3,056 research outputs found

    Recurrence in generic staircases

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    The straight-line flow on almost every staircase and on almost every square tiled staircase is recurrent. For almost every square tiled staircase the set of periodic orbits is dense in the phase space

    Demagnetization Borne Microscale Skyrmions

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    Magnetic systems are an exciting realm of study that is being explored on smaller and smaller scales. One extremely interesting magnetic state that has gained momentum in recent years is the skyrmionic state. It is characterized by a vortex where the edge magnetic moments point opposite to the core. Although skyrmions have many possible realizations, in practice, creating them in a lab is a difficult task to accomplish. In this work, new methods for skyrmion generation and customization are suggested. Skyrmionic behavior was numerically observed in minimally customized simulations of spheres, hemisphere, ellipsoids, and hemi-ellipsoids, for typ- ical Cobalt parameters, in a range from approximately 40 nm to 120 nm in diameter simply by applying a field

    Continuous Neel to Bloch Transition as Thickness Increases: Statics and Dynamics

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    We analyze the properties of Neel and Bloch domain walls as a function of film thickness h, for systems where, in addition to exchange, the dipole-dipole interaction must be included. The Neel to Bloch phase transition is found to be a second order transition at hc, mediated by a single unstable mode that corresponds to oscillatory motion of the domain wall center. A uniform out-of-plane rf-field couples strongly to this critical mode only in the Neel phase. An analytical Landau theory shows that the critical mode frequency varies as the square root of (hc - h) just below the transition, as found numerically.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Estimating Be Star Disk Radii using H-alpha Emission Equivalent Widths

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    We present numerical models of the circumstellar disks of Be stars, and we describe the resulting synthetic H-alpha emission lines and maps of the wavelength-integrated emission flux projected onto the sky. We demonstrate that there are monotonic relationships between the emission line equivalent width and the ratio of the angular half-width at half maximum of the projected disk major axis to the radius of the star. These relationships depend mainly upon the temperatures of the disk and star, the inclination of the disk normal to the line of sight, and the adopted outer boundary for the disk radius. We show that the predicted H-alpha disk radii are consistent with those observed directly through long baseline interferometry of nearby Be stars (especially once allowance is made for disk truncation in binaries and for dilution of the observed H-alpha equivalent width by continuum disk flux in the V-band).Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, ApJL in pres

    Existence of vertical spin stiffness in Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in ferromagnetic semiconductors

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    We calculate the magnetization torque due to the spin polarization of the itinerant electrons by deriving the kinetic spin Bloch equations based on the ss-dd model. We find that the first-order gradient of the magnetization inhomogeneity gives rise to the current-induced torques, which are consistent to the previous works. At the second-order gradient, we find an effective magnetic field perpendicular to the spin stiffness filed. This field is proportional to the nonadiabatic parameter ÎČ\beta. We show that this vertical spin stiffness term can significantly modify the domain-wall structure in ferromagnetic semiconductors and hence should be included in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in studying the magnetization dynamics.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Influence of topography and Co domain walls on the magnetization reversal of the FeNi layer in FeNi/Al_2\_2O_3\_3/Co magnetic tunnel junctions

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    We have studied the magnetization reversal dynamics of FeNi/Al_2\_2O_3\_3/Co magnetic tunnel junctions deposited on step-bunched Si substrates using magneto-optical Kerr effect and time-resolved x-ray photoelectron emission microscopy combined with x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD-PEEM). Different reversal mechanisms have been found depending on the substrate miscut angle. Larger terraces (smaller miscut angles) lead to a higher nucleation density and stronger domain wall pinning. The width of domain walls with respect to the size of the terraces seems to play an important role in the reversal. We used the element selectivity of XMCD-PEEM to reveal the strong influence of the stray field of domain walls in the hard magnetic layer on the magnetic switching of the soft magnetic layer.Comment: 8 Pages, 7 Figure

    Dynamics of magnetic domain wall motion after nucleation: Dependence on the wall energy

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    The dynamics of magnetic domain wall motion in the FeNi layer of a FeNi/Al2O3/Co trilayer has been investigated by a combination of x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, photoelectron emission microscopy, and a stroboscopic pump-probe technique. The nucleation of domains and subsequent expansion by domain wall motion in the FeNi layer during nanosecond-long magnetic field pulses was observed in the viscous regime up to the Walker limit field. We attribute an observed delay of domain expansion to the influence of the domain wall energy that acts against the domain expansion and that plays an important role when domains are small.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Phase coherent transport in (Ga,Mn)As

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    Quantum interference effects and resulting quantum corrections of the conductivity have been intensively studied in disordered conductors over the last decades. The knowledge of phase coherence lengths and underlying dephasing mechanisms are crucial to understand quantum corrections to the resistivity in the different material systems. Due to the internal magnetic field and the associated breaking of time-reversal symmetry quantum interference effects in ferromagnetic materials have been scarcely explored. Below we describe the investigation of phase coherent transport phenomena in the newly discovered ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As. We explore universal conductance fluctuations in mesoscopic (Ga,Mn)As wires and rings, the Aharonov-Bohm effect in nanoscale rings and weak localization in arrays of wires, made of the ferromagnetic semiconductor material. The experiments allow to probe the phase coherence length L_phi and the spin flip length L_SO as well as the temperature dependence of dephasing.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Ergodic directions for billiards in a strip with periodically located obstacles

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    We study the size of the set of ergodic directions for the directional billiard flows on the infinite band R×[0,h]\R\times [0,h] with periodically placed linear barriers of length 0<λ<h0<\lambda<h. We prove that the set of ergodic directions is always uncountable. Moreover, if λ/h∈(0,1)\lambda/h\in(0,1) is rational the Hausdorff dimension of the set of ergodic directions is greater than 1/2. In both cases (rational and irrational) we construct explicitly some sets of ergodic directions.Comment: The article is complementary to arXiv:1109.458
