488 research outputs found

    Nuclear star cluster formation in energy-space

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    In a virialized stellar system, the mean-square velocity is a direct tracer of the energy per unit mass of the system. Here, we exploit this to estimate and compare root-mean-square velocities for a large sample of nuclear star clusters and their host (late- or early-type) galaxies. Traditional observables, such as the radial surface brightness and second-order velocity moment profiles, are subject to short-term variations due to individual episodes of matter infall and/or star formation. The total mass, energy and angular momentum, on the other hand, are approximately conserved. Thus, the total energy and angular momentum more directly probe the formation of galaxies and their nuclear star clusters, by offering access to more fundamental properties of the nuclear cluster-galaxy system than traditional observables. We find that there is a strong correlation, in fact a near equality, between the root-mean-square velocity of a nuclear star cluster and that of its host. Thus, the energy per unit mass of a nuclear star cluster is always comparable to that of its host galaxy. We interpret this as evidence that nuclear star clusters do not form independently of their host galaxies, but rather that their formation and subsequent evolution are coupled. We discuss how our results can potentially be used to offer a clear and observationally testable prediction to distinguish between the different nuclear star cluster formation scenarios, and/or quantify their relative contributions.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    The reverberation signatures of rotating disc winds in active galactic nuclei

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    The broad emission lines (BELs) in active galactic nuclei (AGN) respond to ionizing continuum variations. The time and velocity dependence of their response depends on the structure of the broad-line region: its geometry, kinematics and ionization state. Here, we predict the reverberation signatures of BELs formed in rotating accretion disc winds. We use a Monte Carlo radiative transfer and ionization code to predict velocity-delay maps for representative high- (C IV~IV) and low-ionization (Hα\alpha) emission lines in both high- and moderate-luminosity AGN. Self-shielding, multiple scattering and the ionization structure of the outflows are all self-consistently taken into account, while small-scale structure in the outflow is modelled in the micro-clumping approximation. Our main findings are: (1) The velocity-delay maps of smooth/micro-clumped outflows often contain significant negative responses. (2)~The reverberation signatures of disc wind models tend to be rotation dominated and can even resemble the classic "red-leads-blue" inflow signature. (3) Traditional "blue-leads-red" outflow signatures can usually only be observed in the long-delay limit. (4) Our models predict lag-luminosity relationships similar to those inferred from observations, but systematically underpredict the observed centroid delays. (5) The ratio between "virial product" and black hole mass predicted by our models depends on viewing angle. Our results imply that considerable care needs to be taken in interpreting data obtained by observational reverberation mapping campaigns. In particular, basic signatures such as "red-leads-blue", "blue-leads-red" and "blue and red vary jointly" are not always reliable indicators of inflow, outflow or rotation. This may help to explain the perplexing diversity of such signatures seen in observational campaigns to date.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, 2 tables. Accepted by MNRAS 20/7/201

    Discovery of 15-second oscillations in Hubble Space Telescope observations of WZ Sagittae following the 2001 outburst

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    We report the discovery of 15-s oscillations in ultraviolet observations of WZ Sge obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope approximately one month after the peak of the 2001 outburst. This is the earliest detection of oscillations in WZ Sge following an outburst and the first time that a signal near 15 s has been seen to be dominant. The oscillations are quite strong (amplitude about 5%), but not particularly coherent. In one instance, the oscillation period changed by 0.7 s between successive observations separated by less than 1 hour. We have also found evidence for weaker signals with periods near 6.5 s in some of our data. We discuss the implications of our results for the models that have been proposed to account for the 28-s oscillations seen in quiescence. If the periods of the 15-s oscillations can be identified with the periods of revolution of material rotating about the white dwarf, the mass of the white dwarf must satisfy M_WD > 0.71 M_sun. The corresponding limit for the 6.5-s signals is M_WD > 1.03 M_sun.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ Letters; 13 pages, 4 postscript figures; new version corrects a few typos and matches version that will appear in ApJ

    Simultaneous X-ray and Ultraviolet Observations of the SW Sextantis Star DW Ursae Majoris

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    We present the first pointed X-ray observation of DW Ursae Majoris, a novalike cataclysmic variable (CV) and one of the archetype members of the SW Sextantis class, obtained with the XMM-Newton satellite. These data provide the first detailed look at an SW Sex star in the X-ray regime (with previous X-ray knowledge of the SW Sex stars limited primarily to weak or non-detections in the ROSAT All Sky Survey). It is also one of only a few XMM-Newton observations (to date) of any high mass transfer rate novalike CV, and the only one in the evolutionarily important 3-4 hr orbital period range. The observed X-ray spectrum of DW UMa is very soft, with ~95% of the detected X-ray photons at energies <2 keV. The spectrum can be fit equally well by a one-component cooling flow model, with a temperature range of 0.2-3.5 keV, or a two-component, two-temperature thermal plasma model, containing hard (~5-6 keV) and soft (~0.8 keV) components. The X-ray light curve of DW UMa shows a likely partial eclipse, implying X-ray reprocessing in a vertically extended region, and an orbital modulation, implying a structural asymmetry in the X-ray reprocessing site (e.g., it cannot be a uniform corona). We also obtained a simultaneous near-ultraviolet light curve of DW UMa using the Optical Monitor on XMM-Newton. This light curve is similar in appearance to published optical-UV light curves of DW UMa and shows a prominent deep eclipse. Regardless of the exact nature of the X-ray reprocessing site in DW UMa, the lack of a prominent hard X-ray total eclipse and very low fraction of high energy X-rays point to the presence of an optically and geometrically thick accretion disk that obscures the boundary layer and modifies the X-ray spectrum emitted near the white dwarf

