294 research outputs found

    Silicate Emission in the TW Hydrae Association

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    The TW Hydrae Association is the nearest young stellar association. Among its members are HD 98800, HR 4796A, and TW Hydrae itself, the nearest known classical T Tauri star. We have observed these three stars spectroscopically between 3 and 13 microns. In TW Hya the spectrum shows a silicate emission feature that is similar to many other young stars with protostellar disks. The 11.2 micron feature indicative of significant amounts of crystalline olivine is not as strong as in some young stars and solar system comets. In HR 4796A, the thermal emission in the silicate feature is very weak, suggesting little in the way of (small silicate) grains near the star. The silicate band of HD 98800 (observed by us but also reported by Sylvester and Skinner (1996)) is intermediate in strength between TW Hya and HR 4796.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, LaTeX2e and AAS LaTeX macros v5.0. Accepted for publication in A

    A Keplerian Disk around the Herbig Ae star HD169142

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    We present Submillimeter Array observations of the Herbig Ae star HD169142 in 1.3 millimeter continuum emission and 12CO J=2-1 line emission at 1.5 arcsecond resolution that reveal a circumstellar disk. The continuum emission is centered on the star position and resolved, and provides a mass estimate of about 0.02 solar masses for the disk. The CO images show patterns in position and velocity that are well matched by a disk in Keplerian rotation with low inclination to the line-of-sight. We use radiative transfer calculations based on a flared, passive disk model to constrain the disk parameters by comparison to the spectral line emission. The derived disk radius is 235 AU, and the inclination is 13 degrees. The model also necessitates modest depletion of the CO molecules, similar to that found in Keplerian disks around T Tauri stars.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted by A

    SPH modelling of companion-perturbed AGB outflows including a new morphology classification scheme

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    CONTEXT: Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are known to lose a significant amount of mass by a stellar wind, which controls the remainder of their stellar lifetime. High angular-resolution observations show that the winds of these cool stars typically exhibit mid- to small-scale density perturbations such as spirals and arcs, believed to be caused by the gravitational interaction with a (sub-)stellar companion. AIMS: We aim to explore the effects of the wind-companion interaction on the 3D density and velocity distribution of the wind, as a function of three key parameters: wind velocity, binary separation and companion mass. For the first time, we compare the impact on the outflow of a planetary companion to that of a stellar companion. We intend to devise a morphology classification scheme based on a singular parameter. METHODS: We ran a small grid of high-resolution polytropic models with the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) numerical code PHANTOM to examine the 3D density structure of the AGB outflow in the orbital and meridional plane and around the poles. By constructing a basic toy model of the gravitational acceleration due to the companion, we analysed the terminal velocity reached by the outflow in the simulations. RESULTS: We find that models with a stellar companion, large binary separation and high wind speed obtain a wind morphology in the orbital plane consisting of a single spiral structure, of which the two edges diverge due to a velocity dispersion caused by the gravitational slingshot mechanism. In the meridional plane the spiral manifests itself as concentric arcs, reaching all latitudes. When lowering the wind velocity and/or the binary separation, the morphology becomes more complex: in the orbital plane a double spiral arises, which is irregular for the closest systems, and the wind material gets focussed towards the orbital plane, with the formation of an equatorial density enhancement (EDE) as a consequence. Lowering the companion mass from a stellar to a planetary mass, reduces the formation of density perturbations significantly. CONCLUSIONS: With this grid of models we cover the prominent morphology changes in a companion-perturbed AGB outflow: slow winds with a close, massive binary companion show a more complex morphology. Additionally, we prove that massive planets are able to significantly impact the density structure of an AGB wind. We find that the interaction with a companion affects the terminal velocity of the wind, which can be explained by the gravitational slingshot mechanism. We distinguish between two types of wind focussing to the orbital plane resulting from distinct mechanisms: global flattening of the outflow as a result of the AGB star’s orbital motion and the formation of an EDE as a consequence of the companion’s gravitational pull. We investigate different morphology classification schemes and uncover that the ratio of the gravitational potential energy density of the companion to the kinetic energy density of the AGB outflow yields a robust classification parameter for the models presented in this paper

    Cometary Dust in the Debris Disks of HD 31648 and HD 163296: Two ``Baby'' beta Pics

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    The debris disks surrounding the pre-main sequence stars HD 31648 and HD 163296 were observed spectroscopically between 3 and 14 microns. Both possess a silicate emission feature at 10 microns which resembles that of the star beta Pictoris and those observed in solar system comets. The structure of the band is consistent with a mixture of olivine and pyroxene material, plus an underlying continuum of unspecified origin. The similarity in both size and structure of the silicate band suggests that the material in these systems had a processing history similar to that in our own solar system prior to the time that the grains were incorporated into comets.Comment: 17 pages, AASTeX, 5 eps figures, accepted for publication in Ap.

