285 research outputs found

    Apoptosis and proliferation in the trigeminal placode

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    The neurogenic trigeminal placode develops from the crescent-shaped panplacodal primordium which delineates the neural plate anteriorly. We show that, in Tupaia belangeri, the trigeminal placode is represented by a field of focal ectodermal thickenings which over time changes positions from as far rostral as the level of the forebrain to as far caudal as opposite rhombomere 3. Delamination proceeds rostrocaudally from the ectoderm adjacent to the rostral midbrain, and contributes neurons to the trigeminal ganglion as well as to the ciliary ganglion/oculomotor complex. Proliferative events are centered on the field prior to the peak of delamination. They are preceded, paralleled and, finally, outnumbered by apoptotic events which proceed rostrocaudally from non-delaminating to delaminating parts of the field. Apoptosis persists upon regression of the placode, thereby exhibiting a massive “wedge” of apoptotic cells which includes the postulated position of the “ventrolateral postoptic placode” (Lee et al. in Dev Biol 263:176–190, 2003), merges with groups of lens-associated apoptotic cells, and disappears upon lens detachment. In conjunction with earlier work (Washausen et al. in Dev Biol 278:86–102, 2005) our findings suggest that apoptosis contributes repeatedly to the disintegration of the panplacodal primordium, to the elimination of subsets of premigratory placodal neuroblasts, and to the regression of placodes

    Quantum spin models with exact dimer ground states

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    Inspired by the exact solution of the Majumdar-Ghosh model, a family of one-dimensional, translationally invariant spin hamiltonians is constructed. The exchange coupling in these models is antiferromagnetic, and decreases linearly with the separation between the spins. The coupling becomes identically zero beyond a certain distance. It is rigorously proved that the dimer configuration is an exact, superstable ground state configuration of all the members of the family on a periodic chain. The ground state is two-fold degenerate, and there exists an energy gap above the ground state. The Majumdar-Ghosh hamiltonian with two-fold degenerate dimer ground state is just the first member of the family. The scheme of construction is generalized to two and three dimensions, and illustrated with the help of some concrete examples. The first member in two dimensions is the Shastry-Sutherland model. Many of these models have exponentially degenerate, exact dimer ground states.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Complete Genome Sequences of Paenibacillus Larvae Phages BN12, Dragolir, Kiel007, Leyra, Likha, Pagassa, PBL1c, and Tadhana

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    We present here the complete genomes of eight phages that infect Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American foulbrood in honeybees. Phage PBL1c was originally isolated in 1984 from a P. larvae lysogen, while the remaining phages were isolated in 2014 from bee debris, honeycomb, and lysogens from three states in the USA

    Elementary excitations in the gapped phase of a frustrated S=1/2 spin ladder: from spinons to the Haldane triplet

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    We use the variational matrix-product ansatz to study elementary excitations in the S=1/2 ladder with additional diagonal coupling, equivalent to a single S=1/2 chain with alternating exchange and next-nearest neighbor interaction. In absence of alternation the elementary excitation consists of two free S=1/2 particles ("spinons") which are solitons in the dimer order. When the nearest-neighbor exchange alternates, the "spinons" are confined into one S=1 excitation being a soliton in the generalized string order. Variational results are found to be in a qualitative agreement with the exact diagonalization data for 24 spins. We argue that such an approach gives a reasonably good description in a wide range of the model parameters.Comment: RevTeX, 13 pages, 11 embedded figures, uses psfig and multico

    An extended massless phase and the Haldane phase in a spin-1 isotropic antiferromagnetic chain

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    We study the phase transition of isotropic spin-1 models in the vicinity of the Uimin-Lai-Sutherland model by using the SU(3)_1 WZW model with certain marginal perturbations. The unstable RG trajectory by a marginally relevant perturbation generates a mass gap for the Haldane phase, and thus the universality class of the transition from the massless phase to the Haldane phase at ULS point becomes the BKT type. Our results support recent numerical studies by F\'ath and S\'olyom. In the massless phase, we calculate logarithmic finite-size corrections of the energy for the SU(\nu)-symmetric and asymmetric models.Comment: 19 pages, RevTe

    Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in the Haldane-Gap Antiferromagnet Ni(C_2_H_8_N_2_)_2_NO_2_(ClO_4_)

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    A new theory is proposed to interpret nuclear spin-lattice relaxation-time (T_1_) measurements on the spin-1 quasi-one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet Ni(C_2_H_8_N_2_)_2_NO_2_(ClO_4_) (NENP). While Sagi and Affleck pioneeringly discussed this subject in terms of field-theoretical languages, there is no theoretical attempt yet to explicitly simulate the novel observations of 1/T_1_ reported by Fujiwara et al.. By means of modified spin waves, we solve the minimum of 1/T_1_ as a function of an applied field, pending for the past decade.Comment: to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 73, No. 4 (2004

    The spectral gap for some spin chains with discrete symmetry breaking

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    We prove that for any finite set of generalized valence bond solid (GVBS) states of a quantum spin chain there exists a translation invariant finite-range Hamiltonian for which this set is the set of ground states. This result implies that there are GVBS models with arbitrary broken discrete symmetries that are described as combinations of lattice translations, lattice reflections, and local unitary or anti-unitary transformations. We also show that all GVBS models that satisfy some natural conditions have a spectral gap. The existence of a spectral gap is obtained by applying a simple and quite general strategy for proving lower bounds on the spectral gap of the generator of a classical or quantum spin dynamics. This general scheme is interesting in its own right and therefore, although the basic idea is not new, we present it in a system-independent setting. The results are illustrated with an number of examples.Comment: 48 pages, Plain TeX, BN26/Oct/9

    Multi-plateau magnetization curves of one-dimensional Heisenberg ferrimagnets

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    Ground-state magnetization curves of ferrimagnetic Heisenberg chains of alternating spins SS and ss are numerically investigated. Calculating several cases of (S,s)(S,s), we conclude that the spin-(S,s)(S,s) chain generally exhibits 2s2s magnetization plateaux even at the most symmetric point. In the double- or more-plateau structure, the initial plateau is generated on a classical basis, whereas the higher ones are based on a quantum mechanism.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures embedded, to appear in Phys. Rev. B 01 August 200

    Genome Sequence of the Model Mushroom Schizophyllum Commune

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    Much remains to be learned about the biology of mushroom-forming fungi, which are an important source of food, secondary metabolites and industrial enzymes. The wood-degrading fungus Schizophyllum commune is both a genetically tractable model for studying mushroom development and a likely source of enzymes capable of efficient degradation of lignocellulosic biomass. Comparative analyses of its 38.5-megabase genome, which encodes 13,210 predicted genes, reveal the species\u27s unique wood-degrading machinery. One-third of the 471 genes predicted to encode transcription factors are differentially expressed during sexual development of S. commune. Whereas inactivation of one of these, fst4, prevented mushroom formation, inactivation of another, fst3, resulted in more, albeit smaller, mushrooms than in the wild-type fungus. Antisense transcripts may also have a role in the formation of fruiting bodies. Better insight into the mechanisms underlying mushroom formation should affect commercial production of mushrooms and their industrial use for producing enzymes and pharmaceuticals