7,320 research outputs found

    The gas-liquid chromatograph and the electron capture detection in equine drug testing.

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    Three gas-liquid chromatographic (G.L.C.) procedures discussed have been designed around the four esses of detection tests--speed, sensitivity, simplicity, and specificity. These techniques are admirably applicable to the very low plasma drug levels encountered in blood testing under pre-race conditions. The methods are equally applicable to post-race testing procedures, where both blood and urine samples are tested. Drugs can only rarely be detected by the electron capture detector (E.C.D.) without a prior derivatization step, which conveys to the drug(s) high electron affinity. Because of broad applicability, two derivatizing agents, heptafluorobutyric (HFBA) and pentafluorpropionic (PFPA) anhydrides are employed. The three techniques, allowing broad coverage of various drug classes are: 1) direct derivatization of drugs to form strongly electron capturing amides and esters. 2) reductive fragmentation of drugs with lithium aluminum hydride to form alcohols, with conversion to ester derivatives. 3) oxidative fragmentation of drugs with potassium dichromate to form derivatizable groups, followed by direct derivatization

    Response to the Letter to the Editor

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    This paper has attracted interest around the world from the media (both TV and newspapers). In addition, we have received letters, emails and telephone calls. One of our favorites was a voicemail message asking us to return a call to Australia at which point we would learn who really killed JFK. We welcome the opportunity to respond to the letter to the editor from Mr. Fiorentino. Mr. Fiorentino claims that our ``statement relating to the likelihood of a second assassin based on the premise of three or more separate bullets is demonstrably false.'' In response we would like to simply quote from page 327 of Gerald Posner's book Case Closed, one of the most well known works supporting the single assassin theory: ``If Connally was hit by another bullet, it had to be fired from a second shooter, since the Warren Commission's own reconstructions showed that Oswald could not have operated the bolt and refired in 1.4 seconds.'' Mr. Fiorentino also claims that the ``second fatal flaw is the use of a rather uncomplicated formula based on Bayes Theorem.'' Let EE denote the evidence and TT denote the theory that there were just two bullets (and hence a single shooter). We used Bayes Theorem to hypothetically calculate P(T∣E)P(T|E) from P(E∣T)P(E|T) and the prior probability P(T)P(T). In order to make P(T∣E)P(T|E) ten times more likely than P(Tˉ∣E)P(\bar{T}|E), the ratio of the prior probabilities [i.e., P(T)/P(Tˉ)P(T) / P(\bar{T})] would have to be greater than 15. Thus, we again conclude that this casts serious doubt on Dr. Guinn's conclusion that the evidence supported just two bullets. Sadly, this is far from the first time that probability has been misunderstood and/or misapplied in a case of public interest. A notable British example is the Clark case. See Nobles and Schiff (2005) for details. Finally, we welcome and, in fact, encourage members of the scientific community to provide alternative analyses of the data.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOAS154 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A Flattened Protostellar Envelope in Absorption around L1157

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    Deep Spitzer IRAC images of L1157 reveal many of the details of the outflow and the circumstellar environment of this Class 0 protostar. In IRAC band 4, 8 microns, there is a flattened structure seen in absorption against the background emission. The structure is perpendicular to the outflow and is extended to a diameter of 2 arcminutes. This structure is the first clear detection of a flattened circumstellar envelope or pseudo-disk around a Class 0 protostar. Such a flattened morphology is an expected outcome for many collapse theories that include magnetic fields or rotation. We construct an extinction model for a power-law density profile, but we do not constrain the density power-law index.Comment: ApJL accepte

    Predicted Colors and Flux Densities of Protostars in the Herschel PACS and SPIRE Filters

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    Upcoming surveys with the Herschel Space Observatory will yield far-IR photometry of large samples of young stellar objects, which will require careful interpretation. We investigate the color and luminosity diagnostics based on Herschel broad-band filters to identify and discern the properties of low-mass protostars. We compute a grid of 2,016 protostars in various physical congurations, present the expected flux densities and flux density ratios for this grid of protostars, and compare Herschel observations of three protostars to the model results. These provide useful constraints on the range of colors and fluxes of protostar in the Herschel filters. We find that Herschel data alone is likely a useful diagnostic of the envelope properties of young starsComment: Part of HOPS KP papers to the Herschel special A&A issu

    On the nature of the deeply embedded protostar OMC-2 FIR 4

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    We use mid-infrared to submillimeter data from the Spitzer, Herschel, and APEX telescopes to study the bright sub-mm source OMC-2 FIR 4. We find a point source at 8, 24, and 70 μ\mum, and a compact, but extended source at 160, 350, and 870 μ\mum. The peak of the emission from 8 to 70 μ\mum, attributed to the protostar associated with FIR 4, is displaced relative to the peak of the extended emission; the latter represents the large molecular core the protostar is embedded within. We determine that the protostar has a bolometric luminosity of 37 Lsun, although including more extended emission surrounding the point source raises this value to 86 Lsun. Radiative transfer models of the protostellar system fit the observed SED well and yield a total luminosity of most likely less than 100 Lsun. Our models suggest that the bolometric luminosity of the protostar could be just 12-14 Lsun, while the luminosity of the colder (~ 20 K) extended core could be around 100 Lsun, with a mass of about 27 Msun. Our derived luminosities for the protostar OMC-2 FIR 4 are in direct contradiction with previous claims of a total luminosity of 1000 Lsun (Crimier et al 2009). Furthermore, we find evidence from far-infrared molecular spectra (Kama et al. 2013, Manoj et al. 2013) and 3.6 cm emission (Reipurth et al 1999) that FIR 4 drives an outflow. The final stellar mass the protostar will ultimately achieve is uncertain due to its association with the large reservoir of mass found in the cold core.Comment: Accpeted by ApJ, 17 pages, 11 figure
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