    SPH modelling of wind-companion interactions in eccentric AGB binary systems

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    The late evolutionary stages of low- and intermediate-mass stars are characterised by mass loss through a dust-driven stellar wind. Recent observations reveal complex structures within these winds, that are believed to be formed primarily via interaction with a companion. How these complexities arise, and which structures are formed in which type of systems, is still poorly understood. Particularly, there is a lack of studies investigating the structure formation in eccentric systems. We aim to improve our understanding of the wind morphology of eccentric AGB binary systems by investigating the mechanism responsible for the different small-scale structures and global morphologies that arise in a polytropic wind with different velocities. Using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code Phantom, we generate nine different high-resolution, 3D simulations of an AGB star with a solar-mass companion with various wind velocity and eccentricity combinations. The models assume a polytropic gas, with no additional cooling. We conclude that for models with a high wind velocity, the short interaction with the companion results in a regular spiral morphology, that is flattened. In the case of a lower wind velocity, the stronger interaction results in the formation of a high-energy region and bow-shock structure that can shape the wind into an irregular morphology if instabilities arise. High-eccentricity models show a complex, phase-dependent interaction leading to wind structures that are irregular in three dimensions. However, the significant interaction with the companion compresses matter into an equatorial density enhancement, irrespective of eccentricity.Comment: 23 pages, 22 figure

    IRS Spectra of Solar-Type Stars: \break A Search for Asteroid Belt Analogs

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    We report the results of a spectroscopic search for debris disks surrounding 41 nearby solar type stars, including 8 planet-bearing stars, using the {\it Spitzer Space Telescope}. With accurate relative photometry using the Infrared Spectrometer (IRS) between 7-34 \micron we are able to look for excesses as small as ∌\sim2% of photospheric levels with particular sensitivity to weak spectral features. For stars with no excess, the 3σ3\sigma upper limit in a band at 30-34 ÎŒ\mum corresponds to ∌\sim 75 times the brightness of our zodiacal dust cloud. Comparable limits at 8.5-13 ÎŒ\mum correspond to ∌\sim 1,400 times the brightness of our zodiacal dust cloud. These limits correspond to material located within the <<1 to ∌\sim5 AU region that, in our solar system, originates from debris associated with the asteroid belt. We find excess emission longward of ∌\sim25 ÎŒ\mum from five stars of which four also show excess emission at 70 ÎŒ\mum. This emitting dust must be located around 5-10 AU. One star has 70 micron emission but no IRS excess. In this case, the emitting region must begin outside 10 AU; this star has a known radial velocity planet. Only two stars of the five show emission shortward of 25 \micron where spectral features reveal the presence of a population of small, hot dust grains emitting in the 7-20 ÎŒ\mum band. The data presented here strengthen the results of previous studies to show that excesses at 25 \micron and shorter are rare: only 1 star out of 40 stars older than 1 Gyr or ∌2.5\sim 2.5% shows an excess. Asteroid belts 10-30 times more massive than our own appear are rare among mature, solar-type stars

