3,616 research outputs found

    Line strength variations in beta Cephei

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    The line strength variations of the resonance line of C IV (1550A, 2s 2S - 2P) observed by OAO-2 were confirmed by IUE observations. In addition, the NV resonance line (1204A, 2s 2S - 2P), the Si III line (1206A, 3p 1P-1D, multiplet 11) and the Si IV resonance line (1395A, 3s 2S - 2P) all vary in line strength essentially in phase with the C IV variation. The (preliminary) period of the variation is 6.02/12.04 days

    Numerical modelling of the classical nova outburst

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    A mechanism is described that promises to explain how nova outbursts take place on white dwarf of 1 solar mass or less and for accretion rates of 4 x 10 to the -10 solar mass/yr or greater

    Studies of hydrodynamic events in stellar evolution. 3: Ejection of planetary nebulae

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    The dynamic behavior of the H-rich envelope (0.101 solar mass) of an evolved star (1.1 solar mass) as the luminosity rises to 19000 solar luminosity during the second ascent of the red giant branch. For luminosities in the range 3100 L 19000 solar luminosity the H-rich envelope pulsates like a long-period variable (LPV) with periods of the order of a year. As L reaches 19000 solar luminosity, the entire H-rich envelope is ejected as a shell with speeds of a few 10 km/s. The ejection occurs on a timescale of a few LPV pulsation periods. This ejection is associated with the formation of a planetary nebula. The computations are based on an implicit hydrodynamic computer code. T- and RHO-dependent opacities and excitation and ionization energies are included. As the H-rich envelope is accelerated off the stellar core, the gap between envelope and core is approximated by a vacuum, filled with radiation. Across the vacuum, the luminosity is conserved and the anisotropy of the radiation is considered as well as the solid angle subtended by the remnant star at the inner surface of the H-rich envelope. Spherical symmetry and the diffusion approximation are assumed

    CNO abundances and hydrodynamic models of the Nova outbursts. 4: Comparison with observations

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    A variety of observations of novae are discussed in light of theoretical models. It is proposed that the nearly constant bolometric luminosity of FH Ser originates in the non-degenerate hydrogen-burning region at the bottom of the hydrogen-rich envelope which remains after the primary ejection. The shift of the wavelength of peak emission from the visual to shortward of the ultraviolet is caused by the decrease of the photospheric radius of the remnant envelope as the bolometric luminosity stays nearly constant. The oscillations in the light curve of GK Per during the transition stage can be explained by a pulsation of the remnant envelope when it is the size of the Roche lobe. The CNO over-abundances in novae reported by various observers are strongly suggestive of this nova mechanism. Finally, the implications of the upper limits of C-13 and N-15 in DQ Her are discussed

    Hydrodynamic models for novae with ejecta rich in oxygen, neon and magnesium

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    The characteristics of a new class of novae are identified and explained. This class consists of those objects that have been observed to eject material rich in oxygen, neon, magnesium, and aluminum at high velocities. We propose that for this class of novae the outburst is occurring not on a carbon-oxygen white dwarf but on an oxygen-neon-magnesium white dwarf which has evolved from a star which had a main sequence mass of approx. 8 solar masses to approx. 12 solar masses. An outburst was simulated by evolving 1.25 solar mass white dwarfs accreting hydrogen rich material at various rates. The effective enrichment of the envelope by ONeMg material from the core is simulated by enhancing oxygen in the accreted layers. The resulting evolutionary sequences can eject the entire accreted envelope plus core material at high velocities. They can also become super-Eddington at maximum bolometric luminosity. The expected frequency of such events (approx. 1/4) is in good agreement with the observed numbers of these novae

