293.15 to 323.15) K and at atmospheric pressure, with uncertainties of 0.5 kg·m-3 and 0.5 m·s-1, respectively. From the measured speeds and densities, isentropic compressibilities and molar excesses of volume, isentropic compression, and thermal expansion were calculated. All of the excesses are negative, which is due to the geometries of the molecules and changes in the hydrogen bonding upon mixing. In the simplest case of the N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone + acetonitrile system, the negative excesses result only from the different sizes of the molecules because the components are incapable of forming either self- or cross-associates. For the other systems, the net effects of the formation and/or dissociation of the hydrogen bonds lead to bigger negative excesses of molar volume and thermal expansion. The negative excesses of compression are probably caused mainly by filling of the gaps between the big lactam molecules with the smaller acetonitrile or chloroform molecules, while the formation of the hydrogen-bonded cross-associates plays a minor role

    RiPKI: The Tragic Story of RPKI Deployment in the Web Ecosystem

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    Previous arXiv version of this paper has been published under the title "When BGP Security Meets Content Deployment: Measuring and Analysing RPKI-Protection of Websites", Proc. of Fourteenth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets), New York:ACM, 2015Previous arXiv version of this paper has been published under the title "When BGP Security Meets Content Deployment: Measuring and Analysing RPKI-Protection of Websites", Proc. of Fourteenth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets), New York:ACM, 2015Web content delivery is one of the most important services on the Internet. Access to websites is typically secured via TLS. However, this security model does not account for prefix hijacking on the network layer, which may lead to traffic blackholing or transparent interception. Thus, to achieve comprehensive security and service availability, additional protective mechanisms are necessary such as the RPKI, a recently deployed Resource Public Key Infrastructure to prevent hijacking of traffic by networks. This paper argues two positions. First, that modern web hosting practices make route protection challenging due to the propensity to spread servers across many different networks, often with unpredictable client redirection strategies, and, second, that we need a better understanding why protection mechanisms are not deployed. To initiate this, we empirically explore the relationship between web hosting infrastructure and RPKI deployment. Perversely, we find that less popular websites are more likely to be secured than the prominent sites. Worryingly, we find many large-scale CDNs do not support RPKI, thus making their customers vulnerable. This leads us to explore business reasons why operators are hesitant to deploy RPKI, which may help to guide future research on improving Internet security

    Electrochemical Treatment of Mixed and Hazardous Waste

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    Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and The University of New Mexico are jointly developing an electrochemical process for treating hazardous and radioactive wastes. The wastes treatable by the process include toxic metal solutions, cyanide solutions, and various organic wastes that may contain chlorinated organic compounds. The main component of the process is a stack of electrolytic cells with peripheral equipment such as a rectifier, feed system, tanks with feed and treated solutions, and a gas-venting system. During the treatment, toxic metals are deposited on the cathode, cyanides are oxidized on the anode, and organic compounds are anodically oxidized by direct or mediated electrooxidation, depending on their type. Bench scale experimental studies have confirmed the feasibility of applying electrochemical systems to processing of a great variety of hazardous and mixed wastes. The operating parameters have been defined for different waste compositions using surrogate wastes. Mixed wastes are currently treated at bench scale as part of the treatability study

    Positive and Negative Contributions in the Solvation Enthalpy due to Specific Interactions in Binary Mixtures of C1-C4 n -Alkanols and Chloroform with Butan-2-one

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    © 2015 American Chemical Society. In the paper, results of calorimetric measurements, IR spectra, and calculated ab initio stabilization energies of dimers are reported for binary systems butan-2-one + (methanol, ethanol, propan-1-ol, butan-1-ol, and chloroform). Changes in the total enthalpy of specific interactions due to dissolution of butan-2-one in the alcohols, calculated using equations derived in previous works, are positive. That results from the endothermic breaking of the O-H···O-H bonds not completely compensated by the exothermic effects of formation of the O-H···O - C ones. Moreover, the concentration of nonbonded molecules of butan-2-one is significant even in dilute solutions, as is evidenced by the shape of the C - O stretching vibrations band in the IR spectra. Apart from that, the spectra do not confirm 1:2 complexes in spite of two lone electron pairs in the carbonyl group of butan-2-one capable of forming the hydrogen bonds. The changes in enthalpy of specific interactions are negative for dilute solutions of alcohols and chloroform in butan-2-one and of butan-2-one in chloroform, because no hydrogen bonds occur in pure butan-2-one. The experimental results are positively correlated with the enthalpies estimated from the ab initio energies using a simple chemical reaction approach

    Speed of sound, density, and related thermodynamic excess properties of binary mixtures of butan-2-one with C1-C4 n-alkanols and chloroform

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    © 2014 American Chemical Society. Densities and speeds of sound were measured for binary mixtures of butan-2-one with methanol, propan-1-ol, butan-1-ol, and chloroform at temperatures of 293.15-323.15 K and at atmospheric pressure, with the uncertainties of 0.05 kg·m-3 and 0.5 m·s-1, respectively. The molar excesses of volume, isentropic compression, and thermal expansion were calculated for those systems from the measured speeds and densities and for the mixture of butan-2-one with ethanol from the data reported in the literature. The negative excess volumes for the mixtures with alcohols decrease with the elongation of the hydrocarbon chain, and they eventually become positive for propan-1-ol and butan-1-ol at higher temperatures. That probably reflects the vanishing difference in size of the molecules in the mixture. The excess volume of butan-2-one + chloroform is close to that of butan-2-one + methanol. The excess expansion of butan-2-one + chloroform is negative, and it is positive for butan-2-one + alcohols, while the excess compression isotherms are approximately mirror images of those of the excess expansion. That results probably from the counteracting effects of temperature and pressure on the aggregation due to hydrogen bonds.(Graph Presented)

    Hydrogen-bonded aggregates in the mixtures of piperidine with water: Thermodynamic, SANS and theoretical studies

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    © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Structures resembling semiclathrates probably arise in liquid aqueous solutions of piperidine at the amine mole fraction below 0.03. With the increasing concentration, the structures gradually decay, but the 1:1 complexes of piperidine with water remain linked one to another through the OH⋯O bonds between the hydration water molecules. A periodic order of the bicontinuous microemulsion type occurs in the range of the mole fractions from 0.08 to 0.5. In the piperidine-rich mixtures, the 1:1 complexes are dispersed uniformly in the amine. Relatively low stabilization energy of these complexes probably causes that piperidine is totally miscible with water

    Dollar Works 2: Impact Evaluation Summary

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    This is the summary report. The full report is also available.This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu.Dollar Works 2 education is effective for money behaviors, financial satisfaction, and access to financial information when delivered in a sixhour dosage. The impact evaluation study was with community participants who are considered high risk in the financial education field. If financial education can be effective for this population, it will be effective with groups that have fewer problems and tend to seek solutions to their financial issues. This study was conducted during a time that the economic environment was difficult for many people including these who participated in the study. Dollar Works 2 is a personal financial education program developed by the University of Minnesota Extension