    The Detection of Crystalline Silicates in Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    Silicates are an important component of interstellar dust and the structure of these grains -- amorphous versus crystalline -- is sensitive to the local physical conditions. We have studied the infrared spectra of a sample of ultra-luminous infrared galaxies. Here, we report the discovery of weak, narrow absorption features at 11, 16, 19, 23, and 28 microns, characteristic of crystalline silicates, superimposed on the broad absorption bands at 10 and 18 microns due to amorphous silicates in a subset of this sample. These features betray the presence of forsterite (Mg_2SiO_4), the magnesium-rich end member of the olivines. Previously, crystalline silicates have only been observed in circumstellar environments. The derived fraction of forsterite to amorphous silicates is typically 0.1 in these ULIRGs. This is much larger than the upper limit for this ratio in the interstellar medium of the Milky Way, 0.01. These results suggest that the timescale for injection of crystalline silicates into the ISM is short in a merger-driven starburst environment (e.g., as compared to the total time to dissipate the gas), pointing towards massive stars as a prominent source of crystalline silicates. Furthermore, amorphization due to cosmic rays, which is thought to be of prime importance for the local ISM, lags in vigorous starburst environments.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    MAGRITTE, a modern software library for 3D radiative transfer - II. Adaptive ray-tracing, mesh construction, and reduction

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    Radiative transfer is a notoriously difficult and computationally demanding problem. Yet, it is an indispensable ingredient in nearly all astrophysical and cosmological simulations. Choosing an appropriate discretization scheme is a crucial part of the simulation, since it not only determines the direct memory cost of the model but also largely determines the computational cost and the achievable accuracy. In this paper, we show how an appropriate choice of directional discretization scheme as well as spatial model mesh can help alleviate the computational cost, while largely retaining the accuracy. First, we discuss the adaptive ray-tracing scheme implemented in our 3D radiative transfer library MAGRITTE, that adapts the rays to the spatial mesh and uses a hierarchical directional discretization based on HEALPIX. Second, we demonstrate how the free and open-source software library GMSH can be used to generate high-quality meshes that can be easily tailored for MAGRITTE. In particular, we show how the local element size distribution of the mesh can be used to optimize the sampling of both analytically and numerically defined models. Furthermore, we show that when using the output of hydrodynamics simulations as input for a radiative transfer simulation, the number of elements in the input model can often be reduced by an order of magnitude, without significant loss of accuracy in the radiation field. We demonstrate this for two models based on a hierarchical octree mesh resulting from adaptive mesh refinement, as well as two models based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics data

    The circumstellar disc around the Herbig AeBe star HD169142

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    We present 7 mm and 3.5 cm wavelength continuum observations toward the Herbig AeBe star HD169142 performed with the Very Large Array (VLA) with an angular resolution of ~1". We find that this object exhibits strong (~4.4 mJy), unresolved (~1") 7 mm continuum emission, being one of the brightest isolated Herbig AeBe stars ever detected with the VLA at this wavelength. No emission is detected at 3.5 cm continuum, with a 3 sigma upper limit of ~0.08 mJy. From these values, we obtain a spectral index of ~2.5 in the 3.5 cm to 7 mm wavelength range, indicating that the observed flux density at 7mm is most likely dominated by thermal dust emission coming from a circumstellar disc. We use available photometric data from the literature to model the spectral energy distribution (SED) of this object from radio to near-ultraviolet frequencies. The observed SED can be understood in terms of an irradiated accretion disc with low mass accretion rate, 10^{-8} solar masses per year, surrounding a star with an age of ~10 Myr. We infer that the mass of the disc is ~0.04 solar masses, and is populated by dust grains that have grown to a maximum size of 1 mm everywhere, consistent with the lack of silicate emission at 10 microns. These features, as well as indications of settling in the wall at the dust destruction radius, led us to speculate the disc of HD169142 is in an advanced stage of dust evolution, particularly in its inner regions.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    H_2 Emission From Disks Around Herbig Ae and T Tauri Stars

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    We present the initial results of a deep ISO-SWS survey for the low J pure rotational emission lines of H2 toward a number of Herbig Ae and T Tauri stars. The objects are selected to be as isolated as possible from molecular clouds, with a spectral energy distribution characteristic of a circumstellar disk. For most of them the presence of a disk has been established directly by millimeter interferometry. The S (1) line is detected in most sources with a peak flux of 0.3-1 Jy. The S(0) line is definitely seen in 2 objects: GG Tau and HD 163296. The observations suggest the presence of "warm" gas at T_(kin) ≈ 100 K with a mass of a few % of the total gas+ dust mass, derived assuming a gas-to-dust ratio of 100:1. The S(1) peak flux does not show a strong correlation with spectral type of the central star or continuum flux at 1.3 millimeter. Possible origins for the warm gas seen in H_2 are discussed, and comparisons with model calculations are made