    A burst from a thermonuclear runaway on an ONeMg white dwarf

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    Studies which examine the consequences of accretion, at rates of 10(exp -9) solar mass/yr and 10(exp -10) solar mass/yr, onto an ONeMg white dwarf with a mass of 1.35 solar masses are performed. In these studies, a Lagrangian, hydrodynamic, one-dimensional computer code was used. The code now includes a network with 89 nuclei up to Ca-40, elemental diffusion, new opacities, and new equation of state. The initial abundance distribution corresponded to a mixture that was enriched to either 25, 50, or 75 percent in products of carbon burning. The remaining material in each case is assumed to have a solar composition. The evolution of the thermonuclear runaway in the 1.35 solar mass white dwarf, with M = 10(exp -9) solar mass, produced peak temperatures in the shell source exceeding 300 million degrees. The sequence produced significant amounts of Na-22 from proton captures onto Ne-20 and significant amounts of Al-26 from proton captures on Mg-24. This sequence ejected 5.2 x 10(exp -6) solar mass moving with speeds from approximately 100 km/s to 2300 km/s. When the mass accretion rate was decreased to 10(exp -10) solar mass, the resulting thermonuclear runaway produced a shock that moved through the outer envelope of the white dwarf and raised the surface luminosity to L greater than 10(exp 7) solar luminosity and the effective temperature to values exceeding 10(exp 7) K. The interaction of the material expanding from off of the white dwarf with the accretion disk should produce a burst of gamma-rays

    The Effects of Changes in Reaction Rates on Simulations of Nova Explosions

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    Classical novae participate in the cycle of Galactic chemical evolution in which grains and metal enriched gas in their ejecta, supplementing those of supernovae, AGB stars, and Wolf-Rayet stars, are a source of heavy elements for the ISM. Once in the diffuse gas, this material is mixed with the existing gases and then incorporated into young stars and planetary systems during star formation. Infrared observations have confirmed the presence of carbon, SiC, hydrocarbons, and oxygen-rich silicate grains in nova ejecta, suggesting that some fraction of the pre-solar grains identified in meteoritic material come from novae. The mean mass returned by a nova outburst to the ISM probably exceeds ~2 x 10^{-4} Solar Masses. Using the observed nova rate of 35 per year in our Galaxy, it follows that novae introduce more than ~7 x 10^{-3} Solar Masses per year of processed matter into the ISM. Novae are expected to be the major source of 15N and 17O in the Galaxy and to contribute to the abundances of other isotopes in this atomic mass range. Here, we report on how changes in the nuclear reaction rates affect the properties of the outburst and alter the predictions of the contributions of novae to Galactic chemical evolution. We also discuss the necessity of including the pep reaction in studies of thermonuclear runaways in material accreted onto white dwarfs.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, as it appeared in the Proceedings of the Tours 2006 Symposium on Nuclear Physic

    Will Jets Identify the Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae?

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    We use the fact that a Type Ia supernova has been serendipitously discovered near the jet of the active galaxy 3C 78 to examine the question of whether jets can enhance accretion onto white dwarfs. One interesting outcome of such a jet-induced accretion process is an enhanced rate of novae in the vicinity of jets. We present results of observations of the jet in M87 which appear to have indeed discovered 11 novae in close proximity to the jet. We show that a confirmation of the relation between jets and novae and Type Ia supernovae can finally identify the elusive progenitors of Type Ia supernovae.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Thermonuclear runaways in thick hydrogen rich envelopes of neutron stars

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    A Lagrangian, fully implicit, one dimensional hydrodynamic computer code was used to evolve thermonuclear runaways in the accreted hydrogen rich envelopes of 1.0 Msub solar neutron stars with radii of 10 km and 20 km. Simulations produce outbursts which last from about 750 seconds to about one week. Peak effective temeratures and luninosities were 26 million K and 80 thousand Lsub solar for the 10 km study and 5.3 millison and 600 Lsub solar for the 20 km study. Hydrodynamic expansion on the 10 km neutron star produced a precursor lasting about one ten thousandth seconds

    Numerical simulation of the magnetospheric gate model for X-ray bursters

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    A Lagrangian, fully implicit, one dimensional hydrodynamic computer code was used to investigate the evolution of a gas cloud impacting the surface of a 20 km, 1 Msub solar neutron star. This gas is initially at rest with respect to the surface of the neutron star, extends to 185 km above the surface, and is optically thick. The infall results in a burst which lasts about 0.1 seconds and reached a peak luminosity and effective temperature of 240,000 Lsub solar and 9 million; respectively. The burst was followed by a phase of oscillations with a period 0.2 seconds
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