    Разработка лабораторного стенда-макета автоматической системы регулирования системы отопления двухэтажного здания

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    Цель работы – создание комплекта проектной и конструкторской документации на разрабатываемый лабораторный стенд-макет автоматической системы регулирования системы отопления двухэтажного здания, позволяющий обучать студентов в области регулирования системы отопления. Объектом регулирования является макет здания, состоящего из двух этажей. Первый этаж включает в себя два помещения, второй – одно. В качестве теплоносителя используется вода. Основными преимуществами разработанной системы является ее уникальность среди подобных существующих проектов, а также наличие программно-оперативного комплекса на базе SCADA-системы, ведущего к повышению качества регулирования и быстродействия системы.The aim of the work is to create a set of design and construction documentation for the laboratory stand-prototype of an automatic control system for the heating system of a two-story building, which will allow students to be trained in the field of regulation of the heating system. The object of regulation is the prototype of the building, which consists of two floors. The first floor includes two rooms, the second includes one room. Water is used as a heat conductor. The main advantages of the developed system are its uniqueness among similar existing projects and also the availability of a software-operational complex based on a SCADA system, leading to improved regulation and system response speed

    Testing Hydrodynamic Models of LMC X-4 with UV and X-ray Spectra

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    We compare the predictions of hydrodynamic models of the LMC X-4 X-ray binary system with observations of UV P Cygni lines with the GHRS and STIS spectrographs on the Hubble Space Telescope. The hydrodynamic model determines density and velocity fields of the stellar wind, wind-compressed disk, accretion stream, Keplerian accretion disk, and accretion disk wind. We use a Monte Carlo code to determine the UV P Cygni line profiles by simulating the radiative transfer of UV photons that originate on the star and are scattered in the wind. The qualitative orbital variation predicted is similar to that observed, although the model fails to reproduce the strong orbital asymmetry (the observed absorption is strongest for phi>0.5). The model predicts a mid-eclipse X-ray spectrum, due almost entirely to Compton scattering, with a factor 4 less flux than observed with ASCA. We discuss how the model may need to be altered to explain the spectral variability of the system.Comment: 11 figures, accepted by Ap

    A Self-Occulting Accretion Disk in the SW Sex Star DW UMa

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    We present the ultraviolet spectrum of the SW Sex star and nova-like variable DW UMa in an optical low state, as observed with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The data are well described by a synthetic white dwarf (WD) spectrum with T_eff = 46,000 +/- 1000 K, log g = 7.60 +/- 0.15, v*sin(i) = 370 +/- 100 km/s and Z/Z_solar = 0.47 +/- 0.15. For this combination of T_eff and log g, WD models predict M_WD = 0.48 +/- 0.06 M_solar and R_WD = (1.27 +/- 0.18) * 10^9 cm. Combining the radius estimate with the normalization of the spectral fit, we obtain a distance estimate of d = 830 +/-150 pc. During our observations, DW UMa was approximately 3 magnitudes fainter in V than in the high state. A comparison of our low-state HST spectrum to a high-state spectrum obtained with the International Ultraviolet Explorer shows that the former is much bluer and has a higher continuum level shortward of 1450 A. Since DW UMa is an eclipsing system, this suggests that an optically thick accretion disk rim blocks our view of the WD primary in the high state. If self-occulting accretion disks are common among the SW Sex stars, we can account for (i) the preference for high-inclination systems within the class and (ii) their V-shaped continuum eclipses. Moreover, even though the emission lines produced by a self-obscured disk are generally still double-peaked, they are weaker and narrower than those produced by an unobscured disk. This may allow a secondary line emission mechanism to dominate and produce the single-peaked, optical lines that are a distinguishing characteristic of the SW Sex stars.Comment: 9 pages, including 2 figures; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters; New version matches version in press (footnote added to discussion section; figures now use color

    Hubble Space Telescope Observations of UV Oscillations in WZ Sagittae During the Decline from Outburst

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    We present a time series analysis of Hubble Space Telescope observations of WZ Sge obtained in 2001 September, October, November and December as WZ Sge declined from its 2001 July superoutburst. Previous analysis of these data showed the temperature of the white dwarf decreased from ~29,000 K to ~18,000 K. In this study we binned the spectra over wavelength to yield ultraviolet light curves at each epoch that were then analyzed for the presence of the well-known 27.87 s and 28.96 s oscillations. We detect the 29 s periodicity at all four epochs, but the 28 s periodicity is absent. The origin of these oscillations has been debated since their discovery in the 1970s and competing hypotheses are based on either white dwarf non-radial g-mode pulsations or magnetically-channelled accretion onto a rotating white dwarf. By analogy with the ZZ Ceti stars, we argue that the non-radial g-mode pulsation model demands a strong dependence of pulse period on the white dwarf's temperature. However, these observations show the 29 s oscillation is independent of the white dwarf's temperature. Thus we reject the white dwarf non-radial g-mode pulsation hypothesis as the sole origin of the oscillations. It remains unclear if magnetically-funnelled accretion onto a rapidly rotating white dwarf (or belt on the white dwarf) is responsible for producing the oscillations. We also report the detection of a QPO with period ~18 s in the September light curve. The amplitudes of the 29 s oscillation and the QPO vary erratically on short timescales and are not correlated with the mean system brightness nor with each other.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in Ap