420 research outputs found

    Risk assessment of lifting operations at the construction site

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    В статье проводится оценка риска при работе с грузоподъёмными механизмами на строительной площадке. Применение новой методики оценки риска, которая учитывает тяжесть вреда от воздействия опасности, вероятность возникновения, опыт компаний, длительность воздействия и вероятность невыполнения мероприятий позволил провести расчёт величины риска и выявить слабые стороны работы с грузоподъёмными механизмами на строительной площадке. Для выявленных опасностей были рекомендованы мероприятия по повышению безопасности при эксплуатации грузоподъемных механизмов.The article reviews the calculation of the risk during the operation of lifting mechanisms at the construction site. The use of a new risk assessment methodology, which takes into account the severity of harm from the impact of the hazard, the likelihood of occurrence, the experience of companies, the duration of exposure and the likelihood of non-compliance with measures, made it possible to calculate the magnitude of the risk and identify weaknesses in working with lifting mechanisms at the construction site. For the identified hazards, measures were recommended to improve safety during the operation of hoisting mechanisms

    Lipid-Based Passivation in Nanofluidics

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    Stretching DNA in nanochannels is a useful tool for direct, visual studies of genomic DNA at the single molecule level. To facilitate the study of the interaction of linear DNA with proteins in nanochannels, we have implemented a highly effective passivation scheme based on lipid bilayers. We demonstrate virtually complete long-term passivation of nanochannel surfaces to a range of relevant reagents, including streptavidin-coated quantum dots, RecA proteins, and RecA-DNA complexes. We show that the performance of the lipid bilayer is significantly better than that of standard bovine serum albumin-based passivation. Finally, we show how the passivated devices allow us to monitor single DNA cleavage events during enzymatic degradation by DNase I. We expect that our approach will open up for detailed, systematic studies of a wide range of protein-DNA interactions with high spatial and temporal resolution

    The DINGO dataset: a comprehensive set of data for the SAMPL challenge

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    Part of the latest SAMPL challenge was to predict how a small fragment library of 500 commercially available compounds would bind to a protein target. In order to assess the modellers’ work, a reasonably comprehensive set of data was collected using a number of techniques. These included surface plasmon resonance, isothermal titration calorimetry, protein crystallization and protein crystallography. Using these techniques we could determine the kinetics of fragment binding, the energy of binding, how this affects the ability of the target to crystallize, and when the fragment did bind, the pose or orientation of binding. Both the final data set and all of the raw images have been made available to the community for scrutiny and further work. This overview sets out to give the parameters of the experiments done and what might be done differently for future studies

    Mineral chemistry of igneous melanite garnets from analcite-bearing volcanic rocks, Alberta, Canada

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    The mineral chemistry of melanite garnets from the Crowsnest volcanic rocks of SW Alberta, Canada, has been investigated by using electron microprobe scans, quantitative analyses and multivariate statistical analysis. The garnets occur with aegirine-augite, sanidine, analcite and rare plagioclase as phenocrysts in trachyte and phonolite flows, agglomerates and tuffs. Wavelength dispersive microprobe scans reveal complex zonation patterns, both normal and oscillatory. The results of fifty quantitative analyses were subjected to R-mode factor analysis to delineate the chemical exchanges producing the zonation. The chemical zonation of the garnets may be attributed to four independent binary exchanges; Al-Fe3+, Si-Ti, Ca-Mn and Mg-Fe2+. The stoichiometry of these garnets, based on microprobe and wet chemical Fe analyses, combined with the strongly antithetic behavior of Si and Ti lead us to infer that the Ti in these garnets is dominantly tetravalent. It is clear from this study that quantitative modelling of the processes of crystal growth and zonation of melanite garnets in alkaline, undersaturated igneous rocks should be aimed at simulating the four chemical exchanges listed above

    Health Industries in the Twentieth Century. Introduction

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    This article is the introduction to the special issue' Health Industries in the Twentieth Century'. It offers a broad literature review of scholarly works about the history of health and medicine, and stresses the opportunities for business historians to tackle the field of healthcare

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide in Context

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    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide has been an issue of national public health and mental health concern for only one decade, having increased dramatically from levels that were very low in the late 1980s to levels of young adult male suicide that are now substantially higher than for the non-indigenous population. In this review the authors socially and historically contextualize these changes, identifying the causal frameworks adopted in developing interventions, and present an explanation in narrative and pictorial form that draws on critical family-centered trauma

    Comparing the health of low income and less well educated groups in the United States and Canada

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A limited number of health status and health-related quality of life (HRQL) measures have been used for inter-country comparisons of population health. We compared the health of Canadians and Americans using a preference-based measure.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health (JCUSH) 2002–03 conducted a comprehensive cross-sectional telephone survey on the health of community-dwelling residents in Canada and the US (n = 8688). A preference-based measure, the Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI3), was included in the JCUSH. Health status was analyzed for the entire population and white population only in both countries. Mean HUI3 overall scores were compared for both countries. A linear regression determinants of health model was estimated to account for differences in health between Canada and the US. Estimation with bootstraps was used to derive variance estimates that account for the survey's complex sampling design of clustering and stratification.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Income is associated with health in both countries. In the lowest income quintile, Canadians are healthier than Americans. At lower levels of education, again Canadians are healthier than Americans. Differences in health among subjects in the JCUSH are explained by age, gender, education, income, marital status, and country of residence.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>On average, population health in Canada and the US is similar. However, health disparities between Canadians and Americans exist at lower levels of education and income with Americans worse off. The results highlight the usefulness of continuous preference-based measures of population health such as the HUI3.</p

    The State Socialist Mortality Syndrome

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    Death rates for working-age men in European state socialist countries deviated from general improvements in survival observed in the rest of Europe during the 20th century. The magnitude of structural labor force changes across countries correlates with lagged increases in death rates for men in the working ages. This pattern is consistent with a hypothesis that hyper-development of heavy industry and stagnation (even contraction) of the service sector created anomic conditions leading to unhealthy lifestyles and self-destructive behavior among men moving from primary-sector to secondary-sector occupations. Occupational contrasts within countries similarly show concentration of rising male death rates among blue collar workers. Collapse of state socialist systems produced rapid corrections in labor force structure after 1990, again correlated with a fading of the state socialist mortality syndrome in